2014 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
The Focuses of Pathology of Electrical Activity of Brain in Assessment of Origin of Syncope
verfasst von : K. Peczalski, T. Palko, D. Wojciechowski, W. Jernajczyk, N. Golnik, Z. Dunajski
Erschienen in: XIII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 2013
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The origin and aetiology of some syncope attacks are still an unsolved issue. The hypothesis of focuses of origin of the syncope is presented in the paper. The results of our syncope study utilizing orthostatic and drug provocation showed: 1. EEG abnormalities prior to the syncope in the left occipital area are observed significantly more frequently than in the right occipital area, 2. Statistically significant differences of the blood flow and hemoglobin concentration in the brain present before and during syncope. The focuses of pathology of electrical activity in the brain common for patients with syncope history and healthy volunteers were found in our study. All published studies up to date were limited by the provoked mechanism of the syncope induction in contrast to the spontaneous syncope. We propose modeling the focuses of syncope origin for clinical verification with high resolution magneto encephalography. High resolution recording of the area of potential focus or focuses of patients with syncope history versus healthy volunteers are proposed as the first stage of model verification. The next step should consist of recording of the area of potential focus or focuses in patients undergoing provocation.