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2023 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

The Impact of Digitalization on Teleworking Communication and Trust in the Post Epidemic Era

verfasst von : Yuejiao Zhao, Menggang Li, Xiaojun Jia, Weizhen Gao, Li Zheng

Erschienen in: IEIS 2022

Verlag: Springer Nature Singapore

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The research topic of this paper mainly focuses on the problem of communication and trust in Chinese enterprises’ telecommuting under the situation of crisis. Through semi-structured interviews with employees of 32 different enterprises during the epidemic isolation period, 290000 Chinese words of text interview data were obtained. With the help of manual analysis and software NVIVO, the grounded theory method was used for multi-stage coding and relationship analysis. We found that unlike virtual teams and temporary organizations, telecommuting required in special environments relies more on past experience, common experience and commitment to tasks in terms of trust.

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The Impact of Digitalization on Teleworking Communication and Trust in the Post Epidemic Era
verfasst von
Yuejiao Zhao
Menggang Li
Xiaojun Jia
Weizhen Gao
Li Zheng
Springer Nature Singapore

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