2013 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
The Utilization of the Moodle E-Learning System in Isra University
verfasst von : Mohammad Ali Eljinini, Zahraa Muhsen, Adi Maaita, Ayman Alnsour, Mohammad Ali Azzam, Khalil Ali Barhoum
Erschienen in: Management Intelligent Systems
Verlag: Springer International Publishing
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The Moodle e-learning system has been adopted by several universities and organizations for the large accessible set of e-learning tools. Isra University has adopted and utilized the Moodle e-learning system in many classes throughout all of its colleges. Moodle has solved many course management problems such as finding the appropriate time that suits all students to carry out tests and quizzes; marking and providing feedback to the students within a short period of time; registration for tutorial sessions; and providing lecture materials and general faculty announcements. Our study focuses on student survey to shed some light on the perceptions of using Moodle in Isra University. The evaluation results of using Moodle platform shows promising opportunities to support and improve upon this platform in Isra University classes. This study helps introducing the e-learning system to the entire students in Isra University and to support the understanding of the overall learning process, learning motivation, legitimatize application of knowledge, and a challenge for improving the teaching behaviors.