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2013 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Utilising the Chaos-Induced Discrete Self Organising Migrating Algorithm to Schedule the Lot-Streaming Flowshop Scheduling Problem with Setup Time

verfasst von : Donald Davendra, Roman Senkerik, Ivan Zelinka, Michal Pluhacek, Magdalena Bialic-Davendra

Erschienen in: Nostradamus 2013: Prediction, Modeling and Analysis of Complex Systems

Verlag: Springer International Publishing

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The dissipative Lozi chaotic map is embedded in the Discrete Self Organising Migrating (DSOMA) algorithm, as a pseudorandom generator. This novel chaotic based algorithm is applied to the constraint based Lot-Streaming Flowshop scheduling problem. Two new and unique data sets generated using the Lozi and Dissipative maps are used to compare the chaos embedded DSOMA (DSOMAc) and the generic DSOMA utilising the venerableMersenne Twister. In total, 100 data sets were tested by the two algorithms, for the idling and the non-idling case. From the obtained results, the DSOMA


algorithm is shown to significantly improve the performance of generic DSOMA.

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Utilising the Chaos-Induced Discrete Self Organising Migrating Algorithm to Schedule the Lot-Streaming Flowshop Scheduling Problem with Setup Time
verfasst von
Donald Davendra
Roman Senkerik
Ivan Zelinka
Michal Pluhacek
Magdalena Bialic-Davendra
Springer International Publishing

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