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2025 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

18. The Importance of Exergy for Sustainability in Aviation

verfasst von : Cengizhan Gök, Umut Çiçek, Selçuk Ekici, Özgür Ballı, T. Hikmet Karakoç

Erschienen in: Energy and Sustainable Aviation Fuels Solutions

Verlag: Springer Nature Switzerland

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The concept of sustainability, as a word meaning, expresses the continuity and permanence of an existing balance. Sustainability can be expressed as a participatory process aiming at the prudent use of the society's economic, social, cultural, scientific, natural and human resources.
Rapid population growth and constantly developing production techniques increase the global energy demand day by day. The sustainability of energy resources is one of the main difficulties that countries have to solve. One of these problems is that traditional energy sources will run out after a certain period of time. The second is that greenhouse gases produced by the burning of fossil resources are among the main causes of global warming and environmental pollution. The third is the expectation that traditional resources will become increasingly inadequate to meet the increasing energy demand due to the developing technology and rapidly increasing population volume due to the limited reserve.
The world's understanding of development has shifted to the use of technology and resources, where energy can be obtained more efficiently and more economically, instead of energy abundance and unlimited consumption. Reducing climate change and global warming forms the basis of this new understanding. Efficient use of energy, ensuring the security of its supply, and access to less polluting and reliable energy sources are the essential elements for sustainable development. The breadth is determined by the density of global energy resources, oil and natural gas.

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Zurück zum Zitat Aydın, H. (2012). Development of exergetic sustainability indicators on commercial PhD thesis Civil Aviation Major Science. Aydın, H. (2012). Development of exergetic sustainability indicators on commercial PhD thesis Civil Aviation Major Science.
Zurück zum Zitat Çengel, Y. A., & Boles, M. A. (1996). Mühendislik yaklaşımıyla termodinamik. Literatür Yayıncılık. Çengel, Y. A., & Boles, M. A. (1996). Mühendislik yaklaşımıyla termodinamik. Literatür Yayıncılık.
The Importance of Exergy for Sustainability in Aviation
verfasst von
Cengizhan Gök
Umut Çiçek
Selçuk Ekici
Özgür Ballı
T. Hikmet Karakoç