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2022 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Using Causal Discovery to Design Agent-Based Models

verfasst von : Stef Janssen, Alexei Sharpanskykh, S. Sahand Mohammadi Ziabari

Erschienen in: Multi-Agent-Based Simulation XXII

Verlag: Springer International Publishing

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Designing agent-based models is a difficult task. Some guidelines exist to aid modelers in designing their models, but they generally do not include specific details on how the behavior of agents can be defined. This paper therefore proposes the AbCDe methodology, which uses causal discovery algorithms to specify agent behavior. The methodology combines important expert insights with causal graphs generated by causal discovery algorithms based on real-world data. This causal graph represents the causal structure among agent-related variables, which is then translated to behavioral properties in the agent-based model. To demonstrate the AbCDe methodology, it is applied to a case study in the airport security domain. In this case study, we explore a new concept of operations, using a service lane, to improve the efficiency of the security checkpoint. Results show that the models generated with the AbCDe methodology have a closer resemblance with the validation data than a model defined by experts alone.

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Using Causal Discovery to Design Agent-Based Models
verfasst von
Stef Janssen
Alexei Sharpanskykh
S. Sahand Mohammadi Ziabari

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