2025 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
The Impact of SAF on Reducing NOx, SO2, and Non-CO2 Emissions
verfasst von : Mhd Bashar Al Kazzaz, Beneda Károly
Erschienen in: Energy and Sustainable Aviation Fuels Solutions
Verlag: Springer Nature Switzerland
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This research focuses on the non-CO2 benefits of using sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). Because of its potential to reduce air pollution, SAF is gaining traction as a viable alternative to traditional aviation fuels. We explore the impact of SAF deployment on important air pollutants using a thorough literature review and data analysis. SAF adoption demonstrates promising reductions in NOx, SO2, PM, and soot emissions, providing additional advantages to relying more on SAF which helps achieve the EU air quality standards, reduces aviation's environmental effect, and contributes to better air quality and public health.