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2024 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

The US-Spain Relation and Their Impact on European Security

verfasst von : David Javier García Cantalapiedra

Erschienen in: Spain, Europe, and Western Security Policy

Verlag: Springer Nature Switzerland

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Spain has been losing during last two decades his position in the EU, NATO and the Mediterranean to buck passing to allies of these organisations. Moreover, these organisations only sometimes fulfil some vital security interests of Spain. Indeed, the alliance with the United States is a critical factor to compensate for this problem. The US-Spanish agreement’s rason-d’etre and the utility for both sides lay in for Spain, enhancing its general security position and increasing security and defence alternatives, and for the United States, a secure ally and key operational site. However, discontinuity in Spanish behaviour and changes in U.S. strategic priorities have affected this situation.

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Paradoxically, although widely used by governments and official documents, this conception is strongly contested within IR theory as concept (constructivist approaches above all) and as a correct explanation for the structure of the International System, even among foreign policy practitioners.
2010 US National Security Strategy uses a euphemistic way to name multi-polarity, using phrases as “other centres of influence”. The White House. (2010) National Security of the United States. The White House. May. See pp. 11, 15, 19, 49 and 51.
For instance, it defines a state of uncertainty in the international system: “uncertainty increases, while the trends that are defining the emerging world are not running yet clear outlines for the new international community”. 2013 NSS, p. 10. The 2013 NSS states: “At present the global interdependence has decreased the likelihood of classic confrontations between states, but armed conflicts continue to pose a capital security threat”. 2013 NSS, p.14. Thus, there are no other options or explanations for the reduction on interstates wars other than interdependence. There is no mention about the existence of nuclear weapons or the existence of NATO as mechanisms of maintaining stability. Likewise, to attribute to interdependence the peace between states could be seen as a misconception, equalling states with great powers. At the same time, it could be confusing stability with peace.
Really, the 2002 modification (with 54 new articles) gave a new meaning to the US-Spain alliance within the framework of the 2001 US-Spain Joint Declaration.
“Both Parties reaffirm that the maintenance of respective security and full territorial integrity, and the continuation of a strong defensive relationship between them serve their common interest. They contribute to the defence of the West, and help the conservation and development of its individual and collective capacity to resist an armed attack”. Art. 2.1. Defence Cooperation Agreement between the Kingdom of Spain and the United States of America, of December 1, 1988. https://​www.​boe.​es/​boe/​dias/​1989/​05/​06/​pdfs/​A13325-13345.​pdf
Second Protocol of amendment to the Defence Cooperation Convention between the Kingdom of Spain and the United States of America, of December 1, 1988, revised, done in Brussels on October 10, 2012. http://​www.​ieee.​es/​Galerias/​fichero/​Varios/​BOE_​ConvenioCooperac​ion_​Espana-EEUU_​jun2013.​pdf
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Zurück zum Zitat 2013 National Security Strategy. A shared project. Gobierno de España. 2013 National Security Strategy. A shared project. Gobierno de España.
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Zurück zum Zitat Zapatero, J. (2009). Los retos de España en un mundo multipolar. Fundación Ideas para el Progreso. Zapatero, J. (2009). Los retos de España en un mundo multipolar. Fundación Ideas para el Progreso.
The US-Spain Relation and Their Impact on European Security
verfasst von
David Javier García Cantalapiedra

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