1999 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
The Use of Hedonic Price Analysis in Agricultural Research: Market Prices and the Quality Characteristics of Beans in Colombia
verfasst von : Luz Alicia Jiménez Portugal, Mathias von Oppen
Erschienen in: Agricultural Markets from Theory to Practice
Verlag: Palgrave Macmillan UK
Enthalten in: Professional Book Archive
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The common dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), a rich, primary source of protein, is produced and consumed in large quantities primarily in semi-tropical and tropical regions of the world (CLAT, 1991). It is of particular importance in Central and South America, where the traditional diet has for millennia been based on corn and beans. The supply of quality beans forms an important contribution to the welfare of the poor. As for most crops, research on beans has prioritised increases in production and improvements in disease resistance over quality improvement or reduction of post-harvest losses. However, acceptance of these HYVs by farmers has frequently been both low and slow.1