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2018 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

5. The Refrigerants

verfasst von : Walter Grassi

Erschienen in: Heat Pumps

Verlag: Springer International Publishing

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This chapter is dedicated to the most common fluids used in the current heat pumps’ technology. The main general features and parameters of these refrigerants are illustrated together with the nomenclature adopted for their classification. In particular the properties of some of the most commonly used fluids (both organic and “natural” as carbon dioxide and ammonia) are reported both as diagrams and tables.

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For further details, the interested reader is referred to the sites indicate in each table.
In Wolverine Tube Inc. Data Book III Chap. 16 (http://​www.​wlv.​com/​products2/​databook/​db3/​data/​db3ch16.​pdf) it reads: “the general trends for evaporation of refrigerant-oil mixtures inside plain tubes are: (i) oil increases the local boiling heat transfer coefficient at low to intermediate vapor quality on the order of 10–30%, (ii) this is followed by a sharp reduction by up to −90% at high vapor qualities with respect to pure refrigerant performance. The general trend for micro fin tubes is (i) little (5–10%) or no enhancing effect of the oil on heat transfer at low and medium vapor qualities but sometimes a detrimental influence of as much as −30% and (ii) then a substantial reduction up to −90% at high vapor qualities”. At the moment there are no model explaining this influence at low vapor quality, while at high vapor quality the decrease of the heat transfer coefficient is attributed to the increase of viscosity of the liquid mixture oil-refrigerant.
1 bar = 102 kPa = 0.1 MPa.
Zurück zum Zitat M. A. Kardzieski, Effect of refrigerant oil additive on R134a and R123 boiling heat transfer. Performance and related issue for GSA, NISTIR 7132 US Department of Commerce, June 2004. M. A. Kardzieski, Effect of refrigerant oil additive on R134a and R123 boiling heat transfer. Performance and related issue for GSA, NISTIR 7132 US Department of Commerce, June 2004.
The Refrigerants
verfasst von
Walter Grassi


    Die im Laufe eines Jahres in der „adhäsion“ veröffentlichten Marktübersichten helfen Anwendern verschiedenster Branchen, sich einen gezielten Überblick über Lieferantenangebote zu verschaffen.