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2021 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Typology of Nonlinear Time Series Models

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This paper attempts to provide a comprehensive review of nonlinear time series models, starting with the rationale for such models, their superiority over their linear counterparts, and issues surrounding their analysis especially in terms of the simultaneous examination of nonlinear and nonstationary properties of the data. The study provides a detailed typology of various univariate nonlinear time series models, the aspects that it helps capture in data and their estimation procedures. The paper then provides an exposition of the concept of nonlinear cointegration in a multivariate context and some of the issues therein. As an illustrative example, the study estimates a SETAR model for the Indian money multiplier and provides a brief analysis. We conclude with the relevance and applicability of these models in further understanding the dynamics in economic data.

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Disclaimer: The views expressed here do not reflect the views of the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai. The author is extremely grateful to Prof. Gilles Dufrenot and Prof. Takashi Matsuki for accepting this paper as a chapter. This paper was part of my PhD thesis submitted and defended at the Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, Mumbai. Responsibility for any remaining shortcomings and errors rests solely with the author.
Refer to Appendix 1 for definition of a limit cycle.
It is not necessary that the presence of such a function indicates a nonlinear relationship with certainty. Such relations can also be analyzed under the linear time series modeling framework by transforming the relation into a linear one.
Deterministic time trend implies the trend in the time series is a deterministic function of time; stochastic time trend implies that the trend is not predictable (Gujarati and Porter 2008, pp. 745).
The auxiliary regression is (Teräsvirta et al. 1994,Teräsvirta 1994):
\(\hat{\varepsilon }_{t} = \hat{\varvec{z}}_{{1\varvec{t}}}^{{\prime }} \tilde{\beta }_{1} + \hat{z}_{2t} \left(\varvec{\pi}\right)\tilde{\beta }_{2} + u_{t} \left(\varvec{\pi}\right),t = 1, \ldots ,T\) where \(\tilde{\beta }_{1} = \left( {\tilde{\beta }_{11} , \ldots ,\tilde{\beta }_{1,p + 1} } \right)^{{\prime }}\) and \(u_{t} \left(\varvec{\pi}\right)\) is the error term.
The auxiliary regression is then formulated as:
\(\hat{\upsilon }_{t} = \tilde{\beta }_{1}^{{\prime }} \hat{\varvec{z}}_{1t} + \tilde{\beta }_{2}^{{\prime }} \varvec{w}_{\varvec{t}} y_{t - d} + \tilde{\beta }_{3}^{{\prime }} \varvec{w}_{\varvec{t}} y_{t - d}^{2} + e_{t}^{{\prime }} ,t = 1, \ldots ,T\) where \(\tilde{\beta }_{1} = (\tilde{\beta }_{10} ,\tilde{\beta }_{1}^{{\prime }} )^{{\prime }}\), \(\tilde{\beta }_{10} = \theta_{10} - (c^{*} )^{2} \theta_{20} ,e_{t}^{{\prime }}\) is the error term and \(\beta_{2} = 2c^{*}\varvec{\theta}_{2} - \theta_{20} \varvec{e}_{d}\) and \(\beta_{3} = -\varvec{\theta}_{2}\).
The power spectrum is defined as:
$$s\left( \omega \right) = \frac{1}{2\pi }\mathop \sum \limits_{k = - \infty }^{\infty } R_{k} e^{{ - ik_{\infty } }}$$
where Rk are the k autocovariances of xt which is a zero mean linear stationary process.
Mixing processes (Dufrénot and Mignon 2002): Mixing is a concept used to measure the degree of dependence in the memory of a time series. Strong mixing can be understood as short-range dependence. Mixing implies that as the time span between two events increases, the dependence between past and future events becomes negligible.
Refer to Footnote 38 for formal definition of memory in time series.
The Box-Cox transformation is given as:
\(\begin{aligned} \varvec{y}_{\varvec{t}} \left(\varvec{\lambda}\right) & = \frac{{\varvec{y}_{\varvec{t}}^{\varvec{\lambda}} - 1}}{\varvec{\lambda}},\varvec{\lambda}\ne 0,\varvec{y}_{\varvec{t}} \ge 0 \\ & = \log \varvec{y}_{\varvec{t}} ,\varvec{\lambda}= 0,\varvec{y}_{\varvec{t}} > 0 \\ \end{aligned}\)
where t represents the inclusion of a time trend and λ denotes the set of parameters that enter in the nonlinear model.
Proposed by Aparicio et al. (2003, 2006).
Econometricians refer to conditional variance while dealing with the volatility of the time series and the time varying volatility is referred to as conditional heteroscedasticity (Harris and Sollis 2006).
The conditional mean (and variance) of a time series are the mean (and variance) conditional on the information set available at time t (Harris and Sollis 2006).
The AR(p) process can also be replace by series of exogenous variables which include lagged dependent values of the dependent variable as well.
Ergodicity: It is an attribute of stochastic systems; generally, a system that tends in probability to a limiting form that is independent of the initial conditions.
Markovian property implies that the current value of the state variable depends on its immediate past value.
Quasi-maximum likelihood estimators refer to the maximum likelihood estimators obtained when normality is assumed but the true conditional distribution is non-normal (Harris and Solis 2006).
Hamilton (1996) defines the conditional score statistic as the derivative of the conditional log-likelihood of the tth observation with respect to the parameter vector. This score can be calculated using the procedure for smoothed probabilities; thus, it does not require estimating additional parameters by maximum likelihood.
Mixing processes (Dufrénot and Mignon 2002): Mixing is a concept used to measure the degree of dependence in the memory of a time series. Mixing implies that as the time span between two events increases, the dependence between past and future events becomes negligible.
Aparicio and Escribano (1998), pp. 121 suggest the general characterization of mean reversion, long- and short- memory and integrated of order d where \(i_{x} \left( {\tau ,t} \right)\) is considered to be a non-negative measure of serial dependence which captures higher-order dependency structure in the series.
Hansen and Seo (2002): The notation of Xt-1(β) implies that the variables are evaluated at generic values and not the true values of β. The variables evaluated at the true values are denoted by Xt−1. A similar argument holds for the ECT term.
The sup-LM value is the maximal value for which the test is most favourably rejected. A supremum statistic is an aggregation possibility in case of an unknown threshold parameter (which would result in a non-standard distribution and the threshold parameter thus being unidentified under the null).
Residual-based bootstrap: The time series under consideration, yt are nonstationary and cannot be resampled directly. Given the assumption that ut are iid (pp. 72) and unobservable, the least-squares residuals of the TVECM are resampled independently with replacement. This is called the residual-based bootstrap (Seo 2006).
Transactions costs lead to large (more than proportional) changes in real exchange rates which is captured using an exponential functional form in the STAR model.
Thus, resulting in a complete peak-trough cycle.
Data source—Reserve Bank of India (2013): Handbook of Statistics on the Indian Economy, Reserve Bank of India, Mumbai.
The results of the stationarity and nonlinearity tests are available on request. The augmented Dickey Fuller test for unit roots was also conducted for the sake of completeness.
The results, code are available on request from the author.
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Typology of Nonlinear Time Series Models
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Aditi Chaubal

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