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2024 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Use of Qualitative Approach to Identifying e-HRM Practices in Cypriot’s Hotels

verfasst von : Christos Papademetriou, Sofia Anastasiadou, Dimitrios Belias

Erschienen in: Eurasian Business and Economics Perspectives

Verlag: Springer Nature Switzerland

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During the past years, e-HRM has been developing. Due to the rapid growth of technology and the Internet, managers should update their traditional HRM techniques with modern technological tools to keep up with the current conditions. This research aims to examine the impact of e-HRM on a hotel’s performance. More specifically, this paper investigates the effect of e-HRM on hotel employees’ efficiency and HRM service quality. For this reason, qualitative research was conducted on five-star hotels in Cyprus. Twenty Human Resources specialists were interviewed. They worked on different five-star hotels located in Limassol and Paphos. The research outcome revealed the importance of e-HRM implementation in Cyprus hotels. More thoroughly, the results highlight the significance of e-HRM activities on enhancing HR services quality as well as personnel’s productivity. As a result, the performance of the hotel would be boosted. This paper contributes to the existing literature by expanding on the previous works on e-HRM and highlighting the importance of e-HRM implementation in the hotel sector.

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Use of Qualitative Approach to Identifying e-HRM Practices in Cypriot’s Hotels
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Christos Papademetriou
Sofia Anastasiadou
Dimitrios Belias

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