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Collaborative Filtering with Topic and Social Latent Factors Incorporating Implicit Feedback

Published:23 January 2018Publication History
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Recommender systems (RSs) provide an effective way of alleviating the information overload problem by selecting personalized items for different users. Latent factors-based collaborative filtering (CF) has become the popular approaches for RSs due to its accuracy and scalability. Recently, online social networks and user-generated content provide diverse sources for recommendation beyond ratings. Although social matrix factorization (Social MF) and topic matrix factorization (Topic MF) successfully exploit social relations and item reviews, respectively; both of them ignore some useful information. In this article, we investigate the effective data fusion by combining the aforementioned approaches. First, we propose a novel model MR3 to jointly model three sources of information (i.e., ratings, item reviews, and social relations) effectively for rating prediction by aligning the latent factors and hidden topics. Second, we incorporate the implicit feedback from ratings into the proposed model to enhance its capability and to demonstrate its flexibility. We achieve more accurate rating prediction on real-life datasets over various state-of-the-art methods. Furthermore, we measure the contribution from each of the three data sources and the impact of implicit feedback from ratings, followed by the sensitivity analysis of hyperparameters. Empirical studies demonstrate the effectiveness and efficacy of our proposed model and its extension.


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  1. Collaborative Filtering with Topic and Social Latent Factors Incorporating Implicit Feedback



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        ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data  Volume 12, Issue 2
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        April 2018
        376 pages
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        • Published: 23 January 2018
        • Accepted: 1 July 2017
        • Revised: 1 June 2017
        • Received: 1 May 2016
        Published in tkdd Volume 12, Issue 2


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