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2025 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Towards Solving Short-Term Generation Scheduling Problems on Quantum Computers

verfasst von : S. Bruckner, F. Ferrarotti, R. Ramler, R. Wille, S. Hillmich

Erschienen in: Product-Focused Software Process Improvement. Industry-, Workshop-, and Doctoral Symposium Papers

Verlag: Springer Nature Switzerland

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Identifying possible use cases for quantum computers is important to evaluate the potential. This work-in-progress paper explores their potential for addressing the short-term generation scheduling (STGS) problem in hydropower plants. By working towards reformulating the STGS problem as a quadratic unconstrained binary optimization (QUBO) problem, we aim to leverage the capabilities of quantum computers to find optimal solutions. Initial results using piecewise linear approximation indicate promising outcomes. Further research will focus on the QUBO formulation, implementing the approach on quantum hardware, and assessing its performance.

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Towards Solving Short-Term Generation Scheduling Problems on Quantum Computers
verfasst von
S. Bruckner
F. Ferrarotti
R. Ramler
R. Wille
S. Hillmich