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2022 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Transforming Legal Ecosystems: A Conceptual Framework Derived from Our Practice

verfasst von : Valérie M. Saintot, F. Lulić

Erschienen in: Liquid Legal – Humanization and the Law

Verlag: Springer International Publishing

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This paper is primarily aimed at legal professionals in larger in-house departments, particularly those in the position to ignite and drive change processes. Yet, the insights shared can be easily transported to a wide variety of other contexts. The authors’ views on some key cognitive biases often standing in the way of meaningful and long-lasting transformation are presented. Ways to overcome them are also proposed. The main focus is placed on how people could be empowered to deliver on their tasks, together with ever developing digital technologies. At the heart lies the need to use some skills not traditionally associated or developed by professionals in the legal field. Legal design principles, knowledge visualisation techniques and proficiency in legal project management are promoted and exemplified in three case studies. The authors posit that such upskilling of legal professionals is necessary to avoid being overwhelmed by the disruptive way in which legal services are increasingly requested, consumed, and valued by clients. To structure and thematise actions that are enabling the shift to be implemented, a model is derived—named ‘ease legal model’ where EASE stands for Engage—Aim—See—Empower. It is completed by a concise guide for legal practitioners.

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See Fig. 10a.
See Fig. 10b.
See Fig. 10c.
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Zurück zum Zitat Smathers R-A (2015) The 21st-century T-shaped lawyer. Connecticut Lawyer Smathers R-A (2015) The 21st-century T-shaped lawyer. Connecticut Lawyer
Zurück zum Zitat Susskind R (2017) Tomorrow’s lawyers: an introduction to your future. Oxford University Press, New York Susskind R (2017) Tomorrow’s lawyers: an introduction to your future. Oxford University Press, New York
Transforming Legal Ecosystems: A Conceptual Framework Derived from Our Practice
verfasst von
Valérie M. Saintot
F. Lulić