Zeitschriften Marketing + Vertrieb
Zeitschriften Marketing + Vertrieb
Das neue Magazin Sales Excellence ist Teil einer neuen reichweitenstarken Plattform für Vertriebsexperten und widmet sich innovativen Konzepten und neuen Entwicklungen im Vertrieb.
Urban Review provides a forum for the presentation of original investigations, reviews, and essays which examine the issues basic to the improvement of urban schooling and education.
The Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (JAMS) is devoted to the study and improvement of marketing and serves as a vital link between scholarly research and practice by publishing research-based articles in the substantive domain of …
Founded in 1962, the journal Society publishes new ideas and research findings drawn from all the social sciences, and presented in a readable and useful manner. It is aimed at decision makers and others concerned with trends in modern society.
The Journal of Modern Transportation (JMT) is a fully sponsored, peer-reviewed open access journal published under the brand SpringerOpen. It provides a platform for scholars to publish their works in the general area of transportation, concerned with analysis, planning, design, operations, technologies, and economics of modern transportation and traffic systems with focus on high-speed railway technological and theoretical achievements across the world, especially in China.
Published in collaboration with the Institute for Sustainable Innovation and Growth (iSIG), Fudan University School of Management .
Customer Needs and Solutions (CNS) aims to be the premium outlet for scholarly work on critical issues related to …
European Transport Research Review (ETRR) is a peer-reviewed open access journal publishing original high-quality scholarly research and developments in areas related to transportation science, technologies, policy and practice. Established in …
The sole social science journal focused on interdisciplinary research on social demographic aspects of environmental issues.
The peer-reviewed Journal of Happiness Studies is devoted to scientific understanding of subjective well-being. Coverage includes both cognitive evaluations of life such as life-satisfaction, and affective enjoyment of life, such as mood level.
This journal details innovative research ideas, emerging technologies, state-of-the-art methods and tools in all aspects of multimedia computing, communication, storage, and applications. It features theoretical, experimental, and survey articles.
Service Business presents the most advanced business research on the service sector. International and multidisciplinary in approach, the journal investigates both the profit and non-profit areas of the service sector.
Electronic Commerce Research serves as a catalyst for new research and a forum for disseminating the latest findings in all facets of electronic commerce. The journal’s broad scope encompasses core enabling technologies as well as the implications of these technologies for societies, economies, businesses, and individuals.
Marketing Letters: A Journal of Research in Marketing publishes high-quality, shorter papers (under 5,000 words, which is equivalent to 20 total pages, double-spaced with 12 point Times New Roman font) on marketing, the emphasis being on immediacy and current interest. The journal offers a medium for the truly rapid publication of research results.
Sexuality Research and Social Policy is an international forum for the publication of original peer-reviewed state-of-the-art empirical research on sexuality, theoretical and methodological discussions, and the implications of this evidence for policies across the globe regarding sexual health, sexuality education, and sexual rights in diverse communities.
Quantitative Marketing and Economics (QME) publishes research in the intersection of Marketing, Economics and Statistics. Our focus is on important applied problems of relevance to marketing using a quantitative approach.
The Journal of Nonverbal Behavior publishes peer-reviewed original theoretical and empirical research papers on all major areas of nonverbal behavior.
Mind & Society, the official journal of the Italian-based Rosselli Foundation, examines the relationships among mental and socio-economic phenomena. Topics include the concept of mind of social actor, cognitive models of reasoning and other related subjects.
International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing explores marketing topics from an interdisciplinary perspective and provides a forum for researchers interested in examining these issues from practical and theoretical viewpoints.
Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung (ZfbF) ist die älteste und renommierteste betriebswirtschaftliche Fachzeitschrift im deutschsprachigen Raum. Der Tradition Schmalenbachs entsprechend verfolgt die Fachzeitschrift das …
Business Research publishes high-quality articles covering both traditional fields of business administration and cross-functional, multidisciplinary research that reflects the complex character of business problems. Of particular interest are …
Demography presents the highest quality original research of scholars in a broad range of disciplines, including anthropology, biology, economics, geography, history, psychology, public health, sociology, and statistics.
Die Publizistik veröffentlicht Beiträge aus allen Bereichen der Kommunikationswissenschaft. Die Zeitschrift enthält in der Regel vier größere Aufsätze (Forschungsberichte), dazu Personalien und Buchbesprechungen.
Logistics Research is a peer-reviewed open access journal published under the SpringerOpen brand. The Journal features fundamental and applied research in the fields of logistics and supply chain management from an interdisciplinary perspective.
der markt - Journal of Marketing is a scientific media for market research from an international and especially European perspective.
media spectrum ist seit 30 Jahren das etablierte Fachmagazin für Medien & Mediaplanung. Als Premium-Magazin richtet sich media spectrum an Mediaverantwortliche in Agenturen und werbungtreibenden Unternehmen sowie Entscheider in den Medien.