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2021 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

4. Thermodynamic and Economic Analysis of Trigeneration System with a Hierarchical Gas-Gas Engine for Production of Electricity, Heat and Cold

verfasst von : Ryszard Bartnik, Tomasz Wojciech Kowalczyk

Erschienen in: Hierarchical Gas-Gas Systems

Verlag: Springer International Publishing

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Chapter 3 includes the analysis of energy and economic effectiveness of both operation options of the innovative, hierarchical two-cycle gas-gas engine using combined two clockwise Joule-Brayton cycles, high-temperature Joule-Brayton gas turbine cycle and low-temperature Joule-Brayton cycle of the turboexpander.

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Thermodynamic and Economic Analysis of Trigeneration System with a Hierarchical Gas-Gas Engine for Production of Electricity, Heat and Cold
verfasst von
Ryszard Bartnik
Tomasz Wojciech Kowalczyk