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Benova Eco Protect by Continental

09.09.2024 | Biomaterials | In the Spotlight | Online-Artikel

Why Bioengineering Offers Benefits for Sustainability

Better environmental protection and optimized products: Bioengineering could provide significant impetus for greater sustainability in the coming years – but only if a few hurdles are overcome. 


05.08.2024 | Raw Materials | In the Spotlight | Online-Artikel

China Tightens Rules for Rare Earths

China wants to better protect its rare earths. Beijing has therefore tightened controls on the use of the coveted raw materials. What do the rules stipulate? 

Zwei Forschende vor einem großen Gerät

17.07.2024 | Additive Manufacturing | Editor´s Pick | Nachrichten

Breakthrough in Additive Manufacturing

A new process enables aluminum alloys for 3D printing that are not only high-strength but also highly formable. Until now, it was either or.

High-Purity Lithium

17.07.2024 | Raw Materials | dpa | Nachrichten

Serbia Permits Extensive Mining of Lithium

Serbia is said to have one of the largest lithium reserves in Europe – now the government has given the green light for extraction. According to estimates, it could cover the annual lithium requirements of over 1 million electric cars.

Robot Data

11.07.2024 | Machine Learning | In the Spotlight | Online-Artikel

GenAI Boosts Productivity - and Creates Dependency

Generative AI can give the manufacturing industry a productivity boost. However, non-European providers are moving into key positions in the value chain. Experts are calling for a "sovereign European response".

Gefällte Baumstämme in einem Wald

11.07.2024 | Biomaterials | Editor´s Pick | Nachrichten

Making Batteries more Sustainable with Lignin

A research association wants to use waste from the timber industry to develop materials that can be used to produce and recycle sustainable batteries.

Das Titelblatt der aktuellen Ausgabe der wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift ACS Applied Energy Materials.

10.07.2024 | Electrical Engineering | Editor´s Pick | Nachrichten

New Material Paves the Way for Energy Harvesting on Chips

A European research group has taken an important step in the development of a material that could enable energy recovery directly on the chip.

Jan Aurich und Team

10.07.2024 | Raw Materials | Editor´s Pick | Nachrichten

Substitutes Sought for Cobalt and Tungsten

A research team from Kaiserslautern is investigating ways of manufacturing carbide tools such as drills and milling cutters largely without cobalt and tungsten.

Sacmi Scales up Sustainable Packaging Project with Ceramica Catalano

26.06.2024 | Ceramic Technology | Editor´s Pick | Nachrichten

Sacmi Scales up Sustainable Packaging Project with Ceramica Catalano

Ceramica Catalano is working together with Sacmi on the Sustainable Packaging Project. During the recent supply of new automatic glazing and finishing lines made by Gaiotto, as well as an AVB Casting cell, Ceramica Catalano became one of the first Sacmi customers to try out this new method of packaging management.

Lithoz and Himed Launch Bioceramics Center of Excellence

26.06.2024 | Ceramic Technology | Editor´s Pick | Nachrichten

Lithoz and Himed Launch Bioceramics Center of Excellence

Himed and Lithoz have announced the joint launch of a new Bioceramics Center of Excellence (BCoE) at Himed’s New York headquarters. The BCoE will offer a holistic approach to R&D with bioceramics for medical device manufacturers.

Lightweight Refractory Lining Saves Energy in the Production Process

26.06.2024 | Ceramic Technology | Editor´s Pick | Nachrichten

Lightweight Refractory Lining Saves Energy in the Production Process

Like many other industrial sectors that use high-temperature processes, the brick industry faces major challenges when it comes to energy and environmental issues: Among other things, energy must be saved and the CO2 footprint reduced. The optimal refractory lining for high-temperature furnaces is a key factor in this respect.

Pyrolysis for High-Quality Recycled Plastics

25.06.2024 | Ceramic Technology | Editor´s Pick | Nachrichten

Pyrolysis for High-Quality Recycled Plastics

Together with chemical company Covestro Deutschland AG, Fraunhofer researchers have now developed a method that makes it possible to reclaim the substances originally used to make the polycarbonates. In catalytic pyrolysis, a controlled process of heating in an oxygen-free environment, plastic waste breaks down into its components.

Supplier Excellence Award from EV Group Goes to Kyocera

25.06.2024 | Ceramic Technology | Editor´s Pick | Nachrichten

Supplier Excellence Award from EV Group Goes to Kyocera

Kyocera Fineceramics Europe GmbH (KFEG), a subsidiary of Kyocera Europe GmbH, announced that it has received a Supplier Excellence Award from EV Group (EVG), a leading supplier of wafer bonding and lithography equipment for the MEMS, nanotechnology, and semiconductor markets.

Used or faulty batteries can be safely cut open using laser technology.

24.06.2024 | Battery | Editor´s Pick | Nachrichten

New Laser Processes for Battery Recycling

Trumpf has developed efficient laser processes for recycling electric car batteries. This should make it possible to recycle batteries on an industrial scale.

Ein Mann bedient eine Maschine.

20.06.2024 | Joining Technology | Editor´s Pick | Nachrichten

Algorithm Detects Faulty Weld Seams

Together with partners from industry, a research team has developed a method for integrating AI into maintenance. The result: fewer rejects and machine downtimes.

Significantly fewer car managers believe their company is prepared for modern production technologies.

20.06.2024 | Lightweight Construction | In the Spotlight | Online-Artikel

Network Pushes for European Lightweight Construction Strategy

A group of European countries wants to promote lightweight construction. The network has formulated its strategic direction and common goals in a position paper.


12.06.2024 | Energy Technology | Editor´s Pick | Nachrichten

Longer Service Life for Fuel Cells and Electrolyzers

Polyelectrolyte membranes have a significant influence on the durability of fuel cells and electrolyzers. A Fraunhofer LBF research project aims to provide manufacturers with important findings.


06.06.2024 | Raw Materials | In the Spotlight | Online-Artikel

Silicon Will Not Be in Short Supply in the Next Few Years

China dominates the silicon market and is continuing to expand its capacities. Global production capacity is likely to far exceed demand for the raw material for solar cells and semiconductors by 2027.

Smart Factory Symbol Image

29.05.2024 | Industry 4.0 | In the Spotlight | Online-Artikel

How to Overcome the Hurdles to Autonomous Production

Factory systems should produce autonomously in the future and provide the best possible support for people. The Industry 4.0 Research Advisory Board has outlined how this can be achieved in the coming decade in an engineering roadmap.

Humanoide Roboterarm

23.05.2024 | Robotics | In the Spotlight | Online-Artikel

Humanoid Robots Will Crowd the Assembly Line Within the Decade

By 2030, highly flexible humanoid robots that are superior to humans in terms of fine motor skills will be ready for series production. This is the result of a Horváth study, which also sees the potential for leapfrog innovations.