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2018 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

The Use of Software to Create E-Learning Courses on Technical Subjects at University

verfasst von : Leonid Leonidovich Khoroshko, Peter Alexandrovich Ukhov, Alexey Leonidovich Khoroshko

Erschienen in: Teaching and Learning in a Digital World

Verlag: Springer International Publishing

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This article proposes an integrated approach regarding the use of different software for practice-oriented training in engineering disciplines. Emphasis is placed on the formation of a unified educational space for training in engineering disciplines. An approach to the integration of a large number of application software solutions based on the “Moodle” distance learning shell was developed. Examples include the use of the proposed approach for “Machine Parts” and “Theory of Machines and Mechanisms” technical training courses in terms of practice-based learning.

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The Use of Software to Create E-Learning Courses on Technical Subjects at University
verfasst von
Leonid Leonidovich Khoroshko
Peter Alexandrovich Ukhov
Alexey Leonidovich Khoroshko