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2011 | Buch

Thermal Separation Technology

Principles, Methods, Process Design

verfasst von: Alfons Mersmann, Matthias Kind, Johann Stichlmair

Verlag: Springer Berlin Heidelberg

Buchreihe : VDI-Buch


Über dieses Buch

Thermal Separation Technology is a key discipline for many industries and lays the engineering foundations for the sustainable and economic production of high-quality materials. This book provides fundamental knowledge on this field and may be used both in university teaching and in industrial research and development. Furthermore, it is intended to support professional engineers in their daily efforts to improve plant efficiency and reliability. Previous German editions of this book have gained widespread recognition. This first English edition will now make its content available to the international community of students and professionals. In the first chapters of the book the fundamentals of thermodynamics, heat and mass transfer, and multiphase flow are addressed. Further chapters examine in depth the different unit operations distillation and absorption, extraction, evaporation and condensation, crystallization, adsorption and chromatography, and drying, while the closing chapter provides valuable guidelines for a conceptual process development.


1. Introduction
Single-phase or multiphase flow in chemical engineering apparatus and reactors such as evaporators, columns, fixed and fluidized beds, and stirred vessels is decisive for the efficiency and capacity of these equipment units. The mixing of two or more liquid components without the formation of a second liquid phase leads to a one-phase flow, for instance in a stirred vessel. In the case of an evaporative crystallizer a three-phase system is moved by the stirrer and the rising bubbles. In many cases two phases are flowing in countercurrent direction, e.g., in columns for absorption, rectification, and extraction. Two phases are also moving in bubble and drop columns, froth layers on plates, fluidized beds, and stirred vessels used for suspension flow or the breakup of gases and liquids. Dealing with packed or film columns, the liquid phase runs down in films and rivulets in countercurrent to the gas. In many apparatus of chemical engineering, internal pieces of equipment are mounted and the fluid flow is passing around or through these internals.
Alfons Mersmann, Matthias Kind, Johann Stichlmair
2. Thermodynamic Phase Equilibrium
In this chapter the thermodynamic behavior of single- and multiphase systems of pure substances and their mixtures are described in a general way.
Alfons Mersmann, Matthias Kind, Johann Stichlmair
3. Fundamentals of Single-Phase and Multiphase Flow
Single-phase or multiphase flow in chemical engineering apparatus and reactors such as evaporators, columns, fixed and fluidized beds, and stirred vessels is decisive for the efficiency and capacity of these equipment units. The mixing of two or more liquid components without the formation of a second liquid phase leads to a one-phase flow, for instance in a stirred vessel. In the case of an evaporative crystallizer a three-phase system is moved by the stirrer and the rising bubbles. In many cases two phases are flowing in countercurrent direction, e.g., in columns for absorption, rectification, and extraction. Two phases are also moving in bubble and drop columns, froth layers on plates, fluidized beds, and stirred vessels used for suspension flow or the breakup of gases and liquids. Dealing with packed or film columns, the liquid phase runs down in films and rivulets in countercurrent to the gas. In many apparatus of chemical engineering, internal pieces of equipment are mounted and the fluid flow is passing around or through these internals.
Alfons Mersmann, Matthias Kind, Johann Stichlmair
4. Balances, Kinetics of Heat and Mass Transfer
Process engineering attends to yield products with a set of desired properties, given some raw materials. This aim may be achieved through several different process variants, which are found by process design. They usually differ with respect to feasibility, safety and particularly to cost effectiveness. It is thus necessary to appraise all process variants by means of process analysis.
Alfons Mersmann, Matthias Kind, Johann Stichlmair
5. Distillation, Rectification, and Absorption
The unit operations distillation, rectification, and absorption are by far the most important technologies for fractionating fluid mixtures. This great technical importance is founded on the fact that only fluid phases, which can be handled very easily, are involved. A further advantage is a high-density difference between the coexisting phases. High-density differences enable high velocities in the equipment and make the separation of the phases easier.
Alfons Mersmann, Matthias Kind, Johann Stichlmair
6. Extraction
Extraction denotes the removal of some constituents from liquid or solid mixtures via a liquid solvent. The former process is referred to as solvent extraction, the latter as leaching. A precondition of all extraction processes is that the solvent is not (or not completely) miscible with the feed to be treated. Hence, there has to exist a large miscibility gap that creates a two-phase system with large interfacial area, which is effective for interfacial mass transfer. The treated feed is called raffinate, the loaded solvent extract.
Alfons Mersmann, Matthias Kind, Johann Stichlmair
7. Evaporation and Condensation
Heat transfer to a liquid leads to an increase of the temperature up to the boiling temperature at which evaporation starts. The vapor pressure becomes equal to the pressure of the system. In the case of the evaporation of a liquid mixture all components or only some of them or perhaps only one component can be present in the vapor. Dealing with the evaporation of an aqueous solution of an inorganic salt with a very low vapor pressure approximately pure steam is leaving the liquid. (Note that an entrainment of small drops can take place with the result of small salt contents in the steam.) In general, all components of the liquid mixture will be present in the vapor when there are no great differences of the vapor pressure of the components.
Alfons Mersmann, Matthias Kind, Johann Stichlmair
8. Crystallization
Crystallization is the transformation of one or more substances from the amorphous solid, liquid, or gaseous phase to the crystalline phase. Above all, crystallization is of great importance as a thermal separation process for the concentration or purification of substances from solutions, melts, or the vapor phase.
Alfons Mersmann, Matthias Kind, Johann Stichlmair
9. Adsorption, Chromatography, Ion Exchange
Adsorption is the loading of solid surfaces with substances present in a surrounding fluid phase or, in other words, it is a surface effect between a solid and a fluid phase. Sometimes molecules of the fluid phase are not only fixed on the surface but can additionally enter the bulk of the nonporous solid phase according to a volume effect. This is called occlusion or absorption. When it is not known which of these two effects is dominant the term “sorption” is used. Adsorption means the loading of one or several components (adsorptives) on a solid material (adsorbent). The reverse process, e.g., the separation of adsorptives from the surface is called desorption.
Alfons Mersmann, Matthias Kind, Johann Stichlmair
10. Drying
Drying is used to separate volatile components called moisture from a carrier. In many cases this implies the separation of water. The carrier may be solid, liquid, or gas. In this chapter only the drying of solid materials shall be discussed. The presented methods are also applicable to paste-like materials. Drying of fluids denotes the removal of small amount of water from gases or organic liquids. Adsorption as well as absorption and rectification processes are used for this. Thus, the drying of liquids and gases has been dealt with in other chapters.
Alfons Mersmann, Matthias Kind, Johann Stichlmair
11. Conceptual Process Design
Industrial separation processes typically consist of various distillative and alterna- tive separation steps that are coupled by material and energy streams. Such pro- cesses often have very complex structures caused by the properties of the systems at hand and by the constraints set by cost and energy savings. In most cases, a rather empirical approach is used for process design. Novel developments concern a conceptual process design (e.g., Douglas 1988; Smith 1995; Blass 1997; Stichl- mair and Fair 1998; Seider et al. 1999; Doherty and Malone 2001; Mersmann et al. 2005), which is based on the thermodynamic properties of the mixture at hand.
Alfons Mersmann, Matthias Kind, Johann Stichlmair
Thermal Separation Technology
verfasst von
Alfons Mersmann
Matthias Kind
Johann Stichlmair
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Electronic ISBN
Print ISBN


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