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Efficient algorithms for large-scale local triangle counting

Published:22 October 2010Publication History
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In this article, we study the problem of approximate local triangle counting in large graphs. Namely, given a large graph G=(V,E) we want to estimate as accurately as possible the number of triangles incident to every node vV in the graph. We consider the question both for undirected and directed graphs. The problem of computing the global number of triangles in a graph has been considered before, but to our knowledge this is the first contribution that addresses the problem of approximate local triangle counting with a focus on the efficiency issues arising in massive graphs and that also considers the directed case. The distribution of the local number of triangles and the related local clustering coefficient can be used in many interesting applications. For example, we show that the measures we compute can help detect the presence of spamming activity in large-scale Web graphs, as well as to provide useful features for content quality assessment in social networks.

For computing the local number of triangles (undirected and directed), we propose two approximation algorithms, which are based on the idea of min-wise independent permutations [Broder et al. 1998]. Our algorithms operate in a semi-streaming fashion, using O(|V|) space in main memory and performing O(log |V|) sequential scans over the edges of the graph. The first algorithm we describe in this article also uses O(|E|) space of external memory during computation, while the second algorithm uses only main memory. We present the theoretical analysis as well as experimental results on large graphs, demonstrating the practical efficiency of our approach.


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  1. Efficient algorithms for large-scale local triangle counting



            Chenyi Hu

            Becchetti et al. present efficient approximation algorithms that count the number of local triangles in large graphs (both undirected and directed). They suggest possible applications of the counting algorithms for Web spam detection and local clustering of social networks. Counting local triangles in a small graph can be done with a brute-force approach. However, when counting local triangles in a large graph with millions of vertices and edges that model the Web, one must consider the spatial and time complexities of the counting algorithms. In this paper, the authors report that their algorithms use O (| V |) space in main memory and perform O ( log | V |) sequential scans over the edges of the graph. The basic building block of their algorithmic approach is "to estimate the size of the intersection of two sets" by using fast pseudorandom numbers to label the vertices of a graph. After presenting the theoretical foundations, the authors propose their counting algorithms for both undirected graphs and digraphs. Then, they report their experimental results on large graphs, mostly with millions of nodes and billions of edges. The experiments not only demonstrate the efficiency of their algorithms, but also show improved accuracy in some cases. This paper is theoretical. That being said, practitioners could reasonably implement the algorithms in pseudocode, particularly since readers can follow the links provided at the end of the paper to download the Java code and test applications. Online Computing Reviews Service

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              cover image ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data
              ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data  Volume 4, Issue 3
              October 2010
              191 pages
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              Association for Computing Machinery

              New York, NY, United States

              Publication History

              • Published: 22 October 2010
              • Revised: 1 February 2010
              • Accepted: 1 February 2010
              • Received: 1 April 2009
              Published in tkdd Volume 4, Issue 3


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