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2004 | Buch

Theory of Cryptography

First Theory of Cryptography Conference, TCC 2004, Cambridge, MA, USA, February 19-21, 2004. Proceedings

herausgegeben von: Moni Naor

Verlag: Springer Berlin Heidelberg

Buchreihe : Lecture Notes in Computer Science



Notions of Reducibility between Cryptographic Primitives
Starting with the seminal paper of Impagliazzo and Rudich [17], there has been a large body of work showing that various cryptographic primitives cannot be reduced to each other via “black-box” reductions. The common interpretation of these results is that there are inherent limitations in using a primitive as a black box, and that these impossibility results can be overcome only by explicitly using the code of the primitive in the construction.
In this paper we revisit these negative results, give a more careful taxonomy of the ways in which “black-box reductions” can be formalized, strengthen some previous results (in particular giving unconditional impossibility results for reductions that were previously only shown to imply PNP), and offer a new interpretation of them: in many cases, there is no limitation in using a primitive as a black box, but there is a limitation in treating adversaries as such. In particular, these negative results may be overcome by using the code of the adversary in the analysis.
Omer Reingold, Luca Trevisan, Salil Vadhan
Indifferentiability, Impossibility Results on Reductions, and Applications to the Random Oracle Methodology
The goals of this paper are two-fold. First we introduce and motivate a generalization of the fundamental concept of the indistinguishability of two systems, called indifferentiability. This immediately leads to a generalization of the related notion of reducibility of one system to another. In contrast to the conventional notion of indistinguishability, indifferentiability is applicable in settings where a possible adversary is assumed to have access to additional information about the internal state of the involved systems, for instance the public parameter selecting a member from a family of hash functions.
Second, we state an easily verifiable criterion for a system U not to be reducible (according to our generalized definition) to another system V and, as an application, prove that a random oracle is not reducible to a weaker primitive, called asynchronous beacon, and also that an asynchronous beacon is not reducible to a finite-length random string. Each of these irreducibility results alone implies the main theorem of Canetti, Goldreich, and Halevi stating that there exist cryptosystems that are secure in the random oracle model but for which replacing the random oracle by any implementation leads to an insecure cryptosystem.
Ueli Maurer, Renato Renner, Clemens Holenstein
On the Random-Oracle Methodology as Applied to Length-Restricted Signature Schemes
In earlier work, we described a “pathological” example of a signature scheme that is secure in the Random Oracle Model, but for which no secure implementation exists. For that example, however, it was crucial that the scheme is able to sign “long messages” (i.e., messages whose length is not a-priori bounded). This left open the possibility that the Random Oracle Methodology is sound with respect to signature schemes that sign only “short” messages (i.e., messages of a-priori bounded length, smaller than the length of the keys in use), and are “memoryless” (i.e., the only thing kept between different signature generations is the initial signing-key). In this work, we extend our negative result to address such signature schemes. A key ingredient in our proof is a new type of interactive proof systems, which may be of independent interest.
Ran Canetti, Oded Goldreich, Shai Halevi
Universally Composable Commitments Using Random Oracles
In the setting of universal composability [Can01], commitments cannot be implemented without additional assumptions such as that of a publicly available common reference string[CF01]. Here, as an alternative to the commitments in the common reference string model, the use of random oracles to achieve universal composability of commitment protocols is motivated. Special emphasis is put on the security in the situation when the additional “helper functionality” is replaced by a realizable primitive. This contribution gives two constructions which allow to turn a given non-interactive commitment scheme into a non-interactive universally composable commitment scheme in the random oracle model. For both constructions the binding and the hiding property remain valid when collision-free hash functions are used instead of random oracles. Moreover the second construction in this case even preserves the property of perfect binding.
Dennis Hofheinz, Jörn Müller-Quade
Transformation of Digital Signature Schemes into Designated Confirmer Signature Schemes
Since designated confirmer signature schemes were introduced by Chaum and formalized by Okamoto, a number of attempts have been made to design designated confirmer signature schemes which are efficient and at the same time provably secure under standard cryptographic assumptions. Yet, there has been a consistent gap in security claims and analysis between all generic theoretical proposals and any concrete implementation proposal one can envision using in practice. In this paper we propose a modification of Okamoto’s definition of security which still captures security against chosen message attack, and yet enables the design of concrete and reasonably efficient designated confirmer signature schemes which can be proved secure without resorting to random oracle assumptions as previously done. In particular, we present simple transformations of the digital signature schemes of Cramer-Shoup, Goldwasser-Micali-Rivest and Gennaro-Halevi-Rabin into secure designated confirmer signature schemes. We prove security of the schemes obtained under the same security assumption made by the digital signature scheme transformed and an encryption scheme we use as a tool.
Shafi Goldwasser, Erez Waisbard
List-Decoding of Linear Functions and Analysis of a Two-Round Zero-Knowledge Argument
Dwork and Stockmeyer showed 2-round zero-knowledge proof systems secure against provers which are resource-bounded during the interaction [6]. The resources considered are running time and advice (the amount of precomputed information). We re-cast this construction in the language of list-decoding. This perspective leads to the following improvements:
We give a new, simpler analysis of the protocol’s unconditional security in the advice-bounded case. Like the original, the new analysis is asymptotically tight.
When the prover is bounded in both time and advice, we substantially improve the analysis of [6]: we prove security under a worst-case (instead of average-case) hardness assumption. Specifically, we assume that there exists g ∈ DTIME(2 s ) such that g is hard in the worst case for MAM circuits of size \(O(2^{s(\frac{1}{2}+\gamma)})\) for some γ> 0. Here s is the input length and MAM corresponds the class of circuits which are verifiers in a 3-message interactive proof (with constant soundness error) in which the prover sends the first message. In contrast, Dwork and Stockmeyer require a function that is average-case hard for “proof auditors,” a model of computation which generalizes randomized, non-deterministic circuits.
Our analyses rely on new results on list-decodability of codes whose codewords are linear functions from {0,1} to {0,1}. For (1), we show that the set of all linear transformations is a good list-decodable code. For (2), we give a new, non-deterministic list-decoding procedure which runs in time quasi-linear in ℓ.
Cynthia Dwork, Ronen Shaltiel, Adam Smith, Luca Trevisan
On the Possibility of One-Message Weak Zero-Knowledge
We investigate whether it is possible to obtain any meaningful type of zero-knowledge proofs using a one-message (i.e., non-interactive) proof system. We show that, under reasonable (although not standard) assumptions, there exists a one-message proof system for every language in NP that satisfies the following relaxed form of zero knowledge:
The soundness condition holds only against cheating provers that run in uniform (rather than non-uniform) probabilistic polynomial-time.
The zero-knowledge condition is obtained using a simulator that runs in quasi-polynomial (rather than polynomial) time.
We note that it is necessary to introduce both relaxations to obtain a one-message system for a non-trivial language. We stress that our result is in the plain model, and in particular we do not assume any setup conditions (such as the existence of a shared random string).
We also discuss the validity of our assumption, and show two conditions that imply it. In addition, we show that an assumption of a similar kind is necessary in order to obtain a one-message system that satisfies some sort of meaningful zero-knowledge and soundness conditions.
Boaz Barak, Rafael Pass
Soundness of Formal Encryption in the Presence of Active Adversaries
We present a general method to prove security properties of cryptographic protocols against active adversaries, when the messages exchanged by the honest parties are arbitrary expressions built using encryption and concatenation operations. The method allows to express security properties and carry out proofs using a simple logic based language, where messages are represented by syntactic expressions, and does not require dealing with probability distributions or asymptotic notation explicitly. Still, we show that the method is sound, meaning that logic statements can be naturally interpreted in the computational setting in such a way that if a statement holds true for any abstract (symbolic) execution of the protocol in the presence of a Dolev-Yao adversary, then its computational interpretation is also correct in the standard computational model where the adversary is an arbitrary probabilistic polynomial time program. This is the first paper providing a simple framework for translating security proofs from the logic setting to the standard computational setting for the case of powerful active adversaries that have total control of the communication network.
Daniele Micciancio, Bogdan Warinschi
Rerandomizable and Replayable Adaptive Chosen Ciphertext Attack Secure Cryptosystems
Recently Canetti, Krawczyk and Nielsen defined the notion of replayable adaptive chosen ciphertext attack (RCCA) secure encryption. Essentially a cryptosystem that is RCCA secure has full CCA2 security except for the little detail that it may be possible to modify a ciphertext into another ciphertext containing the same plaintext.
We investigate the possibility of perfectly replayable RCCA secure encryption. By this, we mean that anybody can convert a ciphertext y with plaintext m into a different ciphertext y′ that is distributed identically to a fresh encryption of m. We propose such a rerandomizable cryptosystem, which is secure against semi-generic adversaries.
We also define a weak form of RCCA (WRCCA) security. For this notion we provide a construction (inspired by Cramer and Shoup’s CCA2 secure cryptosystems) that is both rerandomizable and provably WRCCA secure. We use it as a building block in our conjectured RCCA secure cryptosystem.
Jens Groth
Alternatives to Non-malleability: Definitions, Constructions, and Applications
We explore whether non-malleability is necessary for the applications typically used to motivate it, and propose two alternatives. The first we call weak non-malleability (wnm) and show that it suffices to achieve secure contract bidding (the application for which non-malleability was initially introduced), despite being strictly weaker than non-malleability. The second we call tag-based non-malleability (tnm), and show that it suffices to construct an efficient universally-composable secure message transmission (SMT) protocol, for which the only previous solution was based on a public key encryption functionality whose security is equivalent to non-malleability. We also demonstrate constructions for wnm and tnm encryption schemes that are simpler than known constructions of non-malleable encryption schemes.
Philip MacKenzie, Michael K. Reiter, Ke Yang
A Note on Constant-Round Zero-Knowledge Proofs for NP
We consider the problem of constructing a constant-round zero-knowledge proof system for all languages in NP. This problem has been previously addressed by Goldreich and Kahan (Jour. of Cryptology, 1996). Following recent works on concurrent zero-knowledge, we propose an alternative solution that admits a considerably simpler analysis.
Alon Rosen
Lower Bounds for Concurrent Self Composition
In the setting of concurrent self composition, a single protocol is executed many times concurrently by a single set of parties. In this paper, we prove that there exist many functionalities that cannot be securely computed in this setting. We also prove a communication complexity lower bound on protocols that securely compute a large class of functionalities in this setting. Specifically, we show that any protocol that computes a functionality from this class and remains secure for m concurrent executions, must have bandwidth of at least m bits. Our results hold for the plain model (where no trusted setup phase is assumed), and for the case that the parties may choose their inputs adaptively, based on previously obtained outputs. While proving our impossibility result, we also show that for many functionalities, security under concurrent self composition (where a single secure protocol is run many times) is actually equivalent to the seemingly more stringent requirement of security under concurrent general composition (where a secure protocol is run concurrently with other arbitrary protocols). This observation has significance beyond the impossibility results that are derived by it for concurrent self composition.
Yehuda Lindell
Secret-Key Zero-Knowlegde and Non-interactive Verifiable Exponentiation
We consider a new model for non-interactive zero-knowledge where security is not based on a common reference string, but where prover and verifier are assumed to possess appropriately correlated secret keys. We present efficient proofs for equality of discrete logarithms in this model with unconditional soundness and zero-knowledge. This has immediate applications to non-interactive verification of undeniable signatures and pseudorandom function values. Another application is the following: a set of l servers, of which less than l/2 are corrupt, hold shares of a secret integer s. A client C specifies g in some finite group G, and the servers want to allow the client to compute g s non-interactively, i.e., by sending information to C only once. This has immediate applications in threshold cryptography. Using our proof system, the problem can be solved as efficiently as the fastest previous solutions that either required interaction or had to rely on the random oracle model for a proof of security. The price we pay is the need to establish the secret key material once and for all. We present an alternative solution to the problem that is also non-interactive and where clients need no secret keys. This comes at the expense of more communication and the assumption that less than l/3 of the servers are corrupt.
Ronald Cramer, Ivan Damgård
A Quantitative Approach to Reductions in Secure Computation
Secure computation is one of the most fundamental cryptographic tasks. It is known that all functions can be computed securely in the information theoretic setting, given access to a black box for some complete function such as AND. However, without such a black box, not all functions can be securely computed. This gives rise to two types of functions, those that can be computed without a black box (“easy”) and those that cannot (“hard”). However, no further distinction among the hard functions is made.
In this paper, we take a quantitative approach, associating with each function f the minimal number of calls to the black box that are required for securely computing f. Such an approach was taken before, mostly in an ad-hoc manner, for specific functions f of interest. We propose a systematic study, towards a general characterization of the hierarchy according to the number of black-box calls. This approach leads to a better understanding of the inherent complexity for securely computing a given function f. Furthermore, minimizing the number of calls to the black box can lead to more efficient protocols when the calls to the black box are replaced by a secure protocol.
We take a first step in this study, by considering the two-party, honest-but-curious, information-theoretic case. For this setting, we provide a complete characterization for deterministic protocols. We explore the hierarchy for randomized protocols as well, giving upper and lower bounds, and comparing it to the deterministic hierarchy. We show that for every Boolean function the largest gap between randomized and deterministic protocols is at most exponential, and there are functions which exhibit such a gap.
Amos Beimel, Tal Malkin
Algorithmic Tamper-Proof (ATP) Security: Theoretical Foundations for Security against Hardware Tampering
Traditionally, secure cryptographic algorithms provide security against an adversary who has only black-box access to the secret information of honest parties. However, such models are not always adequate. In particular, the security of these algorithms may completely break under (feasible) attacks that tamper with the secret key.
In this paper we propose a theoretical framework to investigate the algorithmic aspects related to tamper-proof security. In particular, we define a model of security against an adversary who is allowed to apply arbitrary feasible functions f to the secret key sk, and obtain the result of the cryptographic algorithms using the new secret key f(sk).
We prove that in the most general setting it is impossible to achieve this strong notion of security. We then show minimal additions to the model, which are needed in order to obtain provable security.
We prove that these additions are necessary and also sufficient for most common cryptographic primitives, such as encryption and signature schemes.
We discuss the applications to portable devices protected by PINs and show how to integrate PIN security into the generic security design.
Finally we investigate restrictions of the model in which the tampering powers of the adversary are limited. These restrictions model realistic attacks (like differential fault analysis) that have been demonstrated in practice. In these settings we show security solutions that work even without the additions mentioned above.
Rosario Gennaro, Anna Lysyanskaya, Tal Malkin, Silvio Micali, Tal Rabin
Physically Observable Cryptography
Complexity-theoretic cryptography considers only abstract notions of computation, and hence cannot protect against attacks that exploit the information leakage (via electromagnetic fields, power consumption, etc.) inherent in the physical execution of any cryptographic algorithm. Such “physical observation attacks” bypass the impressive barrier of mathematical security erected so far, and successfully break mathematically impregnable systems. The great practicality and the inherent availability of physical attacks threaten the very relevance of complexity-theoretic security.
To respond to the present crisis, we put forward physically observable cryptography: a powerful, comprehensive, and precise model for defining and delivering cryptographic security against an adversary that has access to information leaked from the physical execution of cryptographic algorithms. Our general model allows for a variety of adversaries. In this paper, however, we focus on the strongest possible adversary, so as to capture what is cryptographically possible in the worst possible, physically observable setting. In particular, we
consider an adversary that has full (and indeed adaptive) access to any leaked information;
show that some of the basic theorems and intuitions of traditional cryptography no longer hold in a physically observable setting; and
construct pseudorandom generators that are provably secure against all physical-observation attacks.
Our model makes it easy to meaningfully restrict the power of our general physically observing adversary. Such restrictions may enable schemes that are more efficient or rely on weaker assumptions, while retaining security against meaningful physical observations attacks.
Silvio Micali, Leonid Reyzin
Efficient and Universally Composable Committed Oblivious Transfer and Applications
Committed Oblivious Transfer (COT) is a useful cryptographic primitive that combines the functionalities of bit commitment and oblivious transfer. In this paper, we introduce an extended version of COT (ECOT) which additionally allows proofs of relations among committed bits, and we construct an efficient protocol that securely realizes an ECOT functionality in the universal-composability (UC) framework. Our construction is more efficient than previous (non-UC) constructions of COT, involving only a constant number of exponentiations and communication rounds. Using the ECOT functionality as a building block, we construct efficient UC protocols for general two-party and multi-party functionalities, each gate requiring a constant number of ECOT’s.
Juan A. Garay, Philip MacKenzie, Ke Yang
A Universally Composable Mix-Net
A mix-net is a cryptographic protocol executed by a set of mix-servers that provides anonymity for a group of senders. The main application is electronic voting.
Numerous mix-net constructions and stand-alone definitions of security are proposed in the literature, but only partial proofs of security are given for most constructions and no construction has been proved secure with regards to any kind of composition.
We define an ideal mix-net in the universally composable security framework of Canetti [6]. Then we describe a mix-net based on Feldman [13] and using similar ideas as Desmedt and Kurosawa [10], and prove that it securely realizes the ideal mix-net with respect to static adversaries that corrupt a minority of the mix-servers and arbitrarily many senders.
The mix-net executes in a hybrid model with access to ideal distributed key generation, but apart from that our only assumption is the existence of a group in which the Decision Diffie-Hellman Problem is hard.
If there are relatively few mix-servers or a strong majority of honest mix-servers our construction is practical.
Douglas Wikström
A General Composition Theorem for Secure Reactive Systems
We consider compositional properties of reactive systems that are secure in a cryptographic sense. We follow the well-known simulatability approach of modern cryptography, i.e., the specification is an ideal system and a real system should in some sense simulate this ideal one. We show that if a system consists of a polynomial number of arbitrary ideal subsystems such that each of them has a secure implementation in the sense of blackbox simulatability, then one can securely replace all ideal subsystems with their respective secure counterparts without destroying the blackbox simulatability relation. We further prove our theorem for universal simulatability by showing that blackbox simulatability implies universal simulatability under reasonable assumptions. We show all our results with concrete security.
Michael Backes, Birgit Pfitzmann, Michael Waidner
Unfair Noisy Channels and Oblivious Transfer
In a paper from EuroCrypt’99, Damgård, Kilian and Salvail show various positive and negative results on constructing Bit Commitment (BC) and Oblivious Transfer (OT) from Unfair Noisy Channels (UNC), i.e., binary symmetric channels where the error rate is only known to be in a certain interval [γ..δ] and can be chosen adversarily. They also introduce a related primitive called PassiveUNC. We prove in this paper that any OT protocol that can be constructed based on a PassiveUNC and is secure against a passive adversary can be transformed using a generic “compiler” into an OT protocol based on a UNC which is secure against an active adversary. Apart from making positive results easier to prove in general, this also allows correcting a problem in the EuroCrypt’99 paper: There, a positive result was claimed on constructing from UNC an OT that is secure against active cheating. We point out that the proof sketch given for this was incomplete, and we show that a correct proof of a much stronger result follows from our general compilation result and a new technique for transforming between weaker versions of OT with different parameters.
Ivan Damgård, Serge Fehr, Kirill Morozov, Louis Salvail
Computational Collapse of Quantum State with Application to Oblivious Transfer
Quantum 2-party cryptography differs from its classical counterpart in at least one important way: Given blak-box access to a perfect commitment scheme there exists a secure 1-2 quantum oblivious transfer. This reduction proposed by Crépeau and Kilian was proved secure against any receiver by Yao, in the case where perfect commitments are used. However, quantum commitments would normally be based on computational assumptions. A natural question therefore arises: What happens to the security of the above reduction when computationally secure commitments are used instead of perfect ones?
In this paper, we address the security of 1-2 QOT when computationally binding string commitments are available. In particular, we analyse the security of a primitive called Quantum Measurement Commitment when it is constructed from unconditionally concealing but computationally binding commitments. As measuring a quantum state induces an irreversible collapse, we describe a QMC as an instance of “computational collapse of a quantum state”. In a QMC a state appears to be collapsed to a polynomial time observer who cannot extract full information about the state without breaking a computational assumption.
We reduce the security of QMC to a weak binding criteria for the string commitment. We also show that secure QMCs implies QOT using a straightforward variant of the reduction above.
Claude Crépeau, Paul Dumais, Dominic Mayers, Louis Salvail
Implementing Oblivious Transfer Using Collection of Dense Trapdoor Permutations
Until recently, the existence of collection of trapdoor permutations (TDP) was believed (and claimed) to imply almost all of the major cryptographic primitives, including public-key encryption (PKE), oblivious transfer (OT), and non-interactive zero-knowledge (NIZK). It was recently realized, however, that the commonly accepted general definition of TDP needs to be strengthened slightly in order to make the security proofs of TDP-based OT go through. We present an implementation of oblivious transfer based on collection of dense trapdoor permutations. The latter is a collection of trapdoor permutations, with the property that the permutation domains are polynomially dense in the set of all strings of a particular length. Previous TDP-based implementations of oblivious transfer assumed an enhancement of the hardness assumption (of the collection).
Iftach Haitner
Composition of Random Systems: When Two Weak Make One Strong
A new technique for proving the adaptive indistinguishability of two systems, each composed of some component systems, is presented, using only the fact that corresponding component systems are non-adaptively indistinguishable. The main tool is the definition of a special monotone condition for a random system F, relative to another random system G, whose probability of occurring for a given distinguisher D is closely related to the distinguishing advantage ε of D for F and G, namely it is lower and upper bounded by ε and \(\epsilon(1 + {\rm ln}\frac{1}{\epsilon})\), respectively.
A concrete instantiation of this result shows that the cascade of two random permutations (with the second one inverted) is indistinguishable from a uniform random permutation by adaptive distinguishers which may query the system from both sides, assuming the components’ security only against non-adaptive one-sided distinguishers.
As applications we provide some results in various fields as almost k-wise independent probability spaces, decorrelation theory and computational indistinguishability (i.e., pseudo-randomness).
Ueli Maurer, Krzysztof Pietrzak
Simpler Session-Key Generation from Short Random Passwords
Goldreich and Lindell (CRYPTO ‘01) recently presented the first protocol for password-authenticated key exchange in the standard model (with no common reference string or set-up assumptions other than the shared password). However, their protocol uses several heavy tools and has a complicated analysis.
We present a simplification of the Goldreich–Lindell (GL) protocol and analysis for the special case when the dictionary is of the form \(\mathcal{D} = \{0,1\}^d\), i.e. the password is a short random string (like an ATM PIN number). Our protocol can be converted into one for arbitrary dictionaries using a common reference string of logarithmic length. The security bound achieved by our protocol is somewhat worse than the GL protocol. Roughly speaking, our protocol guarantees that the adversary can “break” the scheme with probability at most \(O({\rm poly}(n)/|\mathcal{D}|)^{\Omega(1)}\), whereas the GL protocol guarantees a bound of \(O(1/|\mathcal{D}|)\).
We also present an alternative, more natural definition of security than the “augmented definition” of Goldreich and Lindell, and prove that the two definitions are equivalent.
Minh-Huyen Nguyen, Salil Vadhan
Constant-Round Oblivious Transfer in the Bounded Storage Model
We present a constant round protocol for Oblivious Transfer in Maurer’s bounded storage model. In this model, a long random string \(\mathcal{R}\) is initially transmitted and each of the parties interacts based on a small portion of \(\mathcal{R}\). Even though the portions stored by the honest parties are small, security is guaranteed against any malicious party that remembers almost all of the string \(\mathcal{R}\).
Previous constructions for Oblivious Transfer in the bounded storage model required polynomially many rounds of interaction. Our protocol has only 5 messages. We also improve other parameters, such as the number of bits transferred and the probability of immaturely aborting the protocol due to failure.
Our techniques utilize explicit constructions from the theory of derandomization. In particular, we use constructions of almost t-wise independent permutations, randomness extractors and averaging samplers.
Yan Zong Ding, Danny Harnik, Alon Rosen, Ronen Shaltiel
Hierarchical Threshold Secret Sharing
We consider the problem of threshold secret sharing in groups with hierarchical structure. In such settings, the secret is shared among a group of participants that is partitioned into levels. The access structure is then determined by a sequence of threshold requirements: a subset of participants is authorized if it has at least k 0 members from the highest level, as well as at least k 1 > k 0 members from the two highest levels and so forth. Such problems may occur in settings where the participants differ in their authority or level of confidence and the presence of higher level participants is imperative to allow the recovery of the common secret. Even though secret sharing in hierarchical groups has been studied extensively in the past, none of the existing solutions addresses the simple setting where, say, a bank transfer should be signed by three employees, at least one of whom must be a department manager. We present a perfect secret sharing scheme for this problem that, unlike most secret sharing schemes that are suitable for hierarchical structures, is ideal. As in Shamir’s scheme, the secret is represented as the free coefficient of some polynomial. The novelty of our scheme is the usage of polynomial derivatives in order to generate lesser shares for participants of lower levels. Consequently, our scheme uses Birkhoff interpolation, i.e., the construction of a polynomial according to an unstructured set of point and derivative values. A substantial part of our discussion is dedicated to the question of how to assign identities to the participants from the underlying finite field so that the resulting Birkhoff interpolation problem will be well posed. In the course of this discussion, we borrow some results from the theory of Birkhoff interpolation over ℝ and import them to the context of finite fields.
Tamir Tassa
On Compressing Encrypted Data without the Encryption Key
When it is desired to transmit redundant data over an insecure and bandwidth-constrained channel, it is customary to first compress the redundant data and then encrypt it for security reasons. In this paper, we investigate the novelty of reversing the order of these steps, i.e. first encrypting and then compressing. Although counter-intuitive, we show surprisingly that through the use of coding with side information principles, this reversal in order is indeed possible. In fact, for lossless compression, we show that the theoretical compression gain is unchanged by performing encryption before compression. We show that the cryptographic security of the reversed system is directly related to the strength of the key generator.
Mark Johnson, David Wagner, Kannan Ramchandran
On the Notion of Pseudo-Free Groups
We explore the notion of a pseudo-free group, first introduced by Hohenberger [Hoh03], and provide an alternative stronger definition. We show that if Z \(^{\rm *}_{n}\) is a pseudo-free abelian group (as we conjecture), then Z \(^{\rm *}_{n}\) also satisfies the Strong RSA Assumption [FO97,CS00,BP97]. Being a “pseudo-free abelian group” may be the strongest natural cryptographic assumption one can make about a group such as Z \(_{n}^{\rm *}\). More generally, we show that a pseudo-free group satisfies several standard cryptographic assumptions, such as the difficulty of computing discrete logarithms.
Ronald L. Rivest
Theory of Cryptography
herausgegeben von
Moni Naor
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
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