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2025 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Thermally Induced Concrete Properties at Elevated Temperature

verfasst von : Ananda Mitra, Shiwanand R. Suryawanshi, Banti A. Gedam

Erschienen in: Advances in Structural Integrity for Mechanical, Civil, and Aerospace Applications

Verlag: Springer Nature Singapore

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The fire-damaged properties of concrete are one of the concerns for the structural application that may affect structural stability and integrity against collapse. Nowadays, infrastructure industries prefer to use high-strength concrete (HSC) or high-performance concrete (HPC) over normal strength concrete (NSC) due to structural sustainability and serviceability aspects, and such HSC/HPC is observed to be highly susceptible to temperature than NSC. Knowledge of thermal-induced properties, i.e., conductivity, specific heat, and diffusivity, is essential for evaluating heat transfer phenomenon that not only helps in the selection of appropriate materials but also helps to obtain HSC/HPC structural member’ desired fire resistance rating and behaviour. Hence, a comprehensive set of experimentally measured data of thermally induced properties of HSC/HPC have been collected from different literature, and this reveals that the type of aggregates, cementitious content with water, and the chemico-physico-hygro-thermo process of the mix design can significantly influence thermally induced properties. Also, it is observed that their behavioural response to temperature and relationship with each other is still not very well established. Therefore, this paper aims to review and discuss the influence of elevated temperature on the type of concrete properties, i.e., mechanical, chemical, and physical properties, and its suitability for structural application.

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Thermally Induced Concrete Properties at Elevated Temperature
verfasst von
Ananda Mitra
Shiwanand R. Suryawanshi
Banti A. Gedam
Springer Nature Singapore