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Tabled evaluation with delaying for general logic programs

Published:01 January 1996Publication History
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SLD resolution with negation as finite failure (SLDNF) reflects the procedural interpretation of predicate calculus as a programming language and forms the computational basis for Prolog systems. Despite its advantages for stack-based memory management, SLDNF is often not appropriate for query evaluation for three reasons: (a) it may not terminate due to infinite positive recursion; (b) it may be terminate due to infinite recursion through negation; and (c) it may repeatedly evaluate the same literal in a rule body, leading to unacceptable performance.

We address all three problems for goal-oriented query evaluation of general logic programs by presenting tabled evaluation with delaying, called SLG resolution. It has three distinctive features:

(i) SLG resolution is a partial deduction procedure, consisting of seven fundamental transformations. A query is transformed step by step into a set of answers. The use of transformations separates logical issues of query evaluation from procedural ones. SLG allows an arbitrary computation rule for selecting a literal from a rule body and an arbitrary control strategy for selecting transformations to apply.

(ii) SLG resolution is sound and search space complete with respect to the well-founded partial model for all non-floundering queries, and preserves all three-valued stable models. To evaluate a query under differenc three-valued stable models, SLG resolution can be enhanced by further processing of the answers of subgoals relevant to a query.

(iii) SLG resolution avoids both positive and negative loops and always terminates for programs with the bounded-term-size property. It has a polynomial time data complexity for well-founded negation of function-free programs. Through a delaying mechanism for handling ground negative literals involved in loops, SLG resolution avoids the repetition of any of its derivation steps.

Restricted forms of SLG resolution are identified for definite, locally stratified, and modularly stratified programs, shedding light on the role each transformation plays.


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Ralph Walter Wilkerson

SLG resolution, a new framework for query evaluation that may have significant influence on logic-based computational systems such as Prolog, is presented. The main results are that seven basic transformations are identified for query transformation; logical issues relevant to query evaluation can be separated from procedural issues; SLG resolution allows sharing of subgoals; and SLG resolution delays ground negative literals involved in a loop. The presentation is thorough. Both the practical and theoretical aspects of this method are exceptionally well covered.

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