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2024 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

The Seeds of a New Logic for Intelligence Cooperation: Spain in the European Union and NATO Intelligence

verfasst von : Gustavo Díaz Matey

Erschienen in: Spain, Europe, and Western Security Policy

Verlag: Springer Nature Switzerland

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This chapter analyses cooperation in intelligence matters within the framework of NATO and the European Union from the Spanish point of view and its intelligence services.
This analysis is premised on the assumption that Spain has made great strides in becoming fully incorporated into the structures of these organisations. They have evolved progressively and have undergone a significant transformation in recent years, mainly due to the technological revolution and the long fight against terrorism.
At the same time, as we will see throughout the chapter, the return to territorial defence and the development of systemic challenges have considerably nuanced the idea of intelligence as the spearhead of national interest. Now, it is conditioned by increasing uncertainty and interdependence that imposes the idea of shared security. Therefore, the main objective is, taking Spain as an example, to see how intelligence services have adjusted procedures and improved shared capabilities to face the “new” situation looming over international society.

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Because of the merger of the Intelligence Centre against Organized Crime (CICO) and the former National Anti-Terrorism Coordination Centre (CNCA).
In Spain, the National Cryptologic Centre (CCN), attached to the CNI, was created in 2004 and carries out cybersecurity tasks to ensure the protection of classified information held by the public sector and companies. In the same way, other Spanish law enforcement agencies and security forces have also made great efforts to improve their capabilities in the cyber domain.
It was in 1992 when the notion of EU citizenship, as a central element of the Union, was enshrined in the Maastricht Treaty.
It is composed of two Divisions: The Analysis Division and the General and External Relations Division.
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The Seeds of a New Logic for Intelligence Cooperation: Spain in the European Union and NATO Intelligence
verfasst von
Gustavo Díaz Matey

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