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2025 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Trends in the Use of Electronic Channels for Banking and Financial Services in Ecuador

verfasst von : Carlos Arias, Miguel Aizaga, William Ortega, Carolina Jaramillo

Erschienen in: Perspectives and Trends in Education and Technology

Verlag: Springer Nature Switzerland

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The business activities of production of goods and services are currently changing towards a process of automation and digitization of processes, and in this sense the financial services sector is no exception, as it is also transforming its processes towards the digitization of its services, evidencing that customers or users are increasingly using electronic access channels such as the Internet or mobile banking supported by information technologies that are displacing the physical or face-to-face channels such as offices, This is a situation that is also occurring in Ecuador, where it is important to determine the trend in the use of electronic channels versus face-to-face channels in the provision of financial services.

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Trends in the Use of Electronic Channels for Banking and Financial Services in Ecuador
verfasst von
Carlos Arias
Miguel Aizaga
William Ortega
Carolina Jaramillo


    Die im Laufe eines Jahres in der „adhäsion“ veröffentlichten Marktübersichten helfen Anwendern verschiedenster Branchen, sich einen gezielten Überblick über Lieferantenangebote zu verschaffen.