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3. User Behaviour in Terrorist Acts to Model the Evacuation in Outdoor Open Areas

verfasst von : Gabriele Bernardini, Elena Cantatore, Fabio Fatiguso, Enrico Quagliarini

Erschienen in: Terrorist Risk in Urban Outdoor Built Environment

Verlag: Springer Nature Singapore

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The resilience of the urban built environment to terrorist acts depends on the interactions among the physical scenario, the attackers, the hosted users, and the mitigation solutions (both structural and non-structural), when implemented. Outdoor Open Areas mainly show a high level of complexity in these terms, and thus, expert risk assessment methods to be applied in such contexts should be also supported by simulation-based approaches, which can be able to manage and describe these interactions in a holistic manner. The behavioural design approach can be used to evaluate the impact of different input conditions on final risk levels depending on the users’ response to the terrorist act. In fact, this approach relies on the experimental-based modelling of user behaviours and individual vulnerability, and on the related simulation in emergency and evacuation scenarios. This Chapter hence traces bases for user behaviour modelling in terrorist acts.

3.1 Understanding and Simulating User Behaviours in Terrorist Acts to Support Risk Assessment and Mitigation

As in different kinds of disasters (e.g., earthquakes, fires, floods) affecting the built environment (BE) [15], the behavioural response of the users can increase or decrease their risks in case of a terrorist act [610]. User behaviours thus represent an essential element to be considered in risk assessment and development of mitigation strategies [1115], including both structural (mainly, physical interventions on the built environment) and non-structural (e.g., training and activities for risk perception, awareness and preparedness increase; emergency and evacuation planning, including the involvement of law enforcement agencies) measures [4]. Furthermore, the definition of behavioural patterns supports the definition and validation of terrorist act simulators and thus the possibility of adopting these tools for risk assessment and mitigation [1417]. The behavioural design approach takes advantage of these knowledge and modelling standpoints and implies the analysis of experimental-based emergency behaviours of exposed users as the basic starting point for defining solutions against disasters [18]. Although this approach has been codified for other kinds of emergencies in the urban built environment, such as earthquakes [18], and it relies on the same perspective used in fire safety (e.g., according to the “Psychonomics” principles [19]) for buildings, recent works demonstrated their reliability also in the case of terrorist acts [8, 20]. Then, key performance indicators, based on the analysis of event impacts on the users and their behaviours, can quantitatively derive the risk levels in the built environment according to simulation results (see Chap. 4). The same modelling approaches could be used to assess risk in pre and post-retrofit scenarios, too.
In view of the above, this chapter first traces an overview of user behaviour in terrorist acts according to consolidated research (Sect. 3.2), also providing structured data on typical motion quantities (Sect. 3.3). Then, bases for simulation modelling are provided (Sect. 3.4) by using agent-based techniques, which can effectively represent the complex interactions among the outdoor Open Areas (OAs), the users and the perpetrators.

3.2 User Behaviour in Terrorist Acts

The analysis of users’ behaviours can be mainly performed on videotapes of real-world events [8, 9, 15, 21]. Additional research methods involve the use of surveys (including those with survivors of real-world attacks, and those on hypothetical scenarios) [6, 7, 2124], while recent efforts move towards virtual reality-based experiments [25, 26], although they are limited to indoor scenarios rather than to OA applications. Nevertheless, the analysis of real-world scenarios could be preferred since it represents a source with a low level of biases when it is performed by trained researchers, and thus, it can limit memory effects (e.g., in post-event interviews) and virtual spaces (e.g., realism, immersiveness, motion sickness) issues.
According to previous approaches [1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 21], user behaviours can be essentially organized in terms of evacuation phase (and thus of emergency and evacuation timeline), distinguishing three main phases. The pre-movement phase concerns the identification of possible emergency warnings and cues, and also includes preliminary tasks to decide if evacuating and the initial tasks (including evacuation direction identification). The motion phase represents the evacuation itself, and ends with the immediate post-evacuation phase, when users reach a safe area and try to re-organize tasks towards normality and reprise. Moreover, behaviours can be characterized in terms of the main issues composing the physical scenarios where the behaviours are performed (i.e., indoor/outdoor; presence of obstacles; presence of members of law enforcement agencies), as well as depending on the typology of attack (if statistically relevant or specific of given behaviour), and interaction elements. Each behaviour could also be classified as common with other kinds of emergencies or specific terrorist acts, and deliberately chosen or passively suffered. Finally, each behaviour can be associated with the probability of occurrence and situational frequency, which defines the possibility that they can be activated in emergency conditions depending on the aforementioned factors. Relying on structured results of previous works [8, 21], Tables 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 organize these issues by respectively considering main behaviours in the pre-movement, evacuation motion, and immediate post-evacuation phase.
Table 3.1
User behaviours in the pre-movement phase according to structured results of previous works [8] (superscript a) and [21] (superscript b)
BEHAVIOURS: short description (issues of the behaviours which are: D = deliberately chosen; S = passively suffered)
Elements of interactions:
-main scenario features
Situational frequency [%]
“PRO-SOCIAL” BEHAVIOURS*: Users engage in information searching and exchange for decision-making, i.e., activating or not the evacuation process and providing preliminary tasks for wayfinding (D)
Other users:
-general conditions
-near the attack area
-presence of safety/security personnel
RISK PERCEPTION AND EVACUATION DECISION DEPENDING ON SURROUNDING CONDITIONS*: The level of risk perceived by users changes with the presence of cues and triggers, and the evacuation procedure can be affected by the presence of sensible damages or effects of the attack (D). Moreover, the evacuation process can begin earlier for users who can directly observe triggers and cues of the attack with respect to others who are farther away from the attack area (S)
Sensible triggers and cues of the attack:
-overall effects
19a to 32b
-near the attack area
-effective general modifications of the scenario due to the attack
-presence of safety/security personnel
-bombing attack
-CBR attack
-melee attack
31 b
-vehicle attack
50 b
-shooting attack
-running crowd (in high-risk conditions)
-police action (in high-risk conditions)
“CURIOSITY” EFFECTS*: Users can also decide not to evacuate, remaining close to their initial position, or moving more slowly in an attempt to “see what is happening”, especially in case they are placed far from the event triggers and cues. Mainly, users can also take pictures or videos of the event through mobile devices (D)
Sensible triggers and cues of the attack, as well as other users who are evacuating or not:
-general conditions
-bombing attack
-presence of safety/security personnel
-effective general modifications of the scenario due to the attack
-far from the attack area
*: the behaviour is noticed also in other kinds of emergencies (e.g., fires, earthquakes, floods)
Table 3.2
User behaviours in the evacuation motion phase according to structured results of previous works [8]
Behaviours: short description
Elements of interactions:
-main scenario features
Situational frequency [%]
ATTRACTION TOWARDS SAFE AREAS*: Depending on the typology of the attack and physical scenario, try to move towards safe areas, generally distant from the event trigger or in protected zones (D)
Sensible triggers of the attack and physical scenarios:
-general conditions
-far from the attack area
-near the attack area
-effective general modifications of the scenario due to the attack
-presence of safety/security personnel
-by simply running far from the attack area towards the first available direction
“PRO-SOCIAL” BEHAVIOURS*: Social shared identity effects can support interactions during the motion phase, by supporting evacuation groups creation, information seeking and sharing (D). In addition, users’ density alters the “collective” velocity of the group and thus the individual velocity (S). This behaviour includes the activation of specific responses depending on the surrounding conditions
Other users:
-general conditions
-group ties between the users
-presence of more vulnerable users (e.g., hand assisted in evacuation, such as children, elderly, or disabled)
-with respect to the activation of herding for path selection
-presence of safety/security personnel
-bombing attack (as most relevant one)
-effective general modifications of the scenario due to the attack
-far from the attack area
REPULSIVE MECHANISMS TO AVOID PHYSICAL CONTACT*: users adapt their trajectory to locally avoid collisions with other users and obstacles (D)
Other users and obstacles:
-general conditions
-presence of safety/security personnel
-presence of fixed obstacles
NOT KEEPING A “SAFETY DISTANCE” FROM FURNITURES*: Users allow physical contact with walls, fences, trees, indoor and urban furniture, chairs, railings, and movable obstacles since they are not perceived as unsafe for user movement. It also includes the possibility of climbing or knocking over such obstacles to optimize linear trajectories, limit directional changes or reduce waiting time along paths (D). The relevance of this behaviour could be also affected by users’ density effects (S)
Movable obstacles:
-general conditions
-by climbing or knocking over them
-effective general modifications of the scenario due to the attack
-presence of safety/security personnel
-near the attack area by climbing or knocking over them
-high density of users (also over 1.33 persons/m2)
“SELFISH” AND COMPETITIVE BEHAVIOURS*: trampling or pushing behaviours are noticed in view of density increase and psychological pressure on the crowd while moving (D since the users activate this behaviour)
Other users and presence of triggers and cues of the attack, as well as attack typologies:
-general conditions
-effective general modifications of the scenario due to the attack
-near the attack area
-presence of safety/security personnel
-vehicle attack (as the most relevant one)
INCREASED GUIDE EFFECT FOR PRESENCE OF RESCUERS*: leader–follower effects are noticed between safety/security personnel (e.g., police officers, other first responders) and users. Users can take advantage of instructions from rescuers by mainly optimizing path selection and adopting protection behaviours (D)
Presence of safety/security personnel, as well as attack typologies:
-general conditions
-bombing attack (as the most relevant one)
-near the attack area
AVOIDANCE OF EVACUATION PROCEDURE PERFORMING: Users can prefer adopting milling behaviours rather than evacuating, due to pro-social effects or curiosity effects (D)
Other users and presence of triggers and cues of the attack, as well as attack typologies:
-general conditions
-far from the attack area
-presence of safety/security personnel
-vehicle attack (as the most relevant, i.e., for users not placed along the vehicle trajectory)
-armed assault (as the most dynamic in attackers’ movement complexity)
COUNTERFLOW IN EVACUATION MOTION*: Groups of pedestrians may choose to go in opposing directions as a result of group behaviours or the identification of safe areas (D). This phenomenon can imply the group organization and shaping to reduce movement effort and collisions (S)
Other users and physical layout, as well as attack typologies:
-general conditions
-presence of fixed obstacles
-presence of safety/security personnel
-vehicle attack (as the most relevant, due to the dynamic and rapid change of the attackers)
*: the behaviour is noticed also in other kinds of emergencies (e.g., fires, earthquakes, floods)
Table 3.3
User behaviours in the immediate post-evacuation phase according to structured results of previous works [8]
Behaviours: short description
Elements of interactions:
-main scenario features
Situational frequency [%]
Safe areas definition: Users typically stop the evacuation and gather as far away as possible from the attack area and damage due to the attack, where density conditions can also restore safety levels (D)
Sensible triggers of the attack, other users and physical scenarios, but noticed only outdoors:
-general conditions
-far from the attack area
-effective general modifications of the scenario due to the attack
-presence of safety/security personnel
-evacuation conditions in low users’ densities (up to about 0.30 persons/m2)
-bombing attack (as the most relevant one)
-considering the evacuation end for the influence of not immediate danger feelings or helplessness conditions (only this one includes indoor scenarios)
“Pro-social” behaviours in post-evacuation*: In the immediate aftermath, as for other large-scale disasters (i.e., earthquakes, floods, typhons), users assist one another, especially considering more vulnerable and injured ones (D)
Other users, physical scenarios as well as attack typology
-general conditions
-presence of safety/security personnel
-armed assault (as the most relevant one)
Attachment to things*: users try to move back and collect personal belongings, as for other large-scale disasters (i.e., earthquakes, floods, typhoons) (D)
Other users, physical scenario and attack typology:
-general conditions
-presence of safety/security personnel
-armed assault (as the most relevant one)
*: The behaviour is noticed also in other kinds of emergencies (e.g., fires, earthquakes, floods)
In general terms, although some situational frequencies could appear limited, the presence of related behaviours cannot be excluded, also in view of the restricted dimension of investigated samples. In this sense, the main scenario features defined in Tables 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3 can depict an increasing possibility that users can adopt specific behaviours. In this way, these tables also clearly report data for outdoor scenarios as the reference one in this work for OAs. Similarly, it is worth noting that such analyses were essentially consistent with “run and hide” procedures [27], and that fighting behaviours were not retrieved in the assessed conditions.

3.3 Summary of Main Motion Quantities in Terrorist Evacuation

Besides qualitative issues described in Sect. 3.1, as for other kinds of evacuation (e.g., earthquake, fire, flood) [2, 2830], motion quantities in terrorist evacuation essentially concern pedestrian speed, and how pedestrian density, effects of the “modus operandi” of the attackers and specific typologies of scenarios could affect this speed. The need for experimentally-based data from real-world events is fundamental to properly set up simulation models according to the effective quantities, rather than using generalized values (e.g., from general purposes databases). Nevertheless, limited efforts seem to be made to this end, essentially in view of the lack of valuable data for the reliable analysis of user behaviours. In the following, most of the results have been collected by reference work (using videotapes of attacks all over Europe from 2004 to 2017) [8], while additional insights from other studies have been considered, too.
Considering free walking conditions (pedestrian density ρ < 0.17 persons/m2), real-world scenarios (>600 records) point out that the instantaneous individual evacuation speed Vi [m/s] ranges from 0.17 to 8.4 m/s (99th percentile of distribution), with a mean value of 3.32 m/s and a standard deviation of 1.93 m/s [8]. In this sense, values seem to be higher than those commonly noticed in general purpose and fire evacuation and adopted in related modelling (which essentially range from 1.2 to 1.5 m/s) [29, 30]. Normality for speed distribution is rejected, and data can be reliably described according to a Weibull distribution characterized by: mean = 3.31 m/s, variance = 3.76 m/s, scale = 3.72 (standard error = 0.08 = , shape = 1.77 (standard error = 0.06), scale-shape covariance of parameters estimates < 0.007.
Equation 3.1 describes the effects of ρ on Vi by adapting the factors of the equation of the fundamental diagram of pedestrian dynamics [31] depending on experimental values [8].
$$Vi = \left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}c} {\left( {2.50 - 0.72} \right)*\left( {1 - e^{{ - 0.14*\left( {\frac{1}{\rho } - \frac{1}{{\rho_{{{\text{crit}}}} }}} \right)}} } \right) + 0.72\,{\text{for}}\,\rho \le \rho_{{{\text{crit}}}} } \\ {k_{L} *\left( {\rho - \rho_{{{\text{crit}}}} } \right) + 0.72\,{\text{for}}\,\rho_{{{\text{crit}}}} < \rho \le \rho_{{{\text{stop}}}} } \\ \end{array} } \right.$$
In Eq. 3.1, 2.50 m/s represents the free-flowing value of Vi, while 0.72 m/s refers to Vi for ρcrit = 2.67 persons/m2, that is for consolidated critical density values from real-world videotapes analysis.1 ρstop ≥ 4 persons/m2 and considers the maximum values which can cause an evacuation stop [32]. Thus, while the Vi calculation ρ ≤ ρcrit relies on experimental data, the one for ρcrit < ρ ≤ ρstop has been defined by previous simulation works [20], theoretically hypothesizing a linear decreasing trend of Vi (where kL = -0.54 [m3/(s∙persons)]) due to the lack of consistent data on this part of the existence field of ρ [8].
Nevertheless, differences in Vi depending on the “modus operandi” of the attackers exist, also in view of the related effects and damage depending on the typology of terrorist act [11, 13, 33], as shown by Table 3.4.
Table 3.4
Average evacuation speed [m/s] depending on the typology of attack, and the type of scenario, in terms of minimum, mean and maximum values (approximated to 0.1). Data derived from [8]
Age typology (year range)
1-Typology of attack:
(1.A) Bombing attacks
(1.B) Armed assaults with fire gun
(1.C) Attacks with a vehicle running into a target
(1.D) Other armed assault: spray
(2.A) Outdoors
(2.B) Indoors
These results from previous works [8] concern the average evacuation speed, which is hence elaborated by aggregating the instantaneous values Vi during the whole monitoring period. Table 3.4 also traces the average evacuation speed differences for outdoor and indoor scenarios. These data are combined regardless of the local pedestrian density, thus representing the average user behaviour in a significant part of the evacuation process. It is worth noting that data are calculated for a limited sample of users (<50 persons), and thus, they could be affected by dimensional biases and uncertainties.

3.4 Towards an Evacuation Model for Terrorist Acts Simulation in the Urban Outdoor Open Areas

As for other evacuation scenarios (e.g., fire, earthquake, general purposes) [4, 34, 35], an agent-based model (ABM) represents a suitable approach for terrorist acts simulation since it allows to consider the specific behaviours of the OA and its components, of the attackers and of the users, as well as their mutual interactions [3640]. This approach can be easily combined with Cellular Automata (CA) techniques [41, 42], which divide the physical scenario (and thus the OA) into 2D cells in a quick but reliable manner. Due to the good balance between simulation outputs and execution timing, CA represents a useful technique to perform massive evacuation simulations [38, 43]. Moreover, ABM and CA have been combined by different simulation platforms, including open-source ones like NetLogo-based solutions [39], which have been widely used to perform evacuation simulations [3638, 44]. Moreover, ABM-CA have been also selected, validated and applied by BE S2ECURe in the context of terrorist acts simulation in OAs [20].
Figure 3.1 resumes the proposed ABM (intentional model), which is represented using the i* language representation [45]. The ABM is provided according to the main behaviours shown in Sect. 3.2. Each agent has its own resources to use/characterize itself, tasks to perform and goals to reach, while dependencies between them define the simulation rules inside each agent and consider their interactions with the other agents. In particular, the simulation issues concerning the user are organized according to the evacuation time, from the top (before the attack) to the bottom (evacuation completed).
In the following, the combined ABM-CA approach has been shown indeed according to these principles stressing issues concerning the users’ exposure, vulnerability, and terrorist risk mitigation in the OAs developed within the project [11, 46]. Modelling issues are discussed in the following by involving the OA (Sect. 3.4.1), the attackers (Sect. 3.4.2), and the users (Sect. 3.4.3), and the resources, tasks, and goals of the ABM in Fig. 3.1 are highlighted in italics.
Figure 3.2 provides an overview of the CA approach from a spatial standpoint, thus representing the agents.
In the following, the combined ABM-CA approach has been shown indeed according to these principles stressing issues concerning the users’ exposure, vulnerability, and terrorist risk mitigation in the OAs developed within the project [11, 46]. Modelling issues are discussed in the following by involving the OA (Sect. 3.4.1), the attackers (Sect. 3.4.2), and the users (Sect. 3.4.3), and the resources, tasks, and goals of the ABM in Fig. 3.1 are highlighted in italics.

3.4.1 Main Modelling Issues of the OA

The OA modelling focuses on outdoor spaces and areas surrounded by buildings. Before the attack, users can decide to perform social/leisure/physical activities in the OA and select their position outdoors where the main attractors for (over)crowding (see the scheme in Fig. 3.2) are located. At the same time, these attractors also act as attractors for the attackers to maximize the attack effects being OAs typical soft-targets [11, 33, 47]. First, these attractors are the intended use of outdoor areas [48], by mainly considering pedestrian areas and dehors, open-air terraces of bars and restaurants, open-air market areas, or other (mass)gathering spaces [46]. Second, (over)crowding in the OA can be also due to the intended uses of indoor areas involving possible (over)crowding, such as buildings open to the public and those having a symbolic or cultural value, which also represents an ideal soft target for the attackers [11, 47]. In this case, it could be possible to consider that crowding levels could be reached in front of these indoor intended uses, within their space of relevance (see Chap. 4), e.g., considering that users are waiting to enter [20]. Other buildings which do not host crowding-affected uses (e.g., residential buildings) represent obstacles to user movement by simply bounding the outdoor spaces. Additional components of the OA layout in outdoors to be considered are carriageways and parking lots, in which no initial crowding is considered in view of their use by motor vehicles [46], and obstacles such as monuments, fountains, fences, shrubs and hedges, trees, street furniture, and other fixed obstacles in the OA with protection attributes such as passive and active barriers (engineered planters, wall barriers, low walls, fixed and retractable bollards, heavy objects, water obstacles, jersey barriers) [12]. In this sense, the OA also includes the safe areas, which represent the evacuation targets. They can be defined within the OA (e.g., physically surrounded by fixed protection obstacles), placed in the buildings surrounding the OA (i.e., according to “invacuation” strategies towards protected spaces2), or, at least, represented by the access streets to the OA in view of the need for the users to leave the attack-affected areas [11, 12]. In the CA approach, squared cells with a side of 50 cm can be assumed to represent the OA, being consistent with the general user’s dimensions and ensuring a reliable prediction accuracy [3843]. Each of the cells is characterized by a specific typology depending on the aforementioned OA resources (Fig. 3.2). Finally, the OA can be also characterized by the presence of other mitigation strategies, both structural and non-structural, as well as rescuers’ support and evacuation plan (including the coordination of first responders and law enforcement agencies on the site). They can impact the way attackers can provoke damage to the OA and to the users.3 These resources can additionally alter the evacuation path selection by the users and the direct effects on them due to the attack.

3.4.2 Main Modelling Issues of the Attackers

The attackers are mainly aimed at maximizing the attack effects on the OA and the hosted users and thus their main task is provoking damage [38], while secondary goals could also concern the rapid escape from the OA after the attack, without being arrested by law enforcement.
The primary issue concerns the initial position of the attackers in the OA, which depends on the intended uses of indoor and outdoor areas in the OA. Considering the OA as an ideal soft target, the main attack attractors can essentially be identified by the most crowded areas and by the areas placed near targets with symbolic value, such as worship, public administration, and cultural buildings [33, 47, 49]. This initial position can be reached before the attack starts or during the attack itself.
Effects and damage, as well as the attackers’ patterns, depend on the specific “modus operandi” and on the number and typology of involved attackers [11, 13, 33].
Bombing attacks could imply “static” effects in the simulation depending on the typology of the bomb and thus on the magnitude of the explosion and the radius of the effects, while direct movement of the attackers could be excluded from the simulation [27]. Similar issues can be linked to Chemical, Nuclear, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) attacks [21, 33, 50], which can also involve a wider urban scenario apart from the OA.
Armed assaults are performed with different weapons [11], and they widely rely on a prey (the users)–predator (the attackers) model, in combination with the “shortest distance strategy”, in which the predator essentially tries to prey on the closest users as the best attack preference [37, 44, 5153]. Moreover, the effects on the user and the movement rules of attackers essentially depend on the selected weapon and on its “attack radius”, which is a distance threshold for effective casualties. The overall approach essentially considers the following simulation steps:
The attackers, as predators, move and expand their search area until they find a user, as prey.
Once the prey is placed within their vision field, they will move chasing the user, preferably moving towards the nearest one.4
When the prey is placed within their vision field and within their attack radius, they will launch the attack and try to kill the user.
Then, the attackers will move towards a new prey, starting again from point 1 or 2 of the simulation steps.
Armed assaults with fire guns [11, 51, 54] are characterized by a wide distance threshold. Main behaviours essentially relate to the exploration of the OAs by single or multiple attackers, and their related possibility to remain in effective positions or move along effective paths for a significant time, shooting towards the users. Similarly, attacks with a cold weapon (e.g., knife, sword) can be performed by one or more attackers. The distance threshold for related casualties and the casualty rates depends on the typology of used cold weapons, but general values can range from 0.6 to 1 m radius [20, 42, 44, 51, 55]. This distance threshold can be associated with the probability that the attack can effectively provoke a casualty, in percentage terms [53]. The Terrorism Self-Aid Procedure (TSAP) probability threshold [%] can be hence associated with the users who suffer from the attacker’s action [20], affecting the probability to suffer from the attack as the main resource in the ABM of Fig. 3.1 (see also Sect. 3.4.3). Thus, a casualty is provoked when the user-prey is placed inside the attacker-predator’s threshold and if the user’s TSAP is lower than a considered TSAP threshold. Nevertheless, this TSAP threshold can depend on the weapon typology and on the individual skills of a given user.
An attack with a vehicle running into a target is a typical outdoor attack in the OA [11, 33]. The target can be represented by the crowd (focused on a specific area or dispersed within the OA), a building (i.e., the vehicle moves towards the building façade or entrance), or a specific intended use placed outdoors, especially where (over)crowding levels or symbolic value are relevant. Besides the target, the vehicle driver can essentially adapt the vehicle trajectory to increase damage levels on the crowd. Although a significant lack in current literature is associated with the simulation of such type of attack, the proposed ABM model can be suitable to represent the related dynamics, by simply considering that the attacker corresponds to the vehicle itself and that the movement will be organized according to the possible microscopic trajectory of a vehicle. In this case, the attacker will mainly strike the users placed along the vehicle trajectory, while additional stampede effects could be simulated too [38] (compare with Sect. 3.4.3). The use of a distance threshold and a TSAP can be also considered for the attack with a vehicle. In particular, the distance threshold can be essentially considered equal to about half the vehicle width, thus considering users knocked down by the vehicle.
Attacks by unmanned vehicles/aircraft systems can essentially follow the same general rules of the attacks with a vehicle running into the target [11, 21]. Arson attacks can be essentially modelled according to fire-spreading dynamics [11].
Considering the other main Global Terrorism Database “modus operandi” [11, 56], it could be pointed out that unarmed assaults are specific typologies in which the crowd itself performs the attack as a whole, such as in the case of insurrections. In this case, the users (thus the crowd) and the attackers’ dynamics are essentially overlapped towards a (soft) target. Similar issues are also related to barricade incidents, while facility/infrastructure attacks seem to be out of scope in this model with application to the OAs.
Finally, in risk assessment analysis, the ABM-CA model could also provide a “baseline” scenario condition referred to as the simple evacuation of the OA [52]. In this scenario, the attacker is not directly considered in the ABM and thus no effects of the attack on the users are generated. It hence allows to assess basic interactions between the users and the OA, regardless of the “modus operandi”.

3.4.3 Main Modelling Issues of the Users

In all the attacks, the modelled emergency scenario implies the evacuation of the OA, since the attack is performed outdoors. Thus, it is considered that “users initially placed indoors do not need to participate in the evacuation process and can simply remain inside the buildings, where they are protected from the accident” [20]. Meanwhile, the initial position of users placed outdoors before the attack depends on the social/leisure/physical activities performed in the OA [46, 48], according to the intended uses of outdoor areas discussed in Sect. 3.4.1. Nevertheless, specific outdoor areas can attract specific typologies of users depending on their behaviours, and individual vulnerabilities and related features (e.g., by age, gender, and motion abilities) depending on their intended use. In this sense, at a broader level, users have to be also modelled to take into account their individual speed depending on age typologies [8, 32, 57], which implies an individual adaptation to the fundamental diagram shown in Eq. 3.1, by considering: (1) the ideal reduction factors on individual speed depending on age reported in Table 3.5; (2) the introduction of an individual random variation in speed (e.g., 0.7 m/s). According to the adoption of grid cells in the OA, the users’ density ρ in Eq. 3.1 can be calculated according to the extended Moore neighbourhood approach [20, 44, 58]. In particular, the approach considers the cells that can be reached by the user i within 1 s of simulation time (as reaction time), at i’s current speed. The density is calculated by excluding cells which are occupied by obstacles to evacuation paths. Moreover, the analysis could be limited to the cells placed within the users’ view cone5 and thus along the possible cells placed along the user movement direction, to consider the users’ visual perception domain [41, 59, 60]. The use of this view cone can smooth the individual local trajectories by limiting sudden movements which are not experimentally noticed.
Table 3.5
Individual vulnerability by age typologies, including main motion features and ideal reduction of user speed to be applied to values calculated according to Eq. 3.1
Age typology (year range)
Motion features
Vi reduction [-]
Toddlers (0–4)
Parents-assisted Children (5–14)
Young Autonomous (15–19)
Adults A (20–69)
Elderlies E (70 + )
Autonomous or assisted
The evacuation start can be performed by users when they are aware of the attack [21]. The signal reception of information by the users led them to perform an initial about whether to evacuate. For instance, input data to this end could be correlated to huge sound levels, presence of smokes, individuation of suspected attackers or injured people, as well as surrounding crowd who has already started running and instructions by first responders. Thus, the start decision depends on the attack typology and related weapons, and it could be differentiated across the OA spaces, also depending on the position of the attack source, especially in case of attacks with cold weapons or vehicles running over the crowd. To consider these phenomena, individual pre-movement time [8, 32] can be modelled, thus including a delay between the attack starting and the evacuation start (e.g., depending on the distance from the attack area, recognition delays of the event). Nevertheless, two opposite but critical conditions could be identified, especially in dense crowd scenarios: (a) synchronous starting of user movement, which increases interactions among moving users; (b) activation of the evacuation start by distance from the attack source, as in the “Mexican waves” phenomenon [61], since moving users can impact those who are still waiting to start evacuating.
Users then start moving to evacuate the OA, by taking into account multiple tasks and resources as shown in Fig. 3.1, while being attracted by a safe area. The elements of reference for these behaviours essentially provoke attractive and repulsive phenomena in users’ local and global paths, which are composed of the selection of different cells describing the OA. Thus, a dynamic floor field model “the willingness to walk” of a user placed in a certain cell towards one of the safe areas, according to a sort of affordance-based approach [40, 43]. Equation 3.2 provides the calculation of the affordance value Affc,t [-] associated with a cell c of the grid, at time t, as proposed by previous research [20].
$${\text{Aff}}_{c,t} = \alpha P_{i,c,t} + \beta F_{c} + \gamma R_{c,t} + \delta O_{c} .$$
Affc,t dynamically changes over the simulation time depending on the composing factors, which are associated with related non-dimensional weights [40] (whose sum is equal to 1).6 The probability that a user selects the cell c increases when Affc,t increases. According to Eq. 3.2, these factors are:
  • Dynamic, being time-dependent, to consider behaviours related to:
    Avoiding other users/performing group behaviours, by Pi,c,t [-]. This factor considers the neighbouring pedestrian density with respect to the current position of user I, which is evaluated according to the abovementioned extended Moore neighbourhood approach [58]. Pi,c,t is maximum where the pedestrian density is minimum, within the cells selected by the extended Moore neighbourhood approach. Pi,c,t is associated with the weight α. When α → 1, avoiding other users becomes the prevalent behaviour in path selection. When α → 0, performing group behaviours are prevalent by the users placed in the same area, being the density negligible.
    Avoiding attackers and their effects, by Rc,t [-]. This factor is introduced to consider the inclusion of a risk field for users’ evacuation [42, 52, 55] and it depends on the “modus operandi” of the attackers, according to Sect. 3.4.2. In particular, when no attacker (“baseline” scenario) is present, no effects are simulated and thus Rc,t = 1 for all the OA cells, and during the whole simulation time. In the other cases, Rc,t increases with the distance from the attack area, but [37, 52, 53]: (1) for “static” attacks, e.g., bombing, Rc,t is constant during the whole simulation time; (2) for attacks with different weapons, Rc,t depends on the position of the attackers at the time t, and thus according to the defined prey (the evacuees)–predator (the attackers) model. In the case of more than one attack area, Rc,t depends on the overlapping of the attack fields generated from each of the attack areas in the OA. Rc,t is associated with the weight β. When β → 1, the main users’ goal in motion is to run far from obstacles.
  • Static, being only layout-dependent, to consider behaviours related to:
    Being attracted by a safe area, by Fc [-]. This factor considers the distance from c to the closest safe area in the OA, thus overlapping the effects of different evacuation targets if present. In case no specific emergency plan is present, nor first responders tr to guide users and protect them from the attackers, it could be essentially considered that users try to move towards the OA access streets, far from the attackers, since these areas are perceived as safe [37, 42, 5153, 55]. Different approaches can be used to define the calculation of this distance-based and wayfinding field, e.g., Dijkstra-based, A*, Priority Queue Flood Fill Algorithm [20, 21, 6264]. The most distant cells are characterized by Fc = 0. The same approach could also take into account the activation of different safe areas over time to include behaviours related to looking for temporary shelters [21], according to the features of fixed obstacles in the OA with protection attributes as discussed in Sect. 3.4.1. In this case, their effectiveness, and thus the possibility to consider them as temporary shelters, depends on the specificities of the performed attack3. Moreover, the shielding effects of obstacles [21] or the visibility of safe areas [20] can locally alter the Fc values by respectively increasing or decreasing the considered distance and the wayfinding algorithm. Fc is associated with the weight γ. When γ → 1, the main users essentially select the short evacuation path depending on the specific adopted algorithm.
    Avoiding obstacles, by Oc [-]. This factor considers the distance between c to the nearest obstacles to the evacuation path (see Fig. 3.2) if they are placed within the assumed interaction threshold of 3 m, which can cause modifications to the users’ trajectory to avoid obstacles [60]. Oc is associated with the weight δ. When δ → 0, users allow for physical contact with obstacles.
Affc,t varies from 0 to 1, since each composing factor in Eq. 3.2 is based on the normalization rules expressed by Equation 3.3, in which fc is the value of a factor affecting Affc,t considering c, and the subscripts max and min respectively describe maximum and minimum values among all the cells of the OA grid [20].
$$f_{c} = \left( {f_{c,\max } - f_{c} } \right)/\left( {f_{c,\max } - f_{c,\min } } \right).$$
Figure 3.3 graphically shows the combination between the dynamic and static affordance factors described above, depending on the input scenario at a given time t, by tracing the related maps (the OA is divided into cells) and the overall Affc,t map as the overlapping of them (in this case, all the weights are equal to 0.25 to overlap the related behavioural effects. It is worth noting that the factors in Eq. 3.2 could be integrated with attraction effects due to the presence of trained evacuation leaders [51, 65] (thus including attraction rules between pedestrians, rather than just repulsive phenomena as in Pi,c,t). In this sense, affiliative behaviours related to users’ rescuing and support in motion (e.g., users trying to reach other injured users and then moving in close groups) [8] could be simulated according to the same criteria. Moreover, counterforce measures by law enforcement agencies can be also added to the model by considering, for instance, policemen fighting attackers and thus modifying Rc,t and including them as new specific users within the model [15].
The surrounding conditions can also lead users to suffer from specific threats. Besides the probability to suffer from the attack (see Sect. 3.4.2), users can stop the evacuation process depending on the probability to suffer from physical contact and to be thus involved in falls [20, 32, 60]. Physical contact can appear evacuation in case of significant crowd density (>3 or 4 persons/m2), of sudden reduction of the motion speed (deceleration > 0.3 g), of users moving in a counterflow, and of individual vulnerabilities (age or motion features related, e.g., elderly and assisted users could be more vulnerable to physical contacts). Probability thresholds to stop the evacuation can be then assigned to each user. In case the threshold is overcome, the user falls to the ground and should spend time rising up and restart moving. Previous works assigned a probability threshold equal to 5% and a random uniform distribution of fall time from 0 to 30 s [20, 32].
Previous works also tried to include “panic” effects within the terrorist act evacuation model [41], but these issues are not considered herein due to the poor validation by experimental-based data. Moreover, fighting behaviours are not modelled in Fig. 3.1 since they are limitedly noticed in real-world scenarios and law enforcement agencies’ recommendations are essentially based on “run and hide” procedures (compare with Sect. 3.2).
From a simulation tool development, the CA model approach defined by Fig. 3.2 takes advantage of simulation time discretization [20, 32, 43]. The time step between two consecutive time t and t + 1 can be modelled depending on the maximum user speed, so as to represent the quickest evacuation process within the simulated agents [20]. Asynchronous update rules for user movement can be then considered, assuming: (1) a random selection in the users’ simulation order at each step; (2) that each user can wait or move one cell per step by selecting the next one within the neighbouring ones placed along the movement direction and inside the view cone.
Finally, when reaching a safe area, the user exits from the simulation. Otherwise, the users can be removed from the model in case they suffer from the attack (being affected by casualties depending on TSAP, compare with Sect. 3.4.2) or when the maximum simulation time is reached.
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The images or other third party material in this chapter are included in the chapter's Creative Commons license, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the chapter's Creative Commons license and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder.
Data refers to the whole indoor and outdoor scenarios samples. In outdoors, Eq. 3.1 can conservatively assume that Vi = 0.31 for ρcrit = 2.67 persons/m2, with an exponential shaping correction factor of -0.19, according to the specific subsample of data [8].
See e.g., https://​www.​gov.​uk/​government/​publications/​crowded-places-guidance/​evacuation-invacuation-lockdown-protected-spaces (last access: 01/12/2023). Although withdrawn, this guidance document provides a clear overview of evacuation versus “invacuation” strategies.
For mitigation measures, please also compare with Chap. 4, Sect. 4.​4.
As an alternative, they could move towards the more vulnerable users or towards specific targets in the crowd using the same logics of point 1 and 2.
It corresponds to the horizontal field of view, and it is equal to 200° (https://​bit.​ly/​3AYaCIY, accessed on 05/01/2024).
Typical combinations of weights can be: α = 0, β = 1, γ = 0, δ = 0 for shortest path selection, e.g., in case of “baseline” scenarios (see Sect. 4.​3.​2) with no attackers; α = 0, β = 0.5, γ = 0.5, δ = 0 for attacks with weapons in which the attraction to safe areas has the same impact than running far from the attackers.
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User Behaviour in Terrorist Acts to Model the Evacuation in Outdoor Open Areas
verfasst von
Gabriele Bernardini
Elena Cantatore
Fabio Fatiguso
Enrico Quagliarini
Springer Nature Singapore