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2023 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

The Gender Pay Gap in France

verfasst von : Cassidy Caudill, Alice Farruggia, Laura Sonnenholzner, Simon Stobbe, Katharine Wirsching

Erschienen in: The Strategic Management of Place at Work

Verlag: Springer Nature Switzerland

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The present paper analyzes which characteristics, impact factors, and causes favored the emergence of the gender pay gap in France, by shedding light on societal, cultural, and political conditions and aims to provide possible policy approaches to solve the gap. France as a place is of particular interest due to its recent new pay gap measure that shall be introduced by the French government and France’s low position in the global ranking regarding wage equality for similar jobs. Women are paid less, and they get undervalued compared to their male counterparts, who conduct equivalent jobs. Hence, policy interventions, which narrow the gap, are crucial for France’s economy. Other European states, especially Finland and Sweden, which scored best in global comparisons due to their low-gender pay gaps, might serve as case studies and provide transferable strategies for France, such as legislation and pay system adjustments, investment funds, awards, or bonus incentives, to offset gender pay gaps within organizations.

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The Gender Pay Gap in France
verfasst von
Cassidy Caudill
Alice Farruggia
Laura Sonnenholzner
Simon Stobbe
Katharine Wirsching

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