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2024 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

13. The Future of Sketching

verfasst von : Makayla Lewis, Miriam Sturdee

Erschienen in: Sketching in Human Computer Interaction

Verlag: Springer Nature Switzerland

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Whereas the introduction describes our history and current stance on sketching, this chapter explores our future and what the sketch and sketching practice might become. How are computers, AI, and robotics changing the face of image creation, and what areas might come to the fore in the near or far future? We provide a position piece and speculative essay about sketching in computer science, research, and industry, and how sketching practice might evolve. We also invite students to consider their own futures, and how they will use sketching in their professional or future research and learning practice. Have we reached ‘peak’ sketch in human-computer interaction (HCI)? Or are we about to embark on a renaissance, embracing hybrid forms and interdisciplinary collaborations?

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The Future of Sketching
verfasst von
Makayla Lewis
Miriam Sturdee