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Dynamic shape capture using multi-view photometric stereo

Published:01 December 2009Publication History
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We describe a system for high-resolution capture of moving 3D geometry, beginning with dynamic normal maps from multiple views. The normal maps are captured using active shape-from-shading (photometric stereo), with a large lighting dome providing a series of novel spherical lighting configurations. To compensate for low-frequency deformation, we perform multi-view matching and thin-plate spline deformation on the initial surfaces obtained by integrating the normal maps. Next, the corrected meshes are merged into a single mesh using a volumetric method. The final output is a set of meshes, which were impossible to produce with previous methods. The meshes exhibit details on the order of a few millimeters, and represent the performance over human-size working volumes at a temporal resolution of 60Hz.


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  1. Dynamic shape capture using multi-view photometric stereo



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