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2021 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

5. Workplace Innovation in Government Organizations and Its Relationship with Organizational Culture

verfasst von : Leonie Newnham

Erschienen in: The Palgrave Handbook of Workplace Innovation

Verlag: Springer International Publishing

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This chapter addresses the relationship between organizational culture and workplace innovation in a public sector organization. The study identifies how organizational culture impacts on a public sector organization’s ability to innovate. The research was conducted within the context of a large public sector organisation in Victoria, Australia.. A case study approach was utilized using an explanatory sequential mixed methods approach based on a survey of 479 employees. Triangulation with qualitative data sourced from the survey and internal documents corroborated the findings. Public sector culture was identified as a significant antecedent of workplace innovation predicting 24.6% of variation and identifying significant variation in individual innovation, organizational innovation, team innovation and workplace innovation climate, which impacted an employee’s capacity to innovate. Group-level culture was particularly influential.

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Workplace Innovation in Government Organizations and Its Relationship with Organizational Culture
verfasst von
Leonie Newnham
Springer International Publishing

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