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Issue 2/2005

Special Issue on the 5th Brazilian Meeting on Adsorption

Content (9 Articles)

Chromatographic Separation of Bupivacaine Enantiomers by HPLC: Parameters Estimation of Equilibrium and Mass Transfer Under Linear Conditions

Ivanildo José Da Silva Jr, Vinícius De Veredas, Marcos José Souza Carpes, Cesar Costapinto Santana

Lysozyme Adsorption onto Different Supports: A Comparative Study

Kátia Cecília De Souza Figueiredo, Vera Maria Martins Salim, Tito LíVio Moitinho Alves, José Carlos Pinto

A Theoretical and Experimental Study of Charge and Discharge Cycles in a Storage Vessel for Adsorbed Natural Gas

Moisés Bastos-Neto, A. Eurico B. Torres, Diana C. S. Azevedo, Célio L. Cavalcante Jr.

Crystallization of ZSM-12 Zeolite with Different Si/Al Ratio

Antonio S. Araujo, Antonio O. S. Silva, Marcelo J. B. Souza, Ana C. S. L. S. Coutinho, Joana M. F. B. Aquino, José A. Moura, Anne M. G. Pedrosa

Study of the Adsorption Properties of MCM-41 Molecular Sieves Prepared at Different Synthesis Times

Antonio S. Araújo, Marcelo J. B. Souza, Antonio O. S. Silva, Anne M. G. Pedrosa, Joana M. F. B. Aquino, Ana C. S. L. S. Coutinho

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