3.1 Understanding and Simulating User Behaviours in Terrorist Acts to Support Risk Assessment and Mitigation
3.2 User Behaviour in Terrorist Acts
BEHAVIOURS: short description (issues of the behaviours which are: D = deliberately chosen; S = passively suffered) | Elements of interactions: -main scenario features | Situational frequency [%] |
“PRO-SOCIAL” BEHAVIOURS*: Users engage in information searching and exchange for decision-making, i.e., activating or not the evacuation process and providing preliminary tasks for wayfinding (D) | Other users: | |
-general conditions | 17a | |
-near the attack area | 20a | |
-presence of safety/security personnel | 15a | |
RISK PERCEPTION AND EVACUATION DECISION DEPENDING ON SURROUNDING CONDITIONS*: The level of risk perceived by users changes with the presence of cues and triggers, and the evacuation procedure can be affected by the presence of sensible damages or effects of the attack (D). Moreover, the evacuation process can begin earlier for users who can directly observe triggers and cues of the attack with respect to others who are farther away from the attack area (S) | Sensible triggers and cues of the attack: | |
-overall effects | 19a to 32b | |
-near the attack area | 25a | |
-effective general modifications of the scenario due to the attack | 19a | |
-presence of safety/security personnel | 8a | |
-arson | 37b | |
-bombing attack | 60b | |
-CBR attack | 60b | |
-melee attack | 31 b | |
-vehicle attack | 50 b | |
-shooting attack | 47b | |
-running crowd (in high-risk conditions) | 75b | |
-police action (in high-risk conditions) | 42b | |
“CURIOSITY” EFFECTS*: Users can also decide not to evacuate, remaining close to their initial position, or moving more slowly in an attempt to “see what is happening”, especially in case they are placed far from the event triggers and cues. Mainly, users can also take pictures or videos of the event through mobile devices (D) | Sensible triggers and cues of the attack, as well as other users who are evacuating or not: | |
-general conditions | 42a | |
-bombing attack | 70a | |
-outdoors | 33a | |
-presence of safety/security personnel | 48a | |
-effective general modifications of the scenario due to the attack | 44a | |
-far from the attack area | 62a |
Behaviours: short description | Elements of interactions: -main scenario features | Situational frequency [%] |
ATTRACTION TOWARDS SAFE AREAS*: Depending on the typology of the attack and physical scenario, try to move towards safe areas, generally distant from the event trigger or in protected zones (D) | Sensible triggers of the attack and physical scenarios: | |
-general conditions | 63 | |
-far from the attack area | 63 | |
-near the attack area | 58 | |
-effective general modifications of the scenario due to the attack | 68 | |
-presence of safety/security personnel | 55 | |
-outdoors | 58 | |
-by simply running far from the attack area towards the first available direction | 28 | |
“PRO-SOCIAL” BEHAVIOURS*: Social shared identity effects can support interactions during the motion phase, by supporting evacuation groups creation, information seeking and sharing (D). In addition, users’ density alters the “collective” velocity of the group and thus the individual velocity (S). This behaviour includes the activation of specific responses depending on the surrounding conditions | Other users: | |
-general conditions | 58 | |
-group ties between the users | 32 | |
-presence of more vulnerable users (e.g., hand assisted in evacuation, such as children, elderly, or disabled) | 23 | |
-with respect to the activation of herding for path selection | 41 | |
-presence of safety/security personnel | 60 | |
-outdoors | 52 | |
-bombing attack (as most relevant one) | 78 | |
-effective general modifications of the scenario due to the attack | 52 | |
-far from the attack area | 62 | |
REPULSIVE MECHANISMS TO AVOID PHYSICAL CONTACT*: users adapt their trajectory to locally avoid collisions with other users and obstacles (D) | Other users and obstacles: | |
-general conditions | 17 | |
-outdoors | 18 | |
-presence of safety/security personnel | 19 | |
-presence of fixed obstacles | 20 | |
NOT KEEPING A “SAFETY DISTANCE” FROM FURNITURES*: Users allow physical contact with walls, fences, trees, indoor and urban furniture, chairs, railings, and movable obstacles since they are not perceived as unsafe for user movement. It also includes the possibility of climbing or knocking over such obstacles to optimize linear trajectories, limit directional changes or reduce waiting time along paths (D). The relevance of this behaviour could be also affected by users’ density effects (S) | Movable obstacles: | |
-general conditions | 45 | |
-by climbing or knocking over them | 20 | |
-effective general modifications of the scenario due to the attack | 42 | |
-presence of safety/security personnel | 30 | |
-near the attack area by climbing or knocking over them | 28 | |
-high density of users (also over 1.33 persons/m2) | 42 | |
“SELFISH” AND COMPETITIVE BEHAVIOURS*: trampling or pushing behaviours are noticed in view of density increase and psychological pressure on the crowd while moving (D since the users activate this behaviour) | Other users and presence of triggers and cues of the attack, as well as attack typologies: | |
-general conditions | 40 | |
-effective general modifications of the scenario due to the attack | 41 | |
-near the attack area | 45 | |
-presence of safety/security personnel | 18 | |
-vehicle attack (as the most relevant one) | 58 | |
INCREASED GUIDE EFFECT FOR PRESENCE OF RESCUERS*: leader–follower effects are noticed between safety/security personnel (e.g., police officers, other first responders) and users. Users can take advantage of instructions from rescuers by mainly optimizing path selection and adopting protection behaviours (D) | Presence of safety/security personnel, as well as attack typologies: | |
-general conditions | 22 | |
-outdoors | 5 | |
-bombing attack (as the most relevant one) | 41 | |
-near the attack area | 45 | |
AVOIDANCE OF EVACUATION PROCEDURE PERFORMING: Users can prefer adopting milling behaviours rather than evacuating, due to pro-social effects or curiosity effects (D) | Other users and presence of triggers and cues of the attack, as well as attack typologies: | |
-general conditions | 34 | |
-far from the attack area | 41 | |
-presence of safety/security personnel | 31 | |
-vehicle attack (as the most relevant, i.e., for users not placed along the vehicle trajectory) | 29 | |
-armed assault (as the most dynamic in attackers’ movement complexity) | 20 | |
COUNTERFLOW IN EVACUATION MOTION*: Groups of pedestrians may choose to go in opposing directions as a result of group behaviours or the identification of safe areas (D). This phenomenon can imply the group organization and shaping to reduce movement effort and collisions (S) | Other users and physical layout, as well as attack typologies: | |
-general conditions | 28 | |
-presence of fixed obstacles | 33 | |
-presence of safety/security personnel | 15 | |
-vehicle attack (as the most relevant, due to the dynamic and rapid change of the attackers) | 51 | |
-outdoors | 30 |
Behaviours: short description | Elements of interactions: -main scenario features | Situational frequency [%] |
Safe areas definition: Users typically stop the evacuation and gather as far away as possible from the attack area and damage due to the attack, where density conditions can also restore safety levels (D) | Sensible triggers of the attack, other users and physical scenarios, but noticed only outdoors: | |
-general conditions | 26 | |
-far from the attack area | 32 | |
-effective general modifications of the scenario due to the attack | 30 | |
-presence of safety/security personnel | 28 | |
-evacuation conditions in low users’ densities (up to about 0.30 persons/m2) | 92 | |
-bombing attack (as the most relevant one) | 50 | |
-considering the evacuation end for the influence of not immediate danger feelings or helplessness conditions (only this one includes indoor scenarios) | 16 | |
“Pro-social” behaviours in post-evacuation*: In the immediate aftermath, as for other large-scale disasters (i.e., earthquakes, floods, typhons), users assist one another, especially considering more vulnerable and injured ones (D) | Other users, physical scenarios as well as attack typology | |
-general conditions | 14 | |
-outdoors | 17 | |
-presence of safety/security personnel | 22 | |
-armed assault (as the most relevant one) | 18 | |
Attachment to things*: users try to move back and collect personal belongings, as for other large-scale disasters (i.e., earthquakes, floods, typhoons) (D) | Other users, physical scenario and attack typology: | |
-general conditions | 17 | |
-outdoors | 15 | |
-presence of safety/security personnel | 21 | |
-armed assault (as the most relevant one) | 20 |
3.3 Summary of Main Motion Quantities in Terrorist Evacuation
Age typology (year range) | Minimum | Mean | Maximum |
1-Typology of attack: | |||
(1.A) Bombing attacks | 0.70 | 2.10 | 3.40 |
(1.B) Armed assaults with fire gun | 1.80 | 2.50 | 3.20 |
(1.C) Attacks with a vehicle running into a target | 2.00 | 3.20 | 5.00 |
(1.D) Other armed assault: spray | 1.10 | 3.40 | 7.00 |
2-Scenario: | |||
(2.A) Outdoors | 0.70 | 3.10 | 7.00 |
(2.B) Indoors | 1.00 | 2.20 | 3.50 |
3.4 Towards an Evacuation Model for Terrorist Acts Simulation in the Urban Outdoor Open Areas
3.4.1 Main Modelling Issues of the OA
3.4.2 Main Modelling Issues of the Attackers
3.4.3 Main Modelling Issues of the Users
Age typology (year range) | Motion features | Vi reduction [-] |
Toddlers (0–4) | Assisted | 0.53 |
Parents-assisted Children (5–14) | Assisted | 0.87 |
Young Autonomous (15–19) | Autonomous | 1.00 |
Adults A (20–69) | Autonomous | 0.87 |
Elderlies E (70 + ) | Autonomous or assisted | 0.67 |
Dynamic, being time-dependent, to consider behaviours related to:Avoiding other users/performing group behaviours, by Pi,c,t [-]. This factor considers the neighbouring pedestrian density with respect to the current position of user I, which is evaluated according to the abovementioned extended Moore neighbourhood approach [58]. Pi,c,t is maximum where the pedestrian density is minimum, within the cells selected by the extended Moore neighbourhood approach. Pi,c,t is associated with the weight α. When α → 1, avoiding other users becomes the prevalent behaviour in path selection. When α → 0, performing group behaviours are prevalent by the users placed in the same area, being the density negligible.Avoiding attackers and their effects, by Rc,t [-]. This factor is introduced to consider the inclusion of a risk field for users’ evacuation [42, 52, 55] and it depends on the “modus operandi” of the attackers, according to Sect. 3.4.2. In particular, when no attacker (“baseline” scenario) is present, no effects are simulated and thus Rc,t = 1 for all the OA cells, and during the whole simulation time. In the other cases, Rc,t increases with the distance from the attack area, but [37, 52, 53]: (1) for “static” attacks, e.g., bombing, Rc,t is constant during the whole simulation time; (2) for attacks with different weapons, Rc,t depends on the position of the attackers at the time t, and thus according to the defined prey (the evacuees)–predator (the attackers) model. In the case of more than one attack area, Rc,t depends on the overlapping of the attack fields generated from each of the attack areas in the OA. Rc,t is associated with the weight β. When β → 1, the main users’ goal in motion is to run far from obstacles.
Static, being only layout-dependent, to consider behaviours related to:Being attracted by a safe area, by Fc [-]. This factor considers the distance from c to the closest safe area in the OA, thus overlapping the effects of different evacuation targets if present. In case no specific emergency plan is present, nor first responders tr to guide users and protect them from the attackers, it could be essentially considered that users try to move towards the OA access streets, far from the attackers, since these areas are perceived as safe [37, 42, 51‐53, 55]. Different approaches can be used to define the calculation of this distance-based and wayfinding field, e.g., Dijkstra-based, A*, Priority Queue Flood Fill Algorithm [20, 21, 62‐64]. The most distant cells are characterized by Fc = 0. The same approach could also take into account the activation of different safe areas over time to include behaviours related to looking for temporary shelters [21], according to the features of fixed obstacles in the OA with protection attributes as discussed in Sect. 3.4.1. In this case, their effectiveness, and thus the possibility to consider them as temporary shelters, depends on the specificities of the performed attack3. Moreover, the shielding effects of obstacles [21] or the visibility of safe areas [20] can locally alter the Fc values by respectively increasing or decreasing the considered distance and the wayfinding algorithm. Fc is associated with the weight γ. When γ → 1, the main users essentially select the short evacuation path depending on the specific adopted algorithm.Avoiding obstacles, by Oc [-]. This factor considers the distance between c to the nearest obstacles to the evacuation path (see Fig. 3.2) if they are placed within the assumed interaction threshold of 3 m, which can cause modifications to the users’ trajectory to avoid obstacles [60]. Oc is associated with the weight δ. When δ → 0, users allow for physical contact with obstacles.