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Issue 120January 2018
  • Association for Computing Machinery
  • New York
  • NY
  • United States
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Overview of the ASSETS 2017 conference

This year was the 19th edition of the ACM SIGACCESS International Conference on Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS 2017), which took place in October in Baltimore, Maryland, USA. The ASSETS conference is the premier computing research conference ...

Exploring auditory cues to locate code errors and enhance navigation for developers who are blind

The goal of my research is to support the workflow of programmers who are blind; prior work has found that these users face challenges in using screen-readers to locate errors and debug software code. Recent advancements in auditory cues have made them ...

A toolkit for facilitating accessible design with blind people

This extended abstract outlines my dissertation work, to assemble a toolkit for facilitating accessible design workshops with blind people. I first exemplify how inclusive design strategies don't always provide accessible tools and techniques but ...

Using robots to improve the accessibility of online videos

People who are blind often learn spatial information and concepts through tactile and tangible representations. These representations offer an accessible low-cost solution, but often require large amounts of time to author or print. However as ...

Public Access
Designing and implementing accessible wearable interactions for people with motor impairments

Emerging wearable technologies like head-mounted displays (e.g., Google Glass) and wrist-worn devices (e.g., Fitbit, Apple Watch 2.0) are always available, have the potential to provide quick access to information and offer relatively hands-free ...

Facilitating smartphone use for blind people through a human powered approach

From a longitudinal study of smartphone adoption with blind users, we uncovered the need for frequent assistance and the opportunity for effective and efficient knowledge sharing. Smartphones are constantly evolving platforms where new applications, ...

Designing interactive 3D printed models for blind students

Recent advances in 3D printing technology have made tactile models for a variety of concepts more available. Researchers have explored methods to add interactivity to 3D printed models so that the model can speak a description of a model component when ...

Interaction strategies of blind ehealth and mhealth users: a qualitative investigation

Research lacks a comprehensive understanding of the interaction strategies of blind users in eHealth and mHealth interactions. Without this understanding, we cannot develop an accessible and usable eHealth and mHealth for blind users. Therefore, the ...

Public Access
Using direct visual augmentation to provide people with low vision equal access to information

Low vision is a visual impairment that cannot be corrected with eyeglasses or contact lenses. Low vision people have functional vision and prefer using that vision instead of relying on audition and touch. Existing approaches to low vision accessibility ...

