2013 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Vision System for Group of Mobile Robots
verfasst von : Artur Babiarz, Robert Bieda, Krzysztof Jaskot
Erschienen in: Vision Based Systemsfor UAV Applications
Verlag: Springer International Publishing
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A vision system for group of small mobile robots playing soccer is presented. The whole process of extracting vision information from input images is discussed in detail. The method for correcting radial distortion introduced to the image by camera’s lens is presented, then simple adaptive background subtraction algorithm is described. Next, classical flood fill algorithm is presented together with novel optimization giving better results and shorter calculation time. Later, novel method for calculating object’s orientation, based on the geometrical moments and special shape of color markers on top of each robot, is presented. Then, the color classifier based on the histogram intersection kernel is discussed. Design of the vision system as a central server providing vision information to many clients simultaneously is presented. Experimental results obtained with use of the algorithm presented are also provided.