2007 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Validation of the Effect of Full Stress Tensor in Hole Transport in Strained 65nm-Node pMOSFETs
verfasst von : E. Tsukuda, Y. Kamakura, H. Takashino, T. Okagaki, T. Uchida, T. Hayashi, M. Tanizawa, K. Eikyu, S. Wakahara, K. Ishikawa, O. Tsuchiya, Y. Inoue, K. Taniguchi
Erschienen in: Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices 2007
Verlag: Springer Vienna
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We have developed a system consisting of a full-3D process simulator for stress calculation and k · p band calculation that takes into account the subband structure. Our simulations are in good agreement with the experimental data of strained Si-pMOSFETs of 65nm technology devices. This system is a powerful tool to optimize device structures with all stress components.