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Automatic restoration of polygon models

Published:01 October 2005Publication History
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We present a fully automatic technique which converts an inconsistent input mesh into an output mesh that is guaranteed to be a clean and consistent mesh representing the closed manifold surface of a solid object. The algorithm removes all typical mesh artifacts such as degenerate triangles, incompatible face orientation, non-manifold vertices and edges, overlapping and penetrating polygons, internal redundant geometry, as well as gaps and holes up to a user-defined maximum size ρ. Moreover, the output mesh always stays within a prescribed tolerance ε to the input mesh. Due to the effective use of a hierarchical octree data structure, the algorithm achieves high voxel resolution (up to 40963 on a 2GB PC) and processing times of just a few minutes for moderately complex objects. We demonstrate our technique on various architectural CAD models to show its robustness and reliability.


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Index Terms

  1. Automatic restoration of polygon models



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