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2024 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

8. Voter Perceptions of Ideological Consistency in Kosovo’s Political Parties

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This chapter provides a comprehensive analysis of voters’ perceptions of the alignment between political ideologies and party actions in Kosovo. Using a detailed survey methodology, the study examines the extent to which political parties in Kosovo maintain ideological consistency, in particular how their electoral programs and government actions align with their stated ideological positions. The chapter explores the implications of these perceptions for voter behavior, highlighting the importance of ideological alignment in maintaining voter trust and engagement.
The findings reveal significant discrepancies between the ideological claims of major political parties, such as the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) and the Self-Determination Movement (LVV), and their actions in government. These inconsistencies have a profound impact on voter behavior, particularly among ideologically driven voters, who may withdraw their support if parties fail to align their actions with their ideologies. The study also highlights the broader implications of these findings for Kosovo’s democratic process, suggesting that greater ideological consistency is crucial for political stability and democratic consolidation.
By providing empirical evidence on voters’ perceptions, this chapter contributes to the academic discourse on political behavior and ideology in transitional states such as Kosovo. It also offers practical insights for political parties on the importance of aligning their actions with their ideological claims in order to foster trust, engagement, and long-term political stability.

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Voter Perceptions of Ideological Consistency in Kosovo’s Political Parties
verfasst von
Burim Mexhuani