2014 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
X-Ray Spectra for Bone Quality Assessment Using Energy Dispersive Counting and Imaging Detectors with Dual Energy Method
verfasst von : P. Sotiropoulou, G. Fountos, N. Martini, V. Koukou, C. Michail, I. Valais, I. Kandarakis, G. Nikiforidis
Erschienen in: XIII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 2013
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The aim of the present study was the optimization of dual energy x-ray spectra through the estimation of the Coefficient of Variation (CV). The simulation of monoenergetic x-ray beams provides the optimum dual energy pairs minimizing the CV. Single and double exposure methods were used in order to obtain polyenergetic spectra. K-edge filtering was applied to provide quasi-monochromatic beams with equal mean energy to the corresponding monochromatic ones. Furthermore the optimization for the obtained incident spectra was based on a limiting number of counts equal to 10
(CVinc≤0.3%) with minimum peak spectral width. The optimum results for single exposure method obtained from 80kVp with added beam filtration of 850
m Ce achieving a CV value of 0.21%. Whereas for the double exposure technique a CV value of 0.68% was achieved using 50 and 120kVp with added filtration of 400
m Ce and 1000
m Yb respectively. These CV values indicate that this method can be used as a diagnostic tool of great importance in bone quality assessment.