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2025 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

The Influence of Human Factors on Adaptive Social Media Cybersecurity Training and Education

verfasst von : Fai Ben Salamah, Marco A. Palomino, Maria Papadaki, Matthew J. Craven, Steven Furnell

Erschienen in: Human Aspects of Information Security and Assurance

Verlag: Springer Nature Switzerland

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Despite the efforts to mitigate the risks posed by social media, no organisation can be completely protected from hackers. Therefore, specialists are increasingly relying on the training and education of the organisations’ workforce to prevent cyberattacks. To investigate the best training strategies available, we have conducted a survey among a large and diverse sample of employees working in various sectors, and we have interviewed people who possess expertise in policymaking and cybersecurity training—either as trainers or trainees. Our analysis reveals that the efficiency of cybersecurity training varies among individuals due to aspects such as motivation, simplicity, the expertise of the trainer, the experience of the trainee, the training environment, customisation, and the delivery methods employed. Moreover, we have concluded that cybersecurity training is contingent upon the trainees’ specific job roles within the organisation. Our findings have the potential to improve cybersecurity training, as well as the productivity of the trainers involved in its development.

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The Influence of Human Factors on Adaptive Social Media Cybersecurity Training and Education
verfasst von
Fai Ben Salamah
Marco A. Palomino
Maria Papadaki
Matthew J. Craven
Steven Furnell