2013 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Using Agents for Dynamic Components Redeployment and Replication in Distributed Systems
verfasst von : Nadim Obeid, Samih Al-Areqi
Erschienen in: Contemporary Challenges and Solutions in Applied Artificial Intelligence
Verlag: Springer International Publishing
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Availability is one of the important criteria that affect the usefulness and efficiency of a distributed system. It mainly depends on how the components are deployed on the available hosts. In this paper, we present a generic agent-based monitor approach that supports the dynamic component redeployment and replication mechanisms which were presented in Avala and E-Avala. Avala and E-Avala were proposed to improve availability in large and distributed component-based systems via redeployment and replication. By reifying the interaction between the system and components, agents can detect when it is necessary to change the configuration and whether redeployment or replication is more appropriate.