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2022 | Buch

Digitalization of Society, Economics and Management

A Digital Strategy Based on Post-pandemic Developments


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This book gathers the best papers presented at the third conference held by the Russian chapter of the Association for Information Systems (AIS), which took place in December 2021. The book shows the path to digital transformation of organizations and how possible obstacles can be overcome. With contributions from digital experts in both academia and IT and management, it presents practical frameworks and planning tools for new business models. It offers executives at the forefront of strategic initiatives a guide on how to implement key disruptive technologies in their organizations while following an established digital strategy. Overall, the book is relevant for scientists, digital technology users, companies and public institutions.


The Role of Big Data Technologies in Geographically Distributed Medical Organizations’ IT Service Architecture

The paper presents an analysis of how big data technologies can be applied to the business activities of geographically distributed medical organizations. Characteristics of geographically distributed medical organizations are analyzed in the context of information requirements and opportunities of big data matching these requirements. A case study is presented, describing a Russian geographically distributed organization’s functional structure and enterprise architecture model presenting, how IT applications and big data technologies interact when realizing analytics IT services.

Alissa Dubgorn, Alena Ershova
Key Indicators, Innovations, Trends, and Main Factors Influencing Transformation of the Building Construction Industry in Russia

Construction is already one of the largest industry sectors which includes enterprises and organizations aimed at the production of finished construction products for various purposes (residential, industrial, cultural, domestic, and other purposes). Steady growth comes with some underlying challenges in productivity, profitability, performance, labor, rising cost of building materials, site safety issues, and an overwhelming number of technological solutions, digitalization, and sustainability which could derail the industry’s development. Companies must therefore address these challenges head-on and re-imagine their business processes.

Anton Vasiliev, Sergey Bruskin
Explaining the IT Value Through the Information Support of Decision-Making

The issue of how IT impact the performance of an organization is still not fully explained. Many researchers believe that this effect is based on the automation of business processes and the replacement of unskilled routine labor. However, this does not explain the expected impact of digital transformation, since it offers completely new models. Relying on the achievements of organization theory, we suggest that the impact of IT on performance is realized through the quality of decision-making. We analyze the role of information processing in decision-making, identify the sources of inefficiency, which can be associated with incorrect assessment, lack or excess of information. Next, we revise the organization’s design strategies and classify the information systems according to their information processing capabilities. The proposed approach can explain the way how IT impact is created and manifested both for traditional enterprise information systems and for new digital technologies.

Yuri Zelenkov
Innovation Hub and Its IT Support: Architecture Model

The paper proposes to consider the concepts of an innovation ecosystem and a digital platform for an innovation hub. The analysis of world experience in terms of innovative hubs contributing to the accelerated implementation of innovations is presented. The basic requirements for the digital platform were formed. The purpose of this paper is to form a reference model of an industry innovation hub for the accelerated implementation of digital technologies and a reference model of a digital platform for an industry innovation hub. The methodological basis of the paper is the analysis of open sources.

Igor Ilin, Anastasia Levina, Victoria Iliashenko
Smart Hospital Medical Equipment: Integration into the Enterprise Architecture

Digitalization is actively affecting various areas of our lives and health care is no exception. The concepts of e-health, Smart Hospital, and the principles of value-based and personalized medicine are increasingly becoming the object of research and approbation in organizations around the world. This article will consider the opportunities for medical organizations that follow the trends in the modern digital technologies development. Moreover, Smart Infrastructure will be presented as part of a comprehensive architectural Smart Hospital solution.

Roman Marchenko, Alexandra Borremans
Value-Based Concept in the Architecture Model of a Water Supply Company

The article analyzes the activities of a water supply company, builds an existing model of enterprise architecture, gives suggestions for reengineering the model, and builds a target model of enterprise architecture. When building the target model, the goals of achieving maximum value for the end consumer were taken into account simultaneously with the achievement of maximum results of the enterprise’s efficiency. This work required significant changes and modernization at the application level and the technological level. As a result, a unified system of automated active monitoring and control of the water supply system is being formed.

Dmitry Serov, Igor Ilin, Sofia Kalyazina
Strategic Integration of Alignment Models for the IT-Business Misalignment Detection and Redress

The information technologies era exaggerates the link between IT and business. One power eventually affects another. The current IT-business misalignment diagnostics methodologies are able to identify an issue (like SAM, SAMM, etc.), but they do not formulate a particular algorithm to eliminate the misalignment. Therefore, the goal of this study is represented with the way of eliminating the gap between IT and business via a SAM, TOGAF, and BISMAM combination. This model integration represents eminent advantages through the ability to solve misalignment issues using the proposed model. This is the novelty of this research. The core of this approach is an Enterprise Architecture discipline which divides a company into architectural levels. It guarantees a comprehensive view on the issue. Moreover, the most appropriate methodologies of IT-business accordance were evaluated for the future integration. The results were demonstrated through the model usage on the organization example.

Natalia Aseeva, Eduard Babkin, Pavel Malyzhenkov, Maurizio Masi
Supply Chain Design Approach Based on Composite Simulation Models

Strategic transformation and logistic integration in supply chain management requires systematic strategic supply chain modeling, and modern simulation provides such opportunities for analysis and synthesis of efficient and integrated supply chains. Authors suggest a method of constructing an analysis of conceptual supply chain models. The following base levels of the supply chain representation are considered: object-based, configuration/network-based, process-based, and logistics coordination levels. A general simulation model of integrative supply chain is proposed based on technologies of hybrid process and agent-based simulation modeling. Literature review on simulation modeling application for integrative and collaborative supply chains is presented. Iterative simulation and optimization procedures for complex analysis and optimization of supply chains are proposed. The suggested approaches and techniques were tested in the case of strategic transformation of supply chain. Authors present and interpret the results of supply chain optimization и simulation modeling for a set of scenarios of logistic processes transformation and inventory management policies, inter-organizational coordination mechanisms, and related technological solutions.

Natalia Lychkina, Gleb Zakhodyakin, Yulia Morozova
Digital Products Design Pattern for Digital Platform

The article presents the possibility of application of modeling patterns when creating digital products. The research examines various aspects of digital products and constructs an appropriate modeling pattern based on the ArchiMate language. The study also demonstrates an example of its usage. The application of the digital product modeling pattern is illustrated by the example of the experience of a large Russian marketplace company operating in a highly competitive market in big Russian cities.

Evgeny Zaramenskikh, Maria Guseva
Providing Fault Tolerance of Cluster Computing Systems Based on Fault-Tolerant Dynamic Computation Planning

A cluster computing system is an array of computing nodes united by a certain communication environment, which, from the user's point of view, is a single computing resource. The nodes of a cluster computing system can be servers, workstations, and personal computers. Such computing systems are used to solve complex and responsible tasks in various spheres of life of modern society and must have high reliability. This paper is devoted to the organization of fault-tolerant functioning of cluster computing systems based on dynamic fault-tolerant computing planning. The proposed approach is considered on the example of a computer system corresponding to the following model. A cluster computing system contains N nodes, i.e., computing modules intended for solving applied problems, and the main computing module intended for organizing the system operation. We believe that all computing modules are identical and are single-processor, operate in multi-program mode and have the same amount of RAM. We know the set W = {Uj, j = 1, …, L} of mutually independent tasks designed to be performed by a given system.

Evgeniy Tourouta, Mikhail Gorodnichev, Ksenia Polyantseva, Marina Moseva
Research of Correlation Dependencies in Russian Household Data Using Data Mining Methods

The article is devoted to the study of big data using modern Data Mining tools. For the analysis, the authors use survey data from the Russian Monitoring of the Economic Situation and Health of the Population at the Higher School of Economics (RLMS HSE) “conducted by the National Research University Higher School of Economics and Demoscope LLC with the participation of the University of North Carolina Population Center at Chapel Hill and the Federal Institute of Sociology Research Sociological Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The set under study contains data from surveys of households and individuals. For the study, we took household data for 2019 and 2009, each containing more than a thousand attributes included in 12 information groups. For data preprocessing, the Python language and the PyCharm development environment were used. For basic analysis, we used the IBM SPSS Statistics 26 program, as well as the Cloudera CDH tools (Hue and Impala) from the Apache Hadoop distribution, which contains a set of modules for processing big data and machine learning. Automation of the search for dependencies for Pearson's correlation coefficients was carried out, comparison and visualization of detailed dependencies of the influence of the status of a settlement and the region of family residence on the availability of centralized utilities at the beginning and end of a ten-year period was carried out.

Vasily Usachev, Veronika Brus, Lilia Voronova, Elena Tarasenko
Agency of Interactive Environment in Shaping Users’ Behaviour Through Actor–Network Theory

The paper defines the role of interactive space in social relationships using Actor–network theory as a methodological tool. It examines interactive space from Actor–network theory perspective, as one of the actors in a heterogeneous network consisting of human and non-human components with their own agency. This methodology allows to consider interactive space as an active participant of social relationship, communicating with other participants of society using non-verbal means of communication. Applying Actor–network theory allows to understand the rules of communication between users and the space, evaluates responsiveness to the system signals and defines participants’ stages of involvement into this communication. A full-scale interactive prototype was designed and built as a proof-of-concept to analyse the influence of interactive space on human behaviour and space perception, examining this communication in real time and assessing human responsiveness to different types of signals from the space (light/sound/motion).

Kristina Boychenko, Irina Boychenko, Galina Platunina
A Practical Study of Process Mining from Event Logs Using Machine Learning and Petry Net Models

This practical study is aimed at finding the value of synergy between the process mining and machine learning concepts using python programming. The paper introduces an analysis of an event log data with annual performance results for the purchase process. The purpose was to understand the whole process derived from data, indicate deviations from the standard sequence of events and visualize the process in Petri nets. For this purpose, the input data such as event log is transformed so that the use of process mining open source library is possible. For in-depth analysis the machine learning algorithms such as CatBoost were applied to find out how this sort of data can be used and how the machine learning problem such as regression problem can be solved.

Valeria Nikitina, Peter Panfilov
Management of Distributed Medical Information Systems

The article deals with the problem of managing medical information systems, including the example of quality control of the provision of medical services using isotope-containing medical materials. A digitalization of economics leads to a strong transformation of business routines of companies in wide variety of industry branches. The transition from paper media to electronic document management systems all over the world is associated with a complex of methodological and organizational and technical tasks to ensure the availability and reliability of data, regulatory support for the interactions of all participants in the process of collecting, transferring, processing and storing information, as well as the formation of an archive of data of former periods. The mathematical model allows at the practical level to carry out multi-parameter monitoring and control in the main critical areas. The use of a qualitative assessment in parallel with a quantitative one allows the managing staff of the administration of a medical institution to obtain a more complete assessment of the situation in controlling the circulation of isotope-containing materials in the provision of medical services to the population.

Elena Kukharenko, Alexey Yankevskiy
Comprehensive Assessment of the Quality of Telecommunication Services of Software-Defined Networks

Mathematical models of the switch and controller of software-defined networks are built, which are the basis for the construction of wireless sensor networks. On the basis of these models, formulas have been derived for estimating time delays in telecommunications equipment of these networks. Also, the dependences of the time delays in the switch and the controller on the main parameters of the equipment, which have a major impact on the delays, are obtained. The results obtained can be used in the design of wireless sensor networks and the use of software-defined networks technology in conditions of various information impacts (with different input information flows) with a given level of service quality.

Igor Buzhin, Yuriy Mironov, Mikhail Gorodnichev, Aleksandr Sheremetev
Application of M-polar Fuzzy Set Algorithm for Nontraditional Machining Process Selection

Developed machining processes for hard materials are known as non-traditional machining (NTM) processes. The selection of the best NTM process in the manufacturing industry is a significant problem. In this paper, literature related to decision expert systems and data collected for NTM processes analyzed and an m-polar fuzzy set based selection of NTM processes methodology is developed. A conceptual design of the m-polar fuzzy set system is explained and implemented. Two problems are solved with the method. Problem solved by m-polar fuzzy set algebra is considering subgroups of parameters. The m-polar fuzzy set algorithm methodology is explained step by step. It gives nearly the same results as obtained in previous literature work for obtaining through cavities in metals and non-metals. It’s observed m-polar fuzzy set can be used in the selection of the NTM process.

Madan Jagtap, Prasad Karande
The Principles of Forming a Data-Driven University Model Within the Cluster-Network Model of Innovative Development

The article is devoted to the problem of the formation of personnel competitive in the conditions of a post-industrial cluster-network model of innovative development. The authors develop an approach to constructing the cluster-network model based on new mechanisms for the collaboration of the Science, Industry and Government. The approach is implemented through the identification of the information, covering all the elements of the cluster-network model, significant for the analysis of human capital. An analysis of the prerequisites and the identification of conditions, criteria and methods that allow Universities to form personnel of a fundamentally new nature is performed. It made possible to develop a system of indicators for building a data-driven model describing the development of the University as the primary producer of human capital, in contrast to other participants in the collaboration being more the consumers of human resources. This gives opportunities and conditions for creating a data-driven educational environment management system for universities targeting at formatting human capital competitive in the new conditions.

Lyudmila Gadasina, Sergey Voitenko, Lyudmila Vyunenko
Principle of the Closest Profession for Creating Vector Vocational Guidance Tests

This article presents the principle of the closest profession, which is a practical application of the principle of vector representation of professions, presented by the authors in the previous works. The latter postulates that any profession can be represented as a vector in the n-dimensional space of activity elements. This representation allows defining measures of similarity (for example, Euclidean distance) between different professions. The principle of the closest profession postulates that if with the help of some test, the vector of a person in the vector space of professions is determined, the Euclidean distances can be calculated from a person to all vectors of professions and the n-closest to him or her can be deduced. Such a test, which is called by the authors a vector test, in contrast to traditional vocational guidance methods, represents not just recommendations for a certain class of professions (for example, socionomic or technonomic), but an ordered list of professions recommended for the respondent to master. The paper presents a description of the algorithm for the development of vector vocational guidance tests, which consists of three stages—vectorization of professions, development of test materials, and assessment of the validity and reliability of the method. This algorithm was tested, which resulted in a screening vector questionnaire of professional preferences. An assessment of the retrospective validity of the questionnaire is presented. This questionnaire can serve as a confirmation of the efficiency of the principle of the closest profession for creating vocational guidance tests. However, additional research is required to substantiate its practical use.

Vladimir Savelyev
Industry 4.0: Individual Perceptions About Its Nine Technologies

Industry 4.0 is a trendy concept that everyone is talking about. However there are several concepts and technologies attached to Industry 4.0. The concept is considered as the most recent industrial revolution and takes us to the domains of automation, digitalization and information, among others. The concept is trendy, but sometimes firms and employees are not able to follow new trends. This paper summarizes a research on the concepts of industry 4.0 and the 9 technologies commonly associated to Industry 4.0 umbrella. Most of the literature recognizes it as something that can bring several benefits to firms. However, it is also pointed out, that the adoption of these technologies relies in several factors. In this paper the focus is the human factors. A group of 260 persons participated in a questionnaire where were asked about their perceptions on industry 4.0 and its technologies. The main objective was to find different responses to Industry 4.0 technologies, according to age, education level, gender or field of studies. In general, all the individuals present a similar approach. Main differences were found on Big Data, Augmented Reality and Simulation technologies.

Francisco Diniz, Nelson Duarte, António Amaral, Carla Pereira
Legal Regulation of Work in the Digital Economy: Protecting Employees from Psychosocial Risks

The emergence of new psychosocial risks at work and their impact on the employees’ health and well-being under economy digitalization requires improved legal regulation of the labour sphere. In the digital economy, the distinction between working and rest time is blurring, creating new factors for work stress, including cyberstress. Employers are often not responsible for employees’ stress having a negative impact on the physical and psychosocial well-being of the latter. The empirical basis of the study is the results of a sociological survey of respondents from several countries conducted in 2018 with a random sample of employees of different organizations. Comparative analysis of responses reveals the dominants, similarities and differences in the employees’ perception of the work factors that affect their health and well-being. Most of the workers surveyed noted the negative impact of work on their self-felling. Among the main destructive factors, stress at work is dominant. It becomes obvious that protecting workers from work stress requires regulatory measures, the absence of which in many countries does not allow leaving this issue unattended. The authors consider the progressive foreign experience and relevant areas of Russian legislation improvement in the field of workers’ health and well-being in the digital economy.

Alena Fedorova, Marina Chudinivskikh, Ilona Polents
Smart Working in Public Administration: Anti Pandemic Tool or Work Organization Model?

This article focuses on the first outcomes due to the implementation of Smart Working (SW) before and after the COVID-19 emergency within Italian public administrations. Aware of describing a still ongoing situation, the authors adopt a deductive approach to analyse the Ministry of Economy and Finance case study in order to integrate the main indications obtained from current literature and regulatory framework. The implementation of SW within Italian public administration (both in ordinary conditions and in emergency conditions) is first described; then, the authors describe the main implications of SW. Particularly, the paper aims to investigate to answer the following questions: (i) what are the combination of the different elements affecting the configuration of SW? (ii) what are the outcomes of SW likely to be for smart workers, organizations and society? (iii) what are the impacts of Covid-19 pandemic disease on SW adoption?

Marco De Marco, Francesco Marcone, Danila Scarozza
Digital Transformation of Health Service in Turkey by Hybrid-Delphi Method

Among the education, health and justice services, which are among the basic public services in the world, education has been the best service that adapts to the current era in the digital sense. However, with the Covid-19 pandemic, it has been seen that basic health services should also be digitized. In this study, what kind of health care services can be offered as online Hybrid Delphi technique was investigated by health professionals for both conservation and effective resource management in Turkey. The Hybrid Delphi technique is a combined version of the strengths of group decision making techniques. In the research, an expert group consisting of doctors with at least 5 years of working experience in the public sector was formed. matters which are not in agreement and consensus on what kind of online health services may be offered in Turkey were determined. In addition, the benefits of online healthcare and concerns over ethics have also been raised. Our findings have shown that some special treatment and examination processes can be done online. However, there is no necessary legal and physical infrastructure in Turkey. In Turkey, there is a need for legislation to be presented to online health services online.

Hüseyin Ataş, Selim Gündüz, Esra Karakaş
The Evolving Role of Pharmacies in the Digital Transformation Era: A Case Study from Italy

The aim of the study is to explore how the implementation of a teleconsultation diagnostic solution carried out with pharmacies is able to improve quality and access of care and which are its impacts on the health service ecosystem. The method adopted is an explorative case study, preceded by a rapid theoretical focus on telehealth facilitated by information technologies and telemedicine tools. The case study refers to the project concerning teleconsultation diagnostic for heart diseases. The project, developed in Italy, involves a growing number of pharmacy and hospitals. The technology is based on real-time teleconsultation platform able to support clinicians with the telepresence of a specialist, offering different types of exams in pharmacy within the whole Italian territory. The adoption of the real-time telemedicine solution when supported by the appropriate organization design, can promote new care models, encouraging a rational and effective use of resources. In this context, a noticeable change in the role of pharmacies has been observed and provision of the services have been evaluated. The study has a normative value and its indications can be extended also in other clinical contexts that require operator-dependent diagnostic techniques.

Marta Musso, Roberta Pinna, Pier Paolo Carrus, Eleonora Veglianti, Elisabetta Magnaghi
Digital HRM and Hotel Business: A Global Bibliometric Analysis

As digital human resource management is taking great significance in scholarly discussions, studies around this field are on the growth. Digital technology develops many industries in several concerns, consequently making it eligible for investigation and debate. Bibliometric analysis of digital HRM publications conducted using the Scopus database. The research is limited to the significant works related to digital HRM in the section of (Social Sciences, Business, Management, Accounting, Economics, Econometrics, Finance, and Arts & Humanities). After preprocessing the data, the analysis explored the thematic development of the topic considering coauthorship between the countries and co-occurrences of keywords using the VOSviewer software for visualizing the data. After that, a specific analysis has conducted to identify the status of digital HRM in the hotel business context. The results present an overview of previous studies that revealed challenges and main trends in the hotel digital HRM. Finally, this research contributes to digital HRM literature and makes recommendations for future studies.

Khaled Ghazy, Alena Fedorova
Digitalization and Executive Education: A Czech Case

Digital transformation of education remains a protean concept attracting attention from practitioners and researchers. Higher education institutions are undergoing a digital transformation to recruit and retain students to balance their work and study duties. During the last decades, business schools are increasingly uncoupled from practice and losing real value. The critical concern covers executive education, as it means to get revenues, reputations, and higher rankings, mainly for business schools. The paper aims to digitalize education focusing on specifics regarding executive education, demonstrating the situation in the Czech case. Methods use bibliographic analysis of publications, one focus group with Czech lecturers, and two unstructured interviews with top managers. Findings from secondary sources reveal that universities see the digital transformation of learning as a challenge, but few have successfully integrated executive education with online approaches. Some designers believe in applying a project-based approach, business-driven action learning, learning combined with coaching, and individualized online courses based on interactive platforms.

Zuzana Dvorakova
The Challenges of Digitalization of the Teaching/Learning Process During Covid-19

At present teachers are facing a number of challenges caused by the reform processes in education that require acquisition of new competencies. Digital competence, that includes both technical skills needed to manage the software and cognitive skills that are related to education, has been gradually introduced in the curricula over the past decade. Teachers’ digital competence includes the ability to use technologies efficiently, developing digital content and inspiring students to work in a digital environment. This also requires a wider conceptualization of digital competence in the context of re-conceptualization of flexible learning. The methodology employed in this study is three focus group interviews with forty-three teachers of comprehensive and vocational schools in Latvia on their experience in integrating digital technologies into the remote teaching process during the emergency situation due to coronavirus disease COVID-19 from March until June 2020. The study focuses on digital transformations in education process at schools in Latvia and is aimed at exploring difficulties and challenges faced by teachers while ensuring remote teaching/learning process. COVID-19 was a big push towards the introduction and wider usage of technologies into education process that also greatly impacted the level of pressure and stress experienced by educators due to the demand to adapt to urgent and swift shift.

Dzintra Iliško, Ilze Kačāne, Jeļena Badjanova
Research on the Level of Soft Skills of the Digital Generation

In the context of constant changes, modern organizations need exactly the π-shaped specialists, whose competence is based on professional specialization, breadth of knowledge in various fields, as well as empathy and cooperation skills. The relevance of modern companies in soft skills of employees is emphasized. It is on them that the emphasis should be placed in the educational programs of universities. However, there are number of problems with the perception of information material by young people. The purpose of the study is to determine the competencies that currently need the most development among university students. The results of testing students’ soft skills using the methods of assessment of emotional competence (COMET), evaluation of VSQ values and social Pattern Variables (Social Pattern Variables), psychological testing MBTI, analysis of creative types and self-assessment of emotional intelligence EQ Hall are presented. The students showed a fairly high level of emotional self-awareness, creativity, practical emotional intelligence, and communication skills. But they lack self-confidence, imagination, and distal vision, which is important for achieving goals, creative ideas, and innovation. Repeated testing showed that the introduction of design thinking into the educational process allowed students to develop soft skills. So, the rationale for the use of design thinking for the formation of soft skills of specialists is given. The main areas of application of design thinking are identified—when creating an innovative product that is in demand by the consumer (Design Service); for improving the organization’s processes and in team building (Employee Experience Management); for personal growth and creativity development “Neuro Design Thinking”. The author draws attention to the fact that at present, when managing personnel, it is necessary to analyze and competently plan the employee’s path in the company—“Employee Experience”. The role of project work during design sessions in obtaining skills of integrative thinking and teamwork skills is emphasized. A project-based approach to training based on design thinking will improve the quality of training, reduce the GAP between the requirements of the labor market and the level of training of university graduates, simplify and speed up the process of adapting young professionals to the workplace, prepare full-fledged members of self-organizing project teams, DevOps teams and flexible organizations.

Elena Vasilieva
The Vision of Students of Their Professional Activities in the Industry 4.0

The active spread of digital technologies and the development of artificial intelligence have led to the transformation of the world of work and to the replacement of not only physical, but also mental work tasks. Requirements for the competencies and psychological characteristics of future workers in helping professions have changed. There is a need to improve the training system in higher educational institutions in order to prepare students for professional activities in the context of technological changes. Students’ vision of the threats and opportunities of Industry 4.0 for professional activities, awareness of technological innovations and attention to the development of digital competencies form their ability to adapt to changing working conditions. The article presents the results of a narrative analysis of the vision of the professional activity of future specialists in the field of psychology and social work, studying at the university of the Russian Federation. The students’ vision about changes in the requirements for professional competencies of a psychologist and a social worker in connection with digitalization and robotization of labor were analyzed. Four groups of respondents were identified with different views on the Industry 4.0 threats to future professional activities. The results of the study show that the majority of students studying helping professions are not sufficiently informed about innovative processes in their professional sphere and have a low level of readiness to develop the necessary competencies, which poses a threat to their well-being in the future workplace.

Olga Koropets, Irina Detkova, Alexandra Leontyeva, Alexander Ovchinnikov
The Impact of Digital Supply Chain on Operational a Case Study on Cruise Sector

In the last decade, the cruise sector operates in a dynamic and highly competitive environment requiring more flexible and resilient organizations. With the Fourth Industrial Revolution, many companies in the cruise sector recognize the importance of innovative digital technologies for their business. Digital Supply Chain describes an organizational change process leading to the application and implementation of digital technology in order to achieve effective and efficient flows of products, services and information, to provide maximum value to the customer. This study explores the potential of cloud-based B2B integration brokerage solution in order to improve efficiency and collaboration in extended enterprise processes, by enabling a multiformat and multi-protocol data exchange management. The paper uses primary data obtained through in-depth semi-structured interview with an executive staff from a cruise company operating in the Mediterranean region. Research findings unveil the strategy of a cruise company’s supply chain and the operational performance with the use of digital technologies.

Roberta Pinna, Eleonora Veglianti, Marta Musso, Marco De Marco
Discretion and Continuity of Psychological Space

The problem of discreteness—continuity of sensory space, and as a consequence—of psychological space is considered. Different models used in psychophysics, different interpretation of the threshold problem in psychology, as well as different threshold theories lead to ambiguous understanding of this problem. Our model of psychological measurement is based on the concept of “generalized image” (GI). By definition, GI is a dynamic system that is in a continuous process of self-formation. This process can be represented as a continuous series of acts of comparison of the predicted state of the GI with the current one. As a result of such acts of comparison, a certain “measuring space” arises, in which further forecast of the state of the GI is carried out. Each stimulus set corresponds to a certain stable set of subjective characteristics (the main characteristics of the mental image of the stimulus set), which basically determine the psychological assessment of the stimulus. We call this stable set of subjective characteristics the quasi-objective scale. In the process of measurement, incentives are distributed along this scale in accordance with the degree of representation in them of certain subjective characteristics.

Andrey Khudyakov
Professional Deformation of Staff Under the Digital Economy

In the article, the authors focus on the study of personnel in the context of the digital economy. The influence of professional deformation of personnel, which prevents the formation of a demanded employee in the digital economy, was studied using the example of salespeople of retail chains. It is assumed that digitalization leads to the emergence of multitasking, lack of time and constant control, which are additional stress factors that exacerbate professional deformation. To conduct an empirical study the following methods were used: “The level of emotional burnout” by V. V. Boyko, R. Cattell 16 Personality Factors Test, “The level of subjective control” by J. Rotter (LSC test), the method of pictorial associations by S. Rosenzweig. We identified two groups of network sellers with pronounced symptoms of professional deformation in the digital economy: experimental and control. The experimental group revealed the existence of a set of personal deformations: ego-centrism, neuroticism, impatience. The sources of these deformations in the course of the personality adaptation to the peculiarities of professional activity have been determined. One of the main manifestations of the professional deformation of these workers is the internal locus control, the tendency to control everyone around, to be responsible for everything, to assume the role of a “resolver of difficulties” with low indicators of communication competence. A list of measures that allow the development and implementation of preventive response technologies in the organization's management are proposed, the use of which will ensure the controllability of personnel deformation.

Elena Gasparovich, Ekaterina Uskova
Digitalization of Society, Economics and Management
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Prof. Dr. Evgeny Zaramenskikh
Dr. Alena Fedorova
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