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2015 | Buch

Pro REST API Development with Node.js


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Pro REST API Development with Node.js is your guide to managing and understanding the full capabilities of successful REST development. API design is a hot topic in the programming world, but not many resources exist for developers to really understand how you can leverage the advantages.

This book will provide a brief background on REST and the tools it provides (well known and not so well known). Understand how there is more to REST than just JSON and URLs. You will then cover and compare the maintained modules currently available in the npm community, including Express, Restify, Vatican, and Swagger. Finally you will code an example API from start to finish, using a subset of the tools covered.

The Node community is currently flooded with modules; some of them are published once and never updated again - cluttering the entire universe of packages. Pro REST API Development with Node.js shines light into that black hole of modules for the developers trying to create an API. Understand REST API development with Node.js using this book today.


Chapter 1. Rest 101
Nowadays, the acronym REST has become a buzzword, and as such, it’s being thrown into the digital wind very carelessly by a lot of tech people without fully understanding what it really means. Just because you can interact with a system using HTTP, and send JSON back and forth, doesn’t mean it’s a RESTful system. REST is a lot more than that—and that is what we’ll cover in this chapter.
Fernando Doglio
Chapter 2. API Design Best Practices
The practice of API design is a tricky one. Even when there are so many options out there—tools to use, standards to apply, styles to follow—there is one basic question that needs to be answered and needs to be clear in the developer’s mind before any kind design and development can begin…
Fernando Doglio
Chapter 3. Node.js and REST
There are currently too many technologies out there—be it programming languages, platforms, or frameworks. Why is it, then, that Node.js—a project that’s hasn’t even reached version 1.0 at the time of this writing—is so popular these days?
Fernando Doglio
Chapter 4. Architecting a REST API
It is extremely important to understand a REST-based architecture, meaning how the system will look if you’re basing all of your services in the REST style. But it is equally important to know what the internal architecture of those REST services will look like before you start working.
Fernando Doglio
Chapter 5. Working with Modules
As I discussed in Chapter 3, Node.js has a huge community of developers behind it; they are willing to put hours and effort into providing the rest of the people in that community with high-quality modules. In this chapter, I’ll talk about some of those modules; you’ll see how to use them to get the architecture described in the Chapter 4.
Fernando Doglio
Chapter 6. Planning Your REST API
You’re almost ready to get your hands dirty and start developing the actual API; but before you start, let’s apply everything I’ve talked about until this point:
  • REST
  • Defining what an ideal RESTful architecture should look like
  • Good practices when developing an API
  • Modules that would help achieve that ideal goal
Fernando Doglio
Chapter 7. Developing Your REST API
Now that we have finally defined the tools that we’ll use and the project that we’ll develop with them, we’re ready to actually start coding. This chapter will cover that part—from the organization of the files (the directory structure), through the small design decisions made during development, and finally to the code itself.
Fernando Doglio
Chapter 8. Troubleshooting
This is it. You made it to the final chapter. You experienced firsthand what it takes to write a RESTful API in Node. You’ve gone over the theory. You learned what REST actually stands for and how to use it to develop a good and useful API.
Fernando Doglio
Pro REST API Development with Node.js
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Fernando Doglio
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