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2016 | Buch

Trustworthy Global Computing

10th International Symposium, TGC 2015 Madrid, Spain, August 31 – September 1, 2015 Revised Selected Papers


Über dieses Buch

This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-conference proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Trustworthy Global Computing, TGC 2015, held in Madrid, Spain, in August/September 2015.

The 10 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 19 submissions. The Symposium on Trustworthy Global Computing focuses on frameworks, tools, algorithms, and protocols for open-ended, large-scale systems and applications, and on rigorous reasoning about their behavior and properties.


Secure Two-Party Computation in Applied Pi-Calculus: Models and Verification
Secure two-party computation allows two distrusting parties to compute a function, without revealing their inputs to each other. Traditionally, the security properties desired in this context, and the corresponding security proofs, are based on a notion of simulation, which can be symbolic or computational. Either way, the proofs of security are intricate, requiring first to find a simulator, and then to prove a notion of indistinguishability. Furthermore, even for classic protocols such as Yao’s (based on garbled circuits and oblivious transfer), we do not have adequate symbolic models for cryptographic primitives and protocol roles, that can form the basis for automated security proofs.
We propose new models in applied pi-calculus to address these gaps. Our contributions, formulated in the context of Yao’s protocol, include: an equational theory for specifying the primitives of garbled computation and oblivious transfer; process specifications for the roles of the two parties in Yao’s protocol; definitions of security that are more clear and direct: result integrity, input agreement (both based on correspondence assertions) and input privacy (based on observational equivalence). We put these models together and illustrate their use with ProVerif, providing a first automated verification of security for Yao’s two-party computation protocol.
Sergiu Bursuc
Multiparty Testing Preorders
Variants of the must testing approach have been successfully applied in Service Oriented Computing for analysing the compliance between (contracts exposed by) clients and servers or, more generally, between two peers. It has however been argued that multiparty scenarios call for more permissive notions of compliance because partners usually do not have full coordination capabilities. We propose two new testing preorders, which are obtained by restricting the set of potential observers. For the first preorder, called uncoordinated, we allow only sets of parallel observers that use different parts of the interface of a given service and have no possibility of intercommunication. For the second preorder, that we call independent, we instead rely on parallel observers that perceive as silent all the actions that are not in the interface of interest. We have that the uncoordinated preorder is coarser than the classical must testing preorder and finer than the independent one. We also provide a characterisation in terms of decorated traces for both preorders: the uncoordinated preorder is defined in terms of must-sets and Mazurkiewicz traces while the independent one is described in terms of must-sets and classes of filtered traces that only contain designated visible actions.
Rocco De Nicola, Hernán Melgratti
Data Tracking in Parameterized Systems
We study parameterized verification problems for concurrent systems with data enriched with a permission model for invoking remote services. Processes are modelled via register automata. Communication is achieved by rendez-vous with value passing. Permissions are represented as graphs with an additional conflict relation to specify incompatible access rights. The resulting model is inspired by communication architectures underlying operating systems for mobile devices. We consider decision problems involving permission violations and data tracking formulated for an arbitrary number of processes and use reductions to well structured transition systems to obtain decidable fragments of the model.
Giorgio Delzanno
Modular Monitor Extensions for Information Flow Security in JavaScript
Client-side JavaScript programs often interact with the web page into which they are included, as well as with the browser itself, through APIs such as the DOM API, the XMLHttpRequest API, and the W3C Geolocation API. Precise reasoning about JavaScript security must therefore take API invocation into account. However, the continuous emergence of new APIs, and the heterogeneity of their forms and features, renders API behavior a moving target that is particularly hard to capture. To tackle this problem, we propose a methodology for modularly extending sound JavaScript information flow monitors with a generic API. Hence, to verify whether an extended monitor complies with the proposed noninterference property requires only to prove that the API satisfies a predefined set of conditions. In order to illustrate the practicality of our methodology, we show how an information flow monitor-inlining compiler can take into account the invocation of arbitrary APIs, without changing the code or the proofs of the original compiler. We provide an implementation of such a compiler with an extension for handling a fragment of the DOM Core Level 1 API. Furthermore, our implementation supports the addition of monitor extensions for new APIs at runtime.
José Fragoso Santos, Tamara Rezk, Ana Almeida Matos
Hybrid Typing of Secure Information Flow in a JavaScript-Like Language
As JavaScript is highly dynamic by nature, static information flow analyses are often too coarse to deal with the dynamic constructs of the language. To cope with this challenge, we present and prove the soundness of a new hybrid typing analysis for securing information flow in a JavaScript-like language. Our analysis combines static and dynamic typing in order to avoid rejecting programs due to imprecise typing information. Program regions that cannot be precisely typed at static time are wrapped inside an internal boundary statement used by the semantics to interleave the execution of statically verified code with the execution of code that must be dynamically checked.
José Fragoso Santos, Thomas Jensen, Tamara Rezk, Alan Schmitt
Fault Ascription in Concurrent Systems
Fault diagnosis is becoming increasingly important and difficult with the growing pervasiveness and complexity of computer systems. We propose in this paper a general semantic framework for fault ascription, a precise form of fault diagnosis that relies on counterfactual analysis for identifying necessary and sufficient causes of faults in component-based systems. Our framework relies on configuration structures to handle concurrent systems, partial and distributed observations in a uniform way. It defines basic conditions for a counterfactual analysis of necessary and sufficient causes, and it presents a refined analysis that conforms to our basic conditions while avoiding various infelicities.
Gregor Gössler, Jean-Bernard Stefani
Disjunctive Information Flow for Communicating Processes
The security validation of practical computer systems calls for the ability to specify and verify information flow policies that are dependent on data content. Such policies play an important role in concurrent, communicating systems: consider a scenario where messages are sent to different processes according to their tagging. We devise a security type system that enforces content-dependent information flow policies in the presence of communication and concurrency. The type system soundly guarantees a compositional noninterference property. All theoretical results have been formally proved in the Coq proof assistant [9].
Ximeng Li, Flemming Nielson, Hanne Riis Nielson, Xinyu Feng
Near-Optimal Scheduling for LTL with Future Discounting
We study the search problem for optimal schedulers for the linear temporal logic (LTL) with future discounting. The logic, introduced by Almagor, Boker and Kupferman, is a quantitative variant of LTL in which an event in the far future has only discounted contribution to a truth value (that is a real number in the unit interval [0, 1]). The precise problem we study—it naturally arises e.g. in search for a scheduler that recovers from an internal error state as soon as possible—is the following: given a Kripke frame, a formula and a number in [0, 1] called a margin, find a path of the Kripke frame that is optimal with respect to the formula up to the prescribed margin (a truly optimal path may not exist). We present an algorithm for the problem; it works even in the extended setting with propositional quality operators, a setting where (threshold) model-checking is known to be undecidable.
Shota Nakagawa, Ichiro Hasuo
A Switch, in Time
Communication networks are quintessential concurrent and distributed systems, posing verification challenges concerning network protocols, reliability, resilience and fault-tolerance, and security. While techniques based on logic and process calculi have been employed in the verification of various protocols, there is a mismatch between the abstractions used in these approaches and the essential structure of networks. In particular, the formal models do not accurately capture the organization of networks in terms of (fast but dumb) table-based switches forwarding structured messages, with intelligence/control located only at the end-points.
To bridge this gap, we propose an extension of the axiomatic basis of communication proposed by Karsten et al. In this paper, a simple model of abstract switches and table-based prefix rewriting is characterized axiomatically using temporal logic. This formulation is able to address reconfigurations over time of the network. We illustrate our framework with simple examples drawn from SDNs, IPv6 mobility and anonymous routing protocols.
Lenore D. Zuck, Sanjiva Prasad
Verification of Component-Based Systems via Predicate Abstraction and Simultaneous Set Reduction
This paper presents a novel safety property verification approach for component-based systems modelled in BIP (Behaviour, Interaction and Priority), encompassing multiparty synchronisation with data transfer and priority. Our contributions consist of: (1) an on-the-fly lazy predicate abstraction technique for BIP; (2) a novel explicit state reduction technique, called simultaneous set reduction, that can be combined with lazy predicate abstraction to prune the search space of abstract reachability analysis; (3) a prototype tool implementing all the proposed techniques. We also conduct thorough experimental evaluation, which demonstrates the effectiveness of our proposed approach.
Wang Qiang, Simon Bliudze
Trustworthy Global Computing
herausgegeben von
Pierre Ganty
Michele Loreti
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