2013 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Towards a Generic Reconfigurable Framework for Self-adaptation of Distributed Component-Based Application
verfasst von : Ouanes Aissaoui, Fadila Atil, Abdelkrim Amirat
Erschienen in: Modeling Approaches and Algorithms for Advanced Computer Applications
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Software is moving towards evolutionary architectures that are able to easily accommodate changes and integrate new functionality. This is important in a wide range of applications, from plugin-based end user applications to critical applications with high availability requirements. This work presents a component based framework that allows introducing adaptability to the distributed component-based applications. The framework itself is reconfigurable and it based on the classical autonomic control loop Mape-k (Monitoring, Analysis, Planning, and Execution). The paper introduces a prototype framework implementation and its empirical evaluation that shows encouraging results.