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Issue 111January 2015
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Report on ASSETS 2014

The 16th ACM SIGACCESS International Conference on Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS 2014) was held in Rochester, New York, USA, one of America's first boomtowns that rose to prominence as the site of many flour mills located on the Genesee River. The ...

Blind drawing: investigation into screen location tracking for computer aided interactive drawing

One of the main problems faced by blind learners is lack of drawing technologies that support images and diagram drawing without the help of a sighted support worker. Even though some technologies have been experimented in the past, blind learners have ...

Draw and drag: accessible touchscreen geometry for students who are blind

The drawing of geometric shapes, such as rectangles or triangles of varying sizes, in geometry classes is inaccessible to blind students. Most solutions to this inaccessibility are inaccurate, low tech, time consuming, or require assistance. Draw and ...

mHealth technologies for the self-management of diabetes in the older population

Diabetes Mellitus affects 347 million people worldwide and is predicted to become the seventh leading cause of death by 2030. With an ageing population set to strain health- care resources globally, providers are shifting focus towards technology for a ...

Web searching by individuals with cognitive disabilities

The ability to search for information on the web can provide tremendous support to people with cognitive disabilities, but there are few research studies with this focus. An exploratory study was conducted to explore how individuals with cognitive ...

Using social microvolunteering to answer visual questions from blind users

Advances in technology have proven uniquely useful for blind people, but some visual questions they encounter still require human assistance to answer. We developed VizWiz, a smartphone application that connects blind people with visual questions to ...

Developing a chairable computing platform to support power wheelchair users

Power wheelchair users often use and carry multiple mobile computing devices. Many wheelchair users experience motor impairments that affect their hands, arms, neck, and head. Additionally, a power wheelchair user's ability to interact with computing ...

Scalable methods to collect and visualize sidewalk accessibility data for people with mobility impairments: an overview

Poorly maintained sidewalks pose considerable accessibility challenges for mobility impaired persons; however, there are currently few, if any, mechanisms to determine accessible areas of a city a priori. In this paper, I introduce four threads of ...


Understanding target acquisition tasks is particularly important for older adults aged 65 years and older, as some may find touch-based interfaces more challenging due to age-related declines in motor skills. This work aims to develop novel performance ...

The use of concurrent speech to enhance blind people's scanning for relevant information

João Guerreiro is a PhD Student at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), University of Lisbon (UL). He is also a research assistant at the Visualization and Intelligent Multimodal Interfaces (VIMMI) group from INESC-ID. His main research interests include ...

