2014 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Workplace and Worker Characteristics in Surveyed Workplaces
verfasst von : Ki-Min Kim
Erschienen in: Employment Relations in South Korea
Verlag: Palgrave Macmillan UK
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Because the workplace is the basic unit in which production activities are carried out, many decisions about employment and industrial relations are also made at workplace level. Workplace surveys are carried out to also provide information on workplace that forms the basis of what is necessary for formulation and evaluation of employment and labor policies. To this end, Statistics Korea and the Ministry of Employment and Labor conduct numerous workplace surveys, but most of them are limited in scope and examine only those issues related to workplace employment and finances. However, it is plain that employment and finances are also closely intertwined with the structure of corporate governance, employment management practices, and industrial relations. Accordingly, it is essential that these latter topics should also be surveyed at the workplace level.