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2020 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

7. The Legal Regime Governing Submarine Telecommunications Cables in the Arctic: Present State and Challenges

verfasst von : Daria Shvets

Erschienen in: Digitalisation and Human Security

Verlag: Springer International Publishing

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Submarine telecommunications cables play a crucial role in the daily data transmission between continents and states. The number of submarine cable systems is increasing worldwide, which underlines their significance in relation to modern communications. Recently, cable networks have reached the Arctic. Several cables have already been laid on the seabed of the Arctic Ocean, and more projects are forthcoming. This chapter examines the general legal regime governing submarine cables under international law, the legislation of the Arctic states regarding submarine cables and the challenges facing the present legal regime applicable to the Arctic in light of current and upcoming submarine cable projects.

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The Legal Regime Governing Submarine Telecommunications Cables in the Arctic: Present State and Challenges
verfasst von
Daria Shvets

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