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2005 | Book

Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2005

International Conference, Singapore, May 9-12, 2005, Proceedings, Part II

Editors: Osvaldo Gervasi, Marina L. Gavrilova, Vipin Kumar, Antonio Laganà, Heow Pueh Lee, Youngsong Mun, David Taniar, Chih Jeng Kenneth Tan

Publisher: Springer Berlin Heidelberg

Book Series : Lecture Notes in Computer Science


About this book

The four volume set assembled following The 2005 International Conference on Computational Science and its Applications, ICCSA 2005, held in Suntec International Convention and Exhibition Centre, Singapore, from 9 May 2005 till 12 May 2005, represents the ?ne collection of 540 refereed papers selected from nearly 2,700 submissions. Computational Science has ?rmly established itself as a vital part of many scienti?c investigations, a?ecting researchers and practitioners in areas ranging from applications such as aerospace and automotive, to emerging technologies such as bioinformatics and nanotechnologies, to core disciplines such as ma- ematics, physics, and chemistry. Due to the shear size of many challenges in computational science, the use of supercomputing, parallel processing, and - phisticated algorithms is inevitable and becomes a part of fundamental t- oretical research as well as endeavors in emerging ?elds. Together, these far reaching scienti?c areas contribute to shape this Conference in the realms of state-of-the-art computational science research and applications, encompassing the facilitating theoretical foundations and the innovative applications of such results in other areas.

Table of Contents


Approaches or Methods of Security Engineering Workshop

Implementation of Short Message Service System to Be Based Mobile Wireless Internet

In our time, everything to be connected is Internet and Mobile. Most people using Internet and Mobile and we can’t do many works without that. Alike this, it gives us an advantage and can get many useful information anywhere, anytime. Moreover it will be a symbol meaning the mobile wireless internet to will be lead the information society. In this research, as develop SMS service to be based mobile wireless internet without SMS server in each communication company, it can service each kind advertisement and various information transmission with an expenses reduction.

Hae-Sool Yang, Jung-Hun Hong, Seok-Hyung Hwang, Haeng-Kon Kim
Fuzzy Clustering for Documents Based on Optimization of Classifier Using the Genetic Algorithm

It is a problem that established document categorization method reflects the semantic relation inaccurately at feature expression of document. For the purpose of solving this problem, we propose a genetic algorithm and C-Means clustering algorithm for choosing an appropriate set of fuzzy clustering for classification problems of documents. The aim of the proposed method is to find a minimum set of fuzzy cluster that can correctly classify all training documents. The number of fuzzy pseudo-partition and the shapes of the fuzzy membership functions that we use the classification criteria are determined by the genetic algorithms. Then, the classifier decides using fuzzy c-means clustering algorithms for documents classification. A solution obtained by the genetic algorithm is a set of fuzzy clustering, and its fitness function is determined by fuzzy membership function


Ju-In Youn, He-Jue Eun, Yong-Sung Kim
P2P Protocol Analysis and Blocking Algorithm

P2P (Peer to Peer) technology provides methods for overcoming many weak points of conventional client-server mechanism, and consequently, many efforts in many fields are made to apply it. On the other side of the coin, these strong points of the P2P technology have been used for bad purposes, causing many problems and concerns. This paper proposes a method to block P2P applications fundamentally in order to eliminate illegal data or files. We use Ethereal, a reliable network packet analysis tool, and analyze the packets receive and send when P2P applications run. Then, in this paper we examine the packet architecture and characteristics of each P2P application, and propose the algorithms that can block P2P applications. When being used for blocking up P2P applications, these proposed algorithms can play important roles in reducing excessive P2P traffic and illegal data sharing.

Sun-Myung Hwang
Object Modeling of RDF Schema for Converting UML Class Diagram

With increasing amounts of information on the web and the need to access it accurately, it is very important to standardize metadata and to store and manage the metadata system. The RDF (Resource Description Framework) is a framework for representing, exchanging, and reusing metadata. In this paper, we propose rules and an algorithm to convert the RDF schema into a UML (Unified Modeling Language) class diagram and formal models to represent an object-oriented schema for the RDF schema. The proposed rules and algorithm are useful for natural mapping, and the object modeling of RDF schema can be easily converted into the object-oriented schema.

Jin-Sung Kim, Chun-Sik Yoo, Mi-Kyung Lee, Yong-Sung Kim
A Framework for Security Assurance in Component Based Development

This paper will investigate the fundamental issues related to building and composing secure components. While all participants will closely cooperate, each will have primary responsibility in one area. The approach outlined in this paper develops a certification process for testing software components for security proper- ties. The anticipated results from this paper are a process, set of core white-box and black-box testing technologies to certify the security of software components and a framework for constructing compositional Component Security Assurance (CSA) based on the security property exposed by the atomic components. The manifestation of the product is a stamp of approval in the form of a digital signature.

Gu-Beom Jeong, Guk-Boh Kim
Security Framework to Verify the Low Level Implementation Codes

With the development of web-application, especially E-commerce, many software designers need to incorporate either low-level security functionalities into their programs. This involves the implementation of security features using Java Cryptography Architecture (JCA), Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) and Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE) API provided by Sun Corporation [1]. Through our discovery, we find that many functional security related features in software systems are usually implemented by a few methods. The use of these methods results to some necessary structural patterns in reduced control flow graph of the program. In this papers, we present our way to recover the security features by recognizing these methods invocations automatically and transform the reduced control flow graph to state transition diagram through functional abstractions. We believe that it would not only facilitate the comprehension of the security framework implemented in the program, but also make the further verification of the security features possible.

Haeng-Kon Kim, Hae-Sool Yang
A Study on Evaluation of Component Metric Suites

The requirement to improve software productivity and software quality has promoted the research on software metrics technology. Traditional metrics cannot be used for the object oriented paradigm because there are no metrics for the concepts like encapsulation, inheritance, and coupling so Various object-oriented metrics have been proposed by various researchers. Two of the widely accepted metrics are CK and MOOD Metrics. They have been analyzed according to their validation criteria and it has been observed that CK suite which was build on the validation criteria given by Weyukar fail to satisfy it completely. MOOD metrics on the other hand fail to satisfy the validation criteria given by the MOOD team themselves thus showing that MOOD Metrics is working with an inaccurate and imprecise understanding of the OO paradigm. Hence showing that the genesis of the metrics is controversial. Further many inconsistencies have been observed in CK and MOOD Metrics.

Haeng-Kon Kim
The K-Means Clustering Architecture in the Multi-stage Data Mining Process

In this paper, we used software engineering principles for the development of models and proposed the K-Means clustering architecture implemented on the multi-stage data mining process. We developed a modified architecture and expanded it by showing refinements on every process of the clustering and knowledge discovery stages. We used the mentioned hierarchical clustering model to partition the data into smaller groups of attributes so that we would determine the data structure before applying the data mining tools. The experiment shows that the model using the clustering resulted to an isolated but imperative association rules based on clustered data, which in return could be practically explained for decision making purposes. Shorter processing time had been observed in computing for smaller clusters implying faster and ideal processing period than dealing with the entire dataset.

Bobby D. Gerardo, Jae-Wan Lee, Yeon-Sung Choi, Malrey Lee
A Privacy Protection Model in ID Management Using Access Control

The problem of privacy of the Identity Management System (IMS) is the most pressing concern of ordinary users. Uncertainty about privacy keeps many users away from utilizing IMS. Most privacy-enhancing technologies such P3P, E-P3P and EPAL use purposes or policies to ensure privacy that is set by users. Access control is arguably the most fundamental and pervasive security mechanism in use. This paper proposes a privacy protection model using access control for IMS. The proposed model protects privacy using access control techniques with privacy policies in a single circle of trust. We address characteristics of components for the proposed model and describe access control procedures. After that, we show protection architecture and XML-based schema for privacy policies.

Hyang-Chang Choi, Yong-Hoon Yi, Jae-Hyun Seo, Bong-Nam Noh, Hyung-Hyo Lee
A Time-Variant Risk Analysis and Damage Estimation for Large-Scale Network Systems

Risk analysis for preventing network intrusions and attacks and estimation of damages resulting from intrusions and attacks are routine exercises for large-scale network systems. However, previous methodologies for risk analysis and network administration techniques for controlling system failures have been limited to the offering of safeguards based on identification of assets and resources at risks, potential threats and system vulnerabilities. They fail to provide exact estimations as to the effect of eliminating threats and vulnerabilities, which may be done through real-time analysis, or to assess the scope of damage, in the event of an attack, incurred until the final recovery.

In this paper, we propose a time-variant risk analysis technique, which, based on previous risk analysis models for large-size networking systems and used in conjunction with the safeguards developed by these models, is able to identify real-time risk levels. Furthermore, to assess the scope of system damages resulting from a network intrusion, we propose a method for estimating the total cost incurred from the point of the occurrence of damage to that of recovery.

InJung Kim, YoonJung Chung, YoungGyo Lee, Dongho Won
Efficient Multi-bit Shifting Algorithm in Multiplicative Inversion Problems

This paper proposes an efficient inversion algorithm for Galois field GF(2


) by using a modified multi-bit shifting method. It is well known that the efficiency of arithmetic algorithms depends on the basis and many foregoing papers use either polynomial or optimal normal basis. An inversion algorithm, which modifies a multi-bit shifting based on the Montgomery algorithm, is studied. Trinomials and AOPs (all-one polynomials) are tested to calculate the inverse. It is shown that the suggested inversion algorithm reduces the computation time 1 ~ 26% of the forgoing multi-bit shifting algorithm. The modified algorithm can be applied in various applications and is easy to implement.

Injoo Jang, Hyeong Seon Yoo
Modified Token-Update Scheme for Site Authentication

This paper proposes a new site authentication algorithm using a token-update. One-time password and smart card schemes are widely studied to protect servers from various malicious activities. Most papers discuss schemes with nounce and token updates. Since the LAN card’ ID could be used to identify a PC, an authentication scheme with LAN card’s Mac address might strengthen the conventional token update method. The suggested modified token-upgrade method algorithm is shown to be very effective in site authentication.

Joungho Lee, Injoo Jang, Hyeong Seon Yoo
A Study on Secure SDP of RFID Using Bluetooth Communication

Recently, much research has been actively conducted for a new kind of network environment ubiquitous computing. This paper will define the essential technology called “ad hoc network” and the smart-tag technology required by a ubiquitous environment. We will describe how to apply smart-tag-related Radio Frequency Identification(RFID) research for Bluetooth, a local-area wireless-communication technology. In order to implement RFID technology for the ubiquitous-computing infrastructure, a number of important technology factors and structures should be considered. These include the realization of low-priced tags and the provision of technical service for the tag’s security. For the passive RFID tags, the functions of each RFID tag and maintenance service should be considered to guarantee the price efficiency. As for the active RF tags’ support of local-area wireless communication, one of the main issues is enhancing the level of security. This paper will present secured RF-tag service for the RF and Bluetooth modes for local-area wireless communication. A method of applying the generated service to the EPC code developed by MIT will also be suggested.

Dae-Hee Seo, Im-Yeong Lee, Hee-Un Park
The Semantic Web Approach in Location Based Services

In recent years, there has been growing interest in Location Based Service (LBS). However, the existing LBS has some limitations in the management of dynamic location-dependent contents and interoperability between the different platforms and various domains. We have focused on how LBS applications obtain integrated, dynamic, and sensitive contents on the different domains. We approach the Semantic Web technologies to resolve these issues. In this paper, we design the architecture to combine the Semantic Web technologies with the LBS and implement the prototype to describe the Semantic LBS.

Jong-Woo Kim, Ju-Yeon Kim, Hyun-Suk Hwang, Sung-Seok Park, Chang-Soo Kim, Sung-gi Park
SCTE: Software Component Testing Environments

There are various number of software development approaches that can be believed as component-based software. Setting up the rules for the prediction of properties in components based system, It is necessary to count the variety of approaches that components appear in systems. This paper describes automated software component testing environment to support the state based testing. This tool extracts information from two commercial CASE tools – Paradigm Plus and Select Enterprice. It supports test generation for C++ and Java programs to develop the specific components.

Haeng-Kon Kim, Oh-Hyun Kwon
Computer Security Management Model Using MAUT and SNMP

We develop a computer security management model, which could dynamically adapt security policies. The proposed model consists of an adaptive security level algorithm based on MAUT and Simple Heuristics, and an adaptive security management system based on SNMP and mobile agent. The security level algorithm could adapt several security services according to the changes of network environment. And the security management system utilizes SNMP protocol and mobile agent to deal with diverse network environments. Therefore, the proposed model is expected to provide more flexible security management in the heterogeneous network environments.

Jongwoo Chae, Jungkyu Kwon, Mokdong Chung
Session and Connection Management for QoS-Guaranteed Multimedia Service Provisioning on IP/MPLS Networks

In order to provide QoS-guaranteed realtime multimedia services on IP-based transport network, tightly coupled interactions of session & connection management and CAC (connection admission control) is essential. Also, for efficient QoS-guaranteed DiffServ provisioning across multiple AS domain networks, a scalable transit networking scheme must be provided so as to configure per-class-type QoS-guaranteed packet processing and to provide scalable connection admission control (CAC). In this paper, we propose a functional architecture of session & connection management with SIP, RSVP-TE, CAC and QoS-guaranteed virtual networking. We also propose a per-class-type virtual networking scheme for scalable QoS-guaranteed DiffServ provisioning across multiple autonomous system (AS) domain networks. The implementations of the proposed distributed session & connection management functions are based on Web Service architecture and XML/SOAP-based network management.

Young-Tak Kim, Hae-Sun Kim, Hyun-Ho Shin
A GQS-Based Adaptive Mobility Management Scheme Considering the Gravity of Locality in Ad-Hoc Networks

Mobile Ad-Hoc Network (MANET) is a network of mobile nodes that do not have a fixed infrastructure. Recent research in this field addresses ways of solving existing problems in a MANET by using the node location information. However, maintaining the location information of the nodes is one of the essential challenges in mobile Ad-Hoc networks because the location of a node changes frequently. In this paper, we propose a Group Quorum System (GQS) based adaptive mobility management scheme considering the gravity of locality that is managing the location information for all nodes efficiently in a MANET. In a proposed scheme, the mobility database storing the location information of a mobile node can be selected adaptively from the GQS by considering the gravity of locality. The performance of a proposed scheme is to be evaluated by an analytical model, and compared with that of existing Uniform Quorum System (UQS) based mobility management scheme.

Ihn-Han Bae, Sun-Jin Oh
A Study on the E-Cash System with Anonymity and Divisibility

The micropayment system offers ways of payment in electronic commercial trades in accordance with the purchase of a commodity. The ways of payment include credit cards, on-line money transfer, electronic cash, and others. Electronic cash has been developed to complement the weaknesses of real currency for the sake of electronic commercial trades, and has many requirements and security measures to be met so as to be used like real currency. The author has analyzed the anonymity of electronic cash, among the many requirements and security measures, in order to come up with effective and safe ways to offer anonymity for the micropayment system.

Seo-Il Kang, Im-Yeong Lee
An Authenticated Key Exchange Mechanism Using One-Time Shared Key

In order to exchange secure information over the Internet, it is necessary to provide a shared encryption key after dual authentication between the communication parties for data confidentiality. To find an effective authenticated key exchange scheme, many researchers have studied improvement of the Diffie-Hellman key exchange scheme to overcome the weakness of computation complexity and man-in-the-middle attacks. This paper proposes an efficient authentication and key exchange scheme that does not use certificates and public key cryptography, while protecting against man-in-the-middle attacks, replay attacks, DOS attacks and privacy intrusion. This scheme performs a dual authentication using one-time shared authentication key and generates an encryption key which is used in a symmetric block cipher. Our mechanism also includes a secure method that generates an initial seed for creating a one-time shared secret key. In addition, it solves the problem of identity privacy as well as perfect forward secrecy for future data confidentiality.

Yonghwan Lee, Eunmi Choi, Dugki Min
Creation of Soccer Video Highlight Using the Caption Information

A digital video is usually very long and would require large storage capacity. Users may want to watch pre-summarized video before they watch a large long video. Especially in the field of sports video, they want to watch a highlight video. Consequently, highlight video is used that the viewers decide whether it is valuable for them to watch the video or not. This paper proposes how to create soccer video highlight using the structural features of the caption such as temporal and spatial features. Caption frame intervals and caption key frames are extracted by using those structural features. And then, highlight video is created by using scene relocation, logical indexing and highlight creation rule. Finally, retrieval and browsing of highlight and video segment is performed by selecting item on browser.

Oh-Hyung Kang, Seong-Yoon Shin
The Information Search System Using Neural Network and Fuzzy Clustering Based on Mobile Agent

Nowadays, Internet is generally useful for intelligent information search system that would satisfy user’s need. But most of the current agents are each independent and depend on a platform in the information retrieval system. In addition, it is possible to get unreliable information in a distributed environment because of inefficient communication and cooperation among agents. To solve these problems, we propose the searching mechanism based on ontology using mobile agent which is platform independent and uses intelligent classifier among agents. This mechanism improves the efficiency of cooperation and information processing so that the user who requests for the location of information can find it accurately and rapidly. Our experiment showed that the proposed system provided higher rate of accuracy for searching information.

Jaeseon Ko, Bobby D. Gerardo, Jaewan Lee, Jae-Jeong Hwang
A Security Evaluation and Testing Methodology for Open Source Software Embedded Information Security System

Many of Information Security Systems (ISS) have been developed by using and embedding Open Source Software(OSS) such as OpenSSL. The “OSS-embedded ISS” should be tested and evaluated when it will be used as a security product or system for an organization. In this paper,we present a test and evaluation procedure for an OSS-embedded ISS, and ROSEM(real-time OpenSSL execution monitoring system) that is a testing tool in according to presented methodology. The main function of ROSEM such as an execution path generator for OpenSSL is useful for test case generation in the CC evaluation scheme.

Sung-ja Choi, Yeon-hee Kang, Gang-soo Lee
An Effective Method for Analyzing Intrusion Situation Through IP-Based Classification

Due to a false alert or mass alerts by current intrusion detection systems, the system administrators have difficulties in real-time analysis of an intrusion. In order to solve this problem, it has been studied to analyze the intrusion situation or correlation. However, the existing situation analysis method is grouping with the similarity of measures, and it makes hard to respond appropriately to an elaborate attack. Also, the result of the method is so abstract that the raw information before reduction must be analyzed to realize the intrusion. In this paper, we reduce the number of alerts using the aggregation and correlation and classify the alerts by IP addresses and attack types. Through this method, our tool can find a cunningly cloaked attack flow as well as general attack situation, and more, they are visualized. So an administrator can easily understand the correct attack flow.

Minsoo Kim, Jae-Hyun Seo, Seung-Yong Lee, Bong-Nam Noh, Jung-Taek Seo, Eung-Ki Park, Choon-Sik Park
A New Stream Cipher Using Two Nonlinear Functions

The most widely used digital mobile standards are GSM(Global System for Mobile Communications) and CDMA(Code Division Multiple Access). These systems use data encryption prior to data transference, but these stream ciphers used by data encryption are unsecured. In this paper, in order to protect more securely a data, we propose a new stream cipher based on the summation generator. The proposed algorithm uses four linear feedback shift registers as an input and takes the property of several keystream cycle sequences by usage more than two nonlinear functions, that is, an S-box and a nonlinear combining function. This property makes the proposed algorithm more secure against attack such as correlation attack.

Mi-Og Park, Dea-Woo Park
New Key Management Systems for Multilevel Security

In this paper, we review briefly Akl and Taylor’s cryptographic solution of multilevel security problem. We propose new key management systems for multilevel security using various one-way functions.

Hwankoo Kim, Bongjoo Park, JaeCheol Ha, Byoungcheon Lee, DongGook Park
Neural Network Techniques for Host Anomaly Intrusion Detection Using Fixed Pattern Transformation

The weak foundation of the computing environment caused information leakage and hacking to be uncontrollable. Therefore, dynamic control of security threats and real-time reaction to identical or similar types of accidents after intrusion are considered to be important. As one of the solutions to solve the problem, studies on intrusion detection systems are actively being conducted. To improve the anomaly intrusion detection system using system calls, this study focuses on techniques of neural networks and fuzzy membership function using the Soundex algorithm which is designed to change feature selection and variable length data into a fixed length learning pattern. That is, by changing variable length sequential system call data into a fixed length behavior pattern using the Soundex algorithm, this study conducted neural networks learning by using a back-propagation algorithm and fuzzy membership function. The proposed method and N-gram technique are applied for anomaly intrusion detection of system calls using Sendmail data of UNM to demonstrate its performance.

ByungRae Cha, KyungWoo Park, JaeHyun Seo
The Role of Secret Sharing in the Distributed MARE Protocols

In a mobile agent based distributed system, agents must survive malicious failures of the hosts they visit, and they must be resilient to the potentially hostile actions of other hosts. The replication and voting are necessary to survive malicious behavior by visited hosts. However, faulty hosts that are not visited by agents can confound a naive replica management scheme by spoofing. This problem can be solved by cryptographic protocols. This paper describes the role of cryptographic methods in the protocols for the MARE architecture, which is a fault-tolerant mobile agent replication system. In this system, secret sharing takes on an important role in facilitating mobile processes by distributed authentication.

Kyeongmo Park
Security Risk Vector for Quantitative Asset Assessment

There are standard risk analysis methodologies like GMITS and ISO17799, but new threats and vulnerabilities appear day by day because the IT organizations, its infrastructure, and its environment are changing. Accordingly, the methodologies must evolve in step with the change. Risk analysis methods are generally composed of asset identification, vulnerability analysis, safeguard identification, risk mitigation, and safeguard implementation. As the first process, the asset identification is important because the target scope of risk analysis is defined. This paper proposes a new approach, security risk vector, for evaluating assets quantitatively. A case study is presented.

Yoon Jung Chung, InJung Kim, NamHoon Lee, Taek Lee, Hoh Peter In
A Remote Video Study Evaluation System Using a User Profile

We propose an efficient remote video study evaluation system which is suitable to the personalized characteristic of the individual student using an information filtering based on user profile. For the setting questions to use the video, we extract a key frame based on the location, size and color information and extract a setting questions interval using gray-level histogram and time windows. Also, for efficient evaluation, we set questions which compose a category based system and a keyword based system. Consequently, students can enhance their study achievements as supplement to the insufficient knowledge and maintain their interest towards the subject.

Seong-Yoon Shin, Oh-Hyung Kang
Performance Enhancement of Wireless LAN Based on Infrared Communications Using Multiple-Subcarrier Modulation

Infrared communications employing the 4-dimensional Multiple-Subcarrier Modulation with fixed bias for wireless LAN is introduced. In the proposed system, computer simulated 4-dimensional vectors having the largest Euclidean distances are used. After the vectors are applied to the 4-dimensional modulation, the power and the bandwidth efficiencies of the infrared communication system are improved. From the performance evaluation results, the normalized power and the bandwidth requirements of the proposed system are improved up to 1.8 dB and 1.4 dB compared to those of the conventional schemes using QPSK, respectively. The proposed system needs less power and bandwidth for optical wireless connection to fulfill the requirements of the standard.

Hae Geun Kim
Modeling Virtual Network Collaboration in Supply Chain Management

This study is designed to suggest a collaboration network model and apply it to establish a desirable framework for the textile supply chain management. The challenge in textile supply chain management is the development of collaboration network which accommodates diverse concerns of various participants while explicitly recognizing interdependencies and promoting effective relationship management. Major contents of the study are as follows. First, ideal collaboration network model which can draw a positive collaboration from the supply chain of the textile industry is suggested. Second, utilizing the collaboration model, e-Textile Supply Chain Management (e-TSCM) is designed to improve customer services and delivery time, to promote information sharing, and shorten product life cycle time. e-TSCM is expected to promote corporate innovation and information sharing, generate infrastructure which reduces the gap of the competitiveness across the textile supply chain and enhance the collaboration, which in turn improve the competitiveness of the textile industry.

Ha Jin Hwang
SPA-Resistant Simultaneous Scalar Multiplication

The Simple Power Analysis (SPA) attack against an elliptic curve cryptosystem is to distinguish between point doubling and point addition in a single execution of scalar multiplication. Although there have been many SPA-resistant scalar multiplication algorithms, there are no known countermeasures for simultaneous scalar multiplication. In this paper, we propose an SPA-resistant simultaneous scalar multiplication algorithm using scalar recoding. The computational and memory overheads of our scheme are almost negligible.

Mun-Kyu Lee
HSEP Design Using F2m HECC and ThreeB Symmetric Key Under e-Commerce Environment

SSL(Secure Socket Layer) is currently the most widely deployed security protocol, and consists of many security algorithms, but it has some problems on processing time and security. This paper proposes an HSEP(Highly Secure Electronic Payment) Protocol that provides better security and processing time than an existing SSL protocol. As HSEP consists of just F2mHECC, ThreeB(Block Byte Bit Cipher), SHA algorithm, and Multiple Signature, this protocol reduces handshaking process by concatenating two proposed F2mHECC public key and ThreeB symmetric key algorithm and improves processing time and security. In particular, Multiple signature and ThreeB algorithm provides better confidentiality than those used by SSL through three process of random block exchange, byte-exchange key and bit-xor key.

Byung-kwan Lee, Am-Sok Oh, Eun-Hee Jeong
A Fault Distance Estimation Method Based on an Adaptive Data Window for Power Network Security

This paper presents a rapid and accurate algorithm for fault location estimation in a power transmission line. This algorithm uses the least square error (LSE) method for fault impedance estimation. After interrupting a fault, an adaptive data window technique using LSE estimates the fault impedance. Since it changes its data length according to the convergence degree of fault impedance, it can find an optimal data window length and estimate fault impedance rapidly. To prove the performance of the algorithm, the authors have tested relaying signals obtained from EMTP simulation. Test results show that the proposed algorithm estimates fault location by calculating fault impedance within a half cycle of the fault, regardless of fault type and various fault conditions. Compared to traditional techniques, it can protect parallel transmission lines more quickly and reliably.

Chang-Dae Yoon, Seung-Yeon Lee, Myong-Chul Shin, Ho-Sung Jung, Jae-Sang Cha
Distribution Data Security System Based on Web Based Active Database

The electric utility has the responsibility to provide a good quality of electricity to their customers. Therefore, they have introduced DDSS(Distribution Data Security System) to automate the power distribution data security. DDSS engineers need a set of state-of-the-art applications, eg. managing distribution system in active manner and gaining economic benefits from a flexible DDSS architectural design. The existing DDSS functionally could not handle these needs. It has to be managed by operators whenever feeder faults data are detected. Therefore, it may be possible for propagating the feeder overloading area, if operator makes a mistake. And it utilizes closed architecture, therefore it is hard to meet the system migration and future enhancement requirements. This paper represents web based, platform-independent, flexible DDSS architectural design and active database application. The recently advanced internet technologies are fully utilized in the new DDSS architecture. Therefore, it can meet the system migration and future enhancement requirements. And, by using active database, DDSS can minimize feeder overloadings area in distribution system without intervening of operator, therefore, minimizing feeder overloadings area can be free from the mistake of operator.

Sang-Yule Choi, Myong-Chul Shin, Nam-Young Hur, Jong-Boo Kim, Tai-hoon Kim, Jae-Sang Cha
Efficient DoS Resistant Multicast Authentication Schemes

To enable widespread commercial stream services, authentication is an important and challenging problem. As for multicast authentication, recently proposed schemes well-operate in adversarial network environment where an enemy can inject a large amount of invalid packets to choke the decoding process in the receivers, at the expense of a large communication overhead. In this paper, we present two efficient DoS resistant multicast authentication algorithms. To detect DoS attack, they require loose time-syncronization or delay of sending the packets, respectively. Compared with the previous schemes, they have much lower communication overhead and smaller computation cost on the receivers.

JaeYong Jeong, Yongsu Park, Yookun Cho
Development System Security Process of ISO/IEC TR 15504 and Security Considerations for Software Process Improvement

This research is intended to develop the system security process. The IT products like as firewall, IDS (Intrusion Detection System) and VPN (Virtual Private Network) are made to perform special functions related to security, so the developers of these products or systems should consider many kinds of things related to security not only design itself but also development environment to protect integrity of products. When we are making these kinds of software products, ISO/IEC TR 15504 may provide a framework for the assessment of software processes, and this framework can be used by organizations involved in planning, monitoring, controlling, and improving the acquisition, supply, development, operation, evolution and support of software. But, in the ISO/IEC TR 15504, considerations for security are relatively poor to other security-related criteria such as ISO/IEC 21827 or ISO/IEC 15408 [10-12]. In this paper we propose some measures related to development process security by analyzing the ISO/IEC 21827, the Systems Security Engineering Capability Maturity Model (SSE-CMM) and ISO/IEC 15408, Common Criteria (CC). And we present a Process of Security for ISO/IEC TR 15504. This enable estimation of development system security process by case study.

Eun-ser Lee, Malrey Lee
Flexible ZCD-UWB with High QoS or High Capacity Using Variable ZCD Factor Code Sets

In this paper, we propose a Variable ZCD(Zero Correlation Duration) Factor Code Sets. Additionaly, Flexible ZCD-UWB(Ultra Wide Band) with High QoS or High Capacity using Variable ZCD Factor Code Sets are presented with their BER(Bit Error Rate) performance in this paper. Flexible ZCD-UWB could be a very useful solution of the wireless home network applications (WHNA) having always High QoS or High Capacity.

Jaesang Cha, Kyungsup Kwak, Changdae Yoon, Chonghyun Lee
Fine Grained Control of Security Capability and Forward Security in a Pairing Based Signature Scheme

Recently, Libert and Quisquater showed that the fast revocation method using a SEcurity Mediator(SEM) in a mRSA can be applied to the Boneh-Franklin identity based encryption and GDH signature scheme. In this paper we propose a mediated identity based signature(mIBS) scheme which applies the SEM architecture to an identity based signature. The use of a SEM offers a number of practical advantages over current revocation techniques. The benefits include simplified validation of digital signatures, efficient and fast revocation of signature capabilities. We further propose a forward mediated signature scheme with an efficient batch verification and analyze their security and efficiency.

Hak Soo Ju, Dae Youb Kim, Dong Hoon Lee, Jongin Lim, Kilsoo Chun
The Large Scale Electronic Voting Scheme Based on Undeniable Multi-signature Scheme

In undeniable multi-signature scheme, a multi-signature can not be verified and disavowed without cooperation of all signers. The proposed voting scheme consists of four stages which are preparation, registration, voting and counting stages. Existing voting schemes assume that the voting center is trustful and untraceable channels are exist between voters and the voting center. To minimize the role of the voting center, the proposed scheme let multiple administrators to manage voting protocol. It also provides fair voting and counting stages. In voting and counting stages, a ballot can not be opened without help of all administrators. Before counting the ballot, they must confirm the undeniable multi-signature on it. Due to the undeniable property of the proposed scheme, voters can change their mind to whom they vote in registration stage. They can restart voting process by simply rejecting signature confirmation protocol launched by the voting manager.

Sung-Hyun Yun, Hyung-Woo Lee
IPv6/IPsec Conformance Test Management System with Formal Description Technique

To ensure the correctness of IPv6/IPsec implementations, it is very necessary to introduce the technique of “protocol testing”. Secure IPsec protocol on IPv6 are possible through proper use of the

Encapsulating Security Payload

(ESP) header and the

Authenticated Header

(AH). IPv6/IPsec test tools must be able to perform a wide variety of functions to adequately test its conformance on standard and validate mechanism on IPv6 devices. In this study, we developed

advanced conformance test management system

on FreeBSD 4.8/5.0 with

KAME kit

based on the compatibility function with TAHI project. Proposed system adopts

Formal Description Technique

for proving its correctness on overall testing sequences and suites.

Hyung-Woo Lee, Sung-Hyun Yun, Jae-Sung Kim, Nam-Ho Oh, Do-Hyung Kim
Interference Cancellation Algorithm Development and Implementation for Digital Television

In this paper, we introduce newly developed DSP HW and SW module which is applicable to DTV-OCR and for cancellation of the interference signal. In general, RF repeater has problems of system oscillation and signal quality degradation due to feedback interference signal coming from transmit antenna. In this paper, we demonstrate newly developed DSP HW and SW module for cancelling the interference signal by investigating the field data measured through a RF repeater. Also, the structure and signal processing method for non-regenerative repeater system based on the newly developed DSP HW and SW module is illustrated as well.

Chong Hyun Lee, Jae Sang Cha
Algorithm for ABR Traffic Control and Formation Feedback Information

The feedback control method proposed in this paper predicts the queue length in the switch using the slope of queue length prediction function and queue length changes in time-series. The predicted congestion information is backward to the node. NLMS and neural network are used as the predictive control functions, and they are compared from performance on the queue length prediction. Simulation results show the efficiency of the proposed method compared to the feedback control method without the prediction. Therefore, we conclude that the efficient congestion and stability of the queue length controls are possible using the prediction scheme that can resolve the problems caused from the longer delays of the feedback information.

Malrey Lee, Dong-Ju Im, Young Keun Lee, Jae-deuk Lee, Suwon Lee, Keun Kwang Lee, HeeJo Kang
Interference-Free ZCD-UWB for Wireless Home Network Applications

Interference-free ZCD-UWB for Wireless Home Network Applications(WHNA) are presented in this paper. Interference-free ZCD-UWB could be a very useful solution for an enhanced wireless home network applications having interference-cancellation property without employing complicated multi user detection (MUD) or other interference cancellation techniques


Jaesang Cha, Kyungsup Kwak, Sangyule Choi, Taihoon Kim, Changdae Yoon, Chonghyun Lee
Safe Authentication Method for Security Communication in Ubiquitous

Ubiquitous computing environment has a lot of different things as for applying existing security technical. It needs authentication method which is different kinks of confidence level or which satisfies for privacy of user’s position. Using range localizes appoint workstation or it uses assumption which is satify environment of client in Kerberos authentication method which is representation of existing authentication method but it needs new security mechanism because it is difficult to offer the condition in ubiquitous computing environment. This paper want to prove the result which is authentication method for user authentication and offering security which are using wireless certificate from experiment in ubiquitous environment. Then I propose method which is offering security and authentication in ubiquitous environment.

Hoon Ko, Bangyong Sohn, Hayoung Park, Yongtae Shin
Pre/Post Rake Receiver Design for Maximum SINR in MIMO Communication System

In this paper, we present a receiver for maximum signal-to-interference plus noise ratio (SINR) for MIMO channel in DS/CDMA communications systems in frequency-selective fading environments. The proposed system utilizes full degree of freedom in FIR filters at both the transmitter and receiver antenna array. We develope at our system by attempting to find the optimal solution to a general MIMO antenna system. Also we derive a single user joint optimum scenario and a multiuser SINR enhancement scenario and prove that the existing algorithm is a special case of our method. In addition, we propose a system which uses zero correlation duration spreading sequence, with which superior performance is guaranteed over the existing algorithm. Extensive numerical results reveal that significant system performance and capacity improvement over conventional approaches are possible.

Chong Hyun Lee, Jae Sang Cha
SRS-Tool: A Security Functional Requirement Specification Development Tool for Application Information System of Organization

An application information system (IS) of public or private organization should be developed securely and cost-effectively by using security engineering and software engineering technologies, as well as a security requirement specification (SRS). We present a SRS-Process that is a development process for SRS of IS, and a SRS-Tool that is a development tool for SRS in accordance with the SRS-Process. Our approach is based on the paradigm of Common Criteria (ISO/IEC 15408), that is an international evaluation criteria for information security products, and PP which is a common security functional requirement specification for specific types of information security product.

Sang-soo Choi, Soo-young Chae, Gang-soo Lee
Design Procedure of IT Systems Security Countermeasures

The developers of the security policy should recognize the importance of building security countermeasures by using both technical and non-technical methods, such as personnel and operational facts. Security countermeasures may be made for formulating an effective overall security solution to address threats at all layers of the information infrastructure. This paper uses the security engineering principles for determining appropriate technical security countermeasures. It includes information on threats, security services, robustness strategy, and security mechanism. This paper proposes a countermeasure design flow that may reduce the threats to the information systems.

Tai-hoon Kim, Seung-youn Lee
Similarity Retrieval Based on Self-organizing Maps

The features of image data are useful to discrimination of images. In this paper, we propose the high speed k-Nearest Neighbor search algorithm based on Self-Organizing Maps. Self-Organizing Maps provides a mapping from high dimensional feature vectors onto a two-dimensional space. The mapping preserves the topology of the feature vectors. The map is called topological feature map. A topological feature map preserves the mutual relations in feature spaces of input data. and clusters mutually similar feature vectors in a neighboring nodes. Each node of the topological feature map holds a node vector and similar images that is closest to each node vector. In topological feature map, there are empty nodes in which no image is classified. We experiment on the performance of our algorithm using color feature vectors extracted from images.

Dong-Ju Im, Malrey Lee, Young Keun Lee, Tae-Eun Kim, SuWon Lee, Jae-Wan Lee, Keun Kwang Lee, kyung Dal Cho
An Expert System Development for Operating Procedure Monitoring of PWR Plants

An expert system for operating-procedure monitoring during plant startup, from cold shutdown to power operation, has been chosen as the object of this study. The knowledge base for the system is principally derived from the written form of the standard procedures. The programmed procedures of the system are displayed on a CRT screen to assist the operators’ understanding. The main features of the system include the following: (1) computerization of the procedures for checking the initial conditions, the precautions, and the operational procedures; (2) plant status monitoring to detect any plant malfunctions or to help with the operators’ decision-making; (3) the provision of access to technical specifications of the CRT screen at any time during plant operation; and (4) easy prediction of the estimated critical point prior to reactor criticality, without complicated hand calculation. The results of system verification indicate that the system performs the intended functions, and can be used as an effective tool to minimize the operators’ burden during plant startup.

Malrey Lee, Eun-ser Lee, HeeJo Kang, HeeSook Kim
Security Evaluation Targets for Enhancement of IT Systems Assurance

The general systems of today are composed of a number of components such as servers and clients, protocols, services, and so on. Systems connected to network have become more complex and wide, but the researches for the systems are focused on the ‘performance’ or ‘efficiency’. While most of the attention in system security has been focused on encryption technology and protocols for securing the data transaction, it is critical to note that a weakness (or security hole) in any one of the components may comprise whole system. Security engineering is needed for reducing security holes may be included in the IT systems. This paper proposes a method for securing the IT systems. This paper proposes IT system security evaluation and certification for achieving some level of assurance each owners of their IT systems want to get.

Tai-hoon Kim, Seung-youn Lee
Protection Profile for Software Development Site

A PP defines an implementation-independent set of IT security requirements for a category of TOEs. Consumers can therefore construct or cite a PP to express their IT security needs without reference to any specific TOE. Generally, PPs contain security assurance requirements about the security of development environment for IT product or system and they are described in ALC_DVS (Development Security) family in the part 3 of the Common Criteria (CC). This paper proposes some security environments for development site by analyzing the compliance between ALC_DVS.1 of the CC and Base Practices (BPs) of the Systems Security Engineering Capability Maturity.

Seung-youn Lee, Myong-chul Shin

Information Security and Hiding (ISH 2005) Workshop

Improved RS Method for Detection of LSB Steganography

This paper presents a new dynamical RS steganalysis algorithm[1] to detect the least significant bit (LSB) steganography. The novel algorithm dynamically selects an appropriate mask for each image to eliminate the initial error. Experimental results show that our algorithm is more accurate than the conventional RS method. Meanwhile, the theoretical deduction of the length-estimate equation of RS method is given.

Xiangyang Luo, Bin Liu, Fenlin Liu
Robust Undetectable Interference Watermarks

We propose a digital watermarking method for gray-tone images in which each watermark consists of a collection of single points and each point is encoded in the spatial domain of the whole image. The method is somewhat related to physical digital holograms and interference images. Reconstruction of such watermarks is based on a similar principle as the reconstruction of physical holograms.

While encoding a watermark in the spatial domain one of the major problems is to avoid a textured appearance due to the encoding scheme. We avoid a recognizable pattern by creating pseudorandom keyed watermarks, which resemble random noise.

The method proposed yields robust watermarks that are resistant against many attacks which preserve the distance between points (filtering, rotation, JPEG compressing). The watermarking scheme provides means for detection and reversal of scaling transformations, thus making the watermark resistant to this attack.

The original picture is not required for reconstruction. The watermark is quite hard to detect, which prohibits easy violation of watermark protection.

Our method guarantees exact reconstruction provided that the watermark image consists of a limited number of white pixels on a black background.

Ryszard Grza̧ślewicz, Jarosław Kutyłowski, Mirosław Kutyłowski, Wojciech Pietkiewicz
Equidistant Binary Fingerprinting Codes Existence and Identification Algorithms

The fingerprinting technique consists in making the copies of a digital object unique by embedding a different set of marks in each copy. However, a coalition of dishonest users can create pirate copies that try to disguise their identities. We show how equidistant, binary codes that can be used as fingerprinting codes.

Marcel Fernandez, Miguel Soriano, Josep Cotrina
Color Cube Analysis for Detection of LSB Steganography in RGB Color Images

This paper introduces a new distribution model of RGB colors in RGB color images that can be easily breakable by LSB embedding. Regarding the RGB colors as the points of a 3-dimensional lattice space, we consider the noisiness of some special sets called the


-cubes. The model is based on the symmetrical patterns of noise vectors in some of the comparable


-cubes. Our new steganalytic technique based on the model, called by the color cube analysis, was capable to detect reliably the low-rate LSB embedding, even when it did not have any false detection, in our experiment.

Kwangsoo Lee, Changho Jung, Sangjin Lee, Jongin Lim
Compact and Robust Image Hashing

Image hashing is an alternative approach to many applications accomplished with watermarking. In this paper, we propose a novel image hashing method in the DCT Domain which can be directly extended to MPEG video without DCT transforms. A key goal of the method is to produce randomized hash signatures which are unpredictable for unauthorized users, thereby yielding properties akin to cryptographic MACs. This is achieved by encryption of the block DCT coefficients with chaotic sequences. After applying Principal Components Analysis (PCA) to the encrypted DCT coefficients, we take the quantized eigenvector matrix (8 × 8) and 8 eigenvalues together as the hash signature, the length of which is only 72 bytes for any image of arbitrary size. For image authentication, we also present an algorithm for locating tampering based on the hashing method. Experiments on large-scale database show that the proposed method is efficient, key dependent, pairwise independence, robust against common content-preserving manipulations.

Sheng Tang, Jin-Tao Li, Yong-Dong Zhang
Watermarking for 3D Mesh Model Using Patch CEGIs

This paper proposes a watermarking for 3D mesh using the CEGI distribution that is robust against mesh simplification, cropping, vertex randomization, and rotation. In the proposed algorithm, a 3D mesh model is divided into patches using a distance measure, then the watermark bits are embedded into the normal vector direction of the meshes that are mapped into cells with large complex weights in the patch CEGIs. The watermark can be extracted based on two watermark keys, the known center point of each patch and a rank table of the cells in each patch. Experimental results verified the robustness of the proposed algorithm based on watermark extraction after various types of attack.

Suk-Hwan Lee, Ki-Ryong Kwon
Related-Key and Meet-in-the-Middle Attacks on Triple-DES and DES-EXE

Recently, at CT-RSA 2004, Phan [14] suggested the related-key attack on three-key triple-DES under some chosen related-key condition. The attacks on three-key triple-DES require known plaintext and ciphertext queries under a chosen related-key condition. He also presented related-key attacks on two-key triple-DES and DES-EXE, which require known plaintext and adaptively chosen ciphertext queries under some related-key conditions. In this paper, we extended the previous attacks on the triple-DES and DES-EXE with various related-key conditions. Also we suggest a meet-in-the-middle attack on DES-EXE.

Jaemin Choi, Jongsung Kim, Jaechul Sung, Sangjin Lee, Jongin Lim
Fault Attack on the DVB Common Scrambling Algorithm

The Common Scrambling Algorithm (CSA) is used to encrypt streams of video data in the Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) system. The algorithm uses a combination of a stream and a block cipher, apparently for a larger security margin. However these two algorithms share a common key.

In this paper we present a fault attack on the block cipher which can be launched without regarding the stream cipher part. This attack allows us to reconstruct the common key and thus breaks the complete Algorithm.

Kai Wirt
HSEP Design Using F2m HECC and ThreeB Symmetric Key Under e-Commerce Environment

SSL(Secure Socket Layer) is currently the most widely deployed security protocol, and consists of many security algorithms, but it has some problems on processing time and security. This paper proposes an HSEP(Highly Secure Electronic Payment) Protocol that provides better security and processing time than an existing SSL protocol. As HSEP consists of just F2mHECC, ThreeB(Block Byte Bit Cipher), SHA algorithm, and Multiple Signature, this protocol reduces handshaking process by concatenating two proposed F2mHECC public key and ThreeB symmetric key algorithm and improves processing time and security. In particular, Multiple signature and ThreeB algorithm provides better confidentiality than those used by SSL through three process of random block exchange, byte-exchange key and bit-xor key.

Byung-kwan Lee, Am-Sok Oh, Eun-Hee Jeong
Perturbed Hidden Matrix Cryptosystems

We apply internal perturbation [3] to the matrix-type cryptosystems [



] and HM constructed in [9]. Using small instances of these variants, we investigate the existence of linearization equations and degree 2 equations that could be used in a XL attack. Our results indicate that these new variants may be suitable for use in practical implementations. We propose a specific instance for practical implementation, and estimate its performance and security.

Zhiping Wu, Jintai Ding, Jason E. Gower, Dingfeng Ye
Identity-Based Identification Without Random Oracles

This paper shows identity-based (ID-based) identification schemes which are provably secure in the standard model. The schemes are derived from Boneh-Boyen signature scheme, a signature scheme which is provably secure in the standard model based on the strong Diffie-Hellman assumption. More precisely, we present two canonical schemes, namely, a scheme which is secure against impersonation under passive attack, and a scheme which is secure against impersonation under active and concurrent attacks.

Kaoru Kurosawa, Swee-Huay Heng
Linkable Ring Signatures: Security Models and New Schemes
(Extended Abstract)

A ring signature scheme is a group signature scheme but with no group manager to setup a group or revoke a signer’s identity. The formation of a group is spontaneous in the way that diversion group members can be totally unaware of being conscripted to the group. It allows members of a group to sign messages on the group’s behalf such that the resulting signature does not reveal their identity (anonymity). The notion of linkable ring signature, introduced by Liu, et al. [10], also provides signer anonymity, but at the same time, allows anyone to determine whether two signatures have been issued by the same group member (linkability). In this paper, we enhance the security model of [10] for capturing new and practical attacking scenarios. We also propose two polynomial-structured linkable ring signature schemes. Both schemes are given strong security evidence by providing proofs under the random oracle model.

Joseph K. Liu, Duncan S. Wong
Practical Scenarios for the Van Trung-Martirosyan Codes

Traitor tracing schemes are used in to detect piracy in broadcast encryption systems, in case that a bounded number of authorized users are dishonest. In this paper we present, by solving a variant of the guessing secrets problem defined by Chung, Graham and Leighton [3], a traitor tracing scheme based in the recently discovered van Trung-Martirosyan traceability codes.

Marcel Fernandez, Miguel Soriano, Josep Cotrina
Obtaining True-Random Binary Numbers from a Weak Radioactive Source

In this paper, we present a physical random number generator (RNG) for cryptographic applications. The generator is based on alpha decay of Americium 241 that is often found in common household smoke detectors. A simple and low-cost implementation is shown to detect the decay events of a radioactive source. Furthermore, a speed-optimized random bit extraction method was chosen to gain a reasonable high data rate from a moderate radiation source (0.1


Ci). A first evaluation by applying common suits for analysis of statistical properties indicates a high quality of the data delivered by the device.

Ammar Alkassar, Thomas Nicolay, Markus Rohe
Modified Sequential Normal Basis Multipliers for Type II Optimal Normal Bases

The arithmetic in finite field




) is important in cryptographic application and coding theory. Especially, the area and time efficient multiplier in




) has many applications in cryptographic fields, for example, ECC. In that point optimal normal basis give attractiveness in area efficient implementation. In [2], Reyhani-Masoleh and Hasan suggested an area efficient linear array for multiplication in




) with slightly increased critical path delay from Agnew et al’s structure. But in [3], S.Kwon et al. suggested an area efficient linear array for multiplication in




) without losing time efficiency from Agnew et al’s structure. We propose a modification of Reyhani-Masoleh and Hasan’s structure with restriction to optimal normal basis type-II. The time and area efficiency of our multiplier is exactly same as that of S.Kwon et al’s structure.

Dong Jin Yang, Chang Han Kim, Youngho Park, Yongtae Kim, Jongin Lim
A New Method of Building More Non-supersingular Elliptic Curves

Non-supersingular curves are useful to improve the security of pairing-based cryptosystems. The method proposed by Brezing and Weng is computational inexpensive which can build suitable non-supersingular elliptic curves for pairing-based cryptosystems when the embedding degree is larger than 6. In this paper we propose a new method which extends Brezing and Weng’s method to generate more non-supersingular elliptic curves suitable for pairing-based cryptosystems. Furthermore, we show how our proposed method can be used in the method proposed by Scott and Barreto. Some examples are given to show that new non-supersingular curves can be built.

Shi Cui, Pu Duan, Choong Wah Chan
Accelerating AES Using Instruction Set Extensions for Elliptic Curve Cryptography

The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) specifies an algorithm for a symmetric-key cryptosystem that has already found wide adoption in security applications. A substantial part of the AES algorithm are the MixColumns and InvMixColumns operations, which involve multiplications in the binary extension field GF(2


). Recently proposed instruction set extensions for elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) include custom instructions for the multiplication of binary polynomials. In the present paper we analyze how well these custom instructions are suited to accelerate a software implementation of the AES. We used the SPARC V8-compatible LEON-2 processor with ECC extensions for verification and to obtain realistic timing results. Taking the fastest implementation for 32-bit processors as reference, we were able to achieve speedups of up to 25% for encryption and nearly 20% for decryption.

Stefan Tillich, Johann Großschädl

Modeling of Location Management in Mobile Information Systems Workshop

Access Control Capable Integrated Network Management System for TCP/IP Networks

This paper is on the functional architecture for the access control capable policy based network management system for TCP/IP enterprise networks. The network management system structures proposed in this paper works in parallel with the policy based real-time access control function to make the utmost use of the network resources and to provide a high-quality service to the user which is distinguishable to the network management policy for simple network infrastructure. This paper illustrates an effective interface and interworking functions among the policy server, the access control server, and the network management server. With the proposed policy based network management system, the network operator can recognize network problems in real-time and can effectively figure out how the network infrastructure should be reconfigured in order to resolve the problems.

Hyuncheol Kim, Seongjin Ahn, Younghwan Lim, Youngsong Mun
A Directional-Antenna Based MAC Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks

Directional antennas have been extensively used in designing MAC protocols for wireless ad hoc networks in recent years. Directional antennas provide many advantages over the classical antennas which are omnidirectional. These advantages include spatial reuse and increase in coverage range. One of the main considerations in designing MAC protocols for static wireless networks is to reduce power consumption at the sensor nodes. This is usually done by imposing transmission and receiving schedules on the sensor nodes. Since it is desirable for a sensor network to be self managed, these schedules need to be worked out by individual nodes in a distributed fashion. In this paper, we show that directional antennas can be used effectively to design an energy efficient MAC protocol for wireless sensor networks. Our MAC protocol conserves energy at the nodes by calculating a scheduling strategy at individual nodes and by avoiding packet collisions almost completely.

Shen Zhang, Amitava Datta
An Extended Framework for Proportional Differentiation: Performance Metrics and Evaluation Considerations

The proportional differentiation model is receiving a lot of attention recently as an effective solution for quantitative service differentiation in IP networks. we introduce the proportional differentiated service and its general framework. This general framework for proportional differentiated service in an IP network consists of three major modules at routers: the packet dropper, the packet scheduler, and the proportional policy unit. In this paper, we propose an extended framework for the proportional differentiated service based on the combination of TCP congestion control (TCC), active queue management (AQM), and packet scheduling to provide a unified, simple, robust, and scalable framework. In our opinion, an appropriate combination of the packet dropper and packet scheduler at intermediate router and the TCC reaction at source/sink system would provide an effective solution for the proportional differentiated service.

Jahwan Koo, Seongjin Ahn
QoS Provisioning in an Enhanced FMIPv6 Architecture

Mobility management and QoS provisioning are both key techniques in the future wireless mobile networks. In this paper we propose a framework for supporting QoS under an enhanced “Fast Handovers for Mobile IPv6” (FMIPv6) architecture. By introducing the key entity called “Crossover Router” (CR), we shorten the length of packet forwarding path before the MN completes binding update. For QoS guarantee, we extend the FBU and HI messages to inform the NAR of the MN’s QoS requirement and make advance resource reservation along the possible future-forwarding path before the MN attaches to the NAR’s link. We keep RSVP states in the intermediate routers along overlapped path unchanged to reduce reservation hops and signaling delays. The Performance analysis shows that the proposed scheme for QoS guarantee has lower signaling cost and latency of reservation re-establishment, as well as less bandwidth requirements in comparison with MRSVP.

Zheng Wan, Xuezeng Pan, Lingdi Ping
Delay of the Slotted ALOHA Protocol with Binary Exponential Backoff Algorithm

We propose a method to compute the delay of the slotted ALOHA protocol with Binary Exponential Backoff (BEB) as a collision resolution algorithm. When a message which tries to reserve a channel collides


times, it chooses one of the next 2


frames with equal probabilities and attempts the reservation again. We derive the expected access delay until an arbitrary message reserves a channel. Then the expected transmission delays for real time messages and non-real time messages are calculated analytically. The accuracy of our analytic model is checked against simulation.

Sun Hur, Jeong Kee Kim, Dong Chun Lee
Design and Implementation of Frequency Offset Estimation, Symbol Timing and Sampling Clock Offset Control for an IEEE 802.11a Physical Layer

In this paper, the simulation and the design results about the algorithm of symbol timing recovery and frequency offset using the PLCP preamble, and sampling clock offset using the cyclic prefix in time domain for an IEEE 802.11a high-speed wireless LAN modem are presented. The algorithm of frequency offset estimation and compensation for making the frequency offset converge fast below the allowable limit is proposed. For the efficient implementation of the algorithm, the method that H/W size can be reduced up to 80% in the cross correlation block is designed and the method for the high speed processing of the divider block in the phase estimation is designed. And the newly proposed sampling clock offset estimation method makes it possible to adjust the optimum sampling point.

Kwang-ho Chun, Seung-hyun Min, Myoung-ho Seong, Myoung-seob Lim
Automatic Subtraction Radiography Algorithm for Detection of Periodontal Disease in Internet Environment

In this paper, we propose an automatic subtraction radiography algorithm for detection of periodontal disease in dental radiography. For these goals, this paper proposes the method of an automatic image alignment and detection of minute changes, to overcome defects in the conventional subtraction radiography by image processing technique, that is necessary for getting subtraction image and ROI(Region Of Interest) focused on a selection method using the structure features in target images. Therefore, we use these methods because they give accuracy, consistency and objective information or data to results. In result, easily and visually we can identify minute differences in the affected parts whether they have problems or not, and use application system in a real-time internet environment.

Yonghak Ahn, Oksam Chae
Improved Authentication Scheme in W-CDMA Networks

In the W-CDMA network authentication, three nodes, the Mobile Station (MS), the VLR/SGSN, and the HE/HLR are involved. We propose another protocol which use public key in VLR/SGSN-HE/HLR link except for MS-VLR/SGSN link. W-CDMA network authentication procedure consists of two-stage. One is MS- Visitor Location Register (VLR)/SGSN link and the other is VLR/SGSN-HE/HLR link. Since VLR/SGSN link is based on implicit trust model, there exist security threats. To complement the threat, we propose two protocols using asymmetric key. First protocol uses asymmetric key in MS, VLR/SGSN, and MS. Second protocol uses secret key in MS-VLR/SGSN link, and public key in VLR/SGSN-HE/HLR link.

Dong Chun Lee, Hyo Young Shin, Joung Chul Ahn, Jae Young Koh
Memory Reused Multiplication Implementation for Cryptography System

In this paper, we simply present a memory reused multiplication implementation. This scheme could efficiently reduce the number of computations for cryptography system or other computation algorithms.

Gi Yean Hwang, Jia Hou, Kwang Ho Chun, Moon Ho Lee
Scheme for the Information Sharing Between IDSs Using JXTA

This paper proposes information sharing scheme which is able to change information between Information Security Systems (ISS) with/without changing network topology of ISS. Because it is impossible to communicate directly between adjacent ISS in current hierarchical topology network, we suggest a direct information sharing method using P2P technique based on JXTA. The advantage of this system can make direct communication among ISS without change of hierarchical network topology.

Jin Soh, Sung Man Jang, Geuk Lee
Workflow System Modeling in the Mobile Healthcare B2B Using Semantic Information

The UML activity diagram is useful to model business process and workflow for its suitability to present dynamic aspect of system. However, it is difficult to present precise semantics which is important in mobile workflow system with the guide provided by OMG to the UML activity diagram. This paper suggests mobile workflow system modeling methodology by applying ASM semantics to the healthcare B2B after extending semantics to corresponding workflow system characteristics. To extend the action node timing, the timing element and the state element of the action node are added. Through the exact definition of formal semantics based on ASM the efficient workflow modeling can surely be expected.

Sang-Young Lee, Yung-Hyeon Lee, Jeom-Goo Kim, Dong Chun Lee
Detecting Water Area During Flood Event from SAR Image

In this paper, efficient and economical methods for water area detection during flood event in mountainous area is proposed. To accomplish this, various case studies were preformed based on SAR image processing methods with the support of additional information such as Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM), Digital Elevation Model (DEM), and Digital Slope Model (DSM). As a result of various test2, the case when Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) image was classified with DSM applied by MIN filter gave the best performance, even in small streams of different elevation categories in mountainous terrain.

Hong-Gyoo Sohn, Yeong-Sun Song, Gi-Hong Kim
Position Based Handover Control Method

It is widely accepted that the coverage with high user densities can only be achieved with small cell such as micro- and pico-cell. The smaller cell size causes frequent handovers between cells and a decrease in the permissible handover processing delay. This may result in the handover failure, in addition to the loss of some packets during the handover. In these cases, re-transmission is needed in order to compensate errors, which triggers a rapid degradation of throughput. In this paper, we propose a new handover scheme in the next generation mobile communication systems, in which the handover setup process is done in advance before a handover request by predicting the handover cell based on mobile terminal’s current position and moving direction. Simulation is focused on the handover failure rate and packet loss rate. The simulation results show that our proposed method provides a better performance than the conventional method.

Jong chan Lee, Sok-Pal Cho, Hong-jin Kim
Improving Yellow Time Method of Left-Turning Traffic Flow at Signalized Intersection Networks by ITS

The main purpose of this paper is to present a method for determining yellow time of left-turning traffic flow based on dilemma zone concept. The results of comparative analysis show that estimated yellow times obtained from the model proposed in this paper are much different from actual yellow times obtained from the field. Actual yellow times are considerably shorter than the estimated yellow time. These results would be very significant for signalized intersection networks in terms of improving traffic safety and traffic signal operation. A method for improving yellow time of left-turning movement by Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) is presented.

Hyung Jin Kim, Bongsoo Son, Soobeom Lee, Joowon Park

Intelligent Multimedia Services and Synchronization in Mobile Multimedia Networks Workshop

A Multimedia Database System Using Dependence Weight Values for a Mobile Environment

This paper proposes a semantic-based video retrieval system that supports semantic-based retrieval of large-capacity video data in a mobile environment. The proposed system automatically extracts content information from video data and retrieves video data using an indexing agent. The indexing agent analyzes a user’s basic queries while extracting actual keywords from the queries. It then makes the meaning of key frame annotations more concrete through the use of dependence weight values. In addition, the indexing agent compares query images and database key frames through the use of the proposed binary-image histogram technique and retrieves the most similar key frame image that is displayed to the user. In the evaluation of a performance experiment, the proposed semantic-based video retrieval system shows higher retrieval performance than existing techniques in terms of scene retrieval from video data.

Kwang Hyoung Lee, Hee Sook Kim, Keun Wang Lee
A General Framework for Analyzing the Optimal Call Admission Control in DS-CDMA Cellular Network

This paper deals with the optimal Call Admission Control (CAC) problem in DS-CDMA cellular network supporting multiple traffic types with different Quality of Service (QoS) requirements. We present a general analysis framework to solve the problem, that is, Generalized semi-Markov Decision Process (GSMDP). It discards any restrictive unrealistic assumptions and therefore can be applied to any complex cases including non-Markovian environment. Besides, incorporating a weighted linear function of new call and handoff call blocking probabilities for each service type, we attain the goal of maximizing network revenue while minimizing the blocking probabilities. Finally, through a form of reinforcement learning algorithm known as Q-learning, the optimal policy is worked out with requiring neither explicit state transition probabilities nor any assumptions behind the network model.

Wen Chen, Feiyu Lei, Weinong Wang
Heuristic Algorithm for Traffic Condition Classification with Loop Detector Data

This paper presents a heuristic algorithm for detecting traffic conditions from loop detector information at signalized intersections. With use of the characteristic of occupancy data from each cycle, the algorithm determines the level of traffic conditions. Several variables were introduced for this algorithm, and the detailed descriptions of flow chart of the initial algorithm were included in this paper. The proposed algorithm has a simple logic, however, the performance of the algorithm could be improved by performing calibration or by introducing additional variables.

Sangsoo Lee, Sei-Chang Oh, Bongsoo Son
Spatial Data Channel in a Mobile Navigation System

With growing popularity of mobile devices and wireless communications, mobile location-based services that deliver location dependent and context sensitive information to mobile users are emerging as one of the hot topics of mobile. In this paper, we introduce a mobile navigation solution and discuss spatial data management strategies for mobile navigation service to answer the challenge of providing spatial map data efficiently. And a model, Spatial Data Channel, is devised for integrating various strategies including data preparation, transmission and management. Finally, we present some conclusions.

Luo Yingwei, Xiong Guomin, Wang Xiaolin, Xu Zhuoqun
A Video Retrieval System for Electrical Safety Education Based on a Mobile Agent

Recently, retrieval of various video data has become an important issue as more and more multimedia content services are being provided. To effectively deal with video data, a semantic-based retrieval scheme that allows for processing diverse user queries and saving them on the database is required. In this regard, this paper proposes a semantic-based video retrieval system that allows the user to search diverse meanings of video data for electrical safety-related educational purposes by means of automatic annotation processing. If the user inputs a keyword to search video data for electrical safety-related educational purposes, the mobile agent of the proposed system extracts the features of the video data that are afterwards learned in a continuous manner, and detailed information on electrical safety education is saved on the database. The proposed system is designed to enhance video data retrieval efficiency for electrical safety-related educational purposes.

Hyeon Seob Cho, Keun Wang Lee
Fuzzy Multi-criteria Decision Making-Based Mobile Tracking

In this paper, we propose a novel mobile tracking method based on Multi-Criteria Decision Making, in which uncertain parameters the received signal strength, the distance between the mobile and the Base Station (BS), the moving direction, and the previous location are used in the decision process using the aggregation function in the fuzzy set theory. In numerical results, the proposed method provides a better performance than the conventional method.

Gi-Sung Lee
Evaluation of Network Blocking Algorithm Based on ARP Spoofing and Its Application

Sometimes network resources including IP address, MAC address, and hostname could be misused for the weakness of TCP/IP protocol suite and the deficiency of network management. Therefore, there is urgent need to solve the problems from the viewpoint of network management and operation. In this paper, we propose a network network blocking algorithm based on ARP spoofing and evaluate the robustness of this algorithm via various experiments. We have performed several experiments on the gratuitous ARP exchange and IP address conflict detection in order to identify the robustness of the network blocking algorithm under both homogeneous and heterogeneous operating system.

Jahwan Koo, Seongjin Ahn, Younghwan Lim, Youngsong Mun
Design and Implementation of Mobile-Learning System for Environment Education

Amid the growing need for efficient and automated educational agents for mobile learning systems, learner demand for customized coursewares is increasing. However, many m-Learning systems that have been studied as of late have yet to support a mobile learning course in a seamless manner, thus failing to meet learner expectations. One of the problems of such m-Learning systems is their weakness in motivating learners, in particular, in the continuous feedback of the course. This paper proposes a mobile learning scheduling system that provides environment-related educational courses for learners. The proposed system monitors and evaluates the learning outcomes of learners on a continual basis, and calculates degrees of accomplishment in learning activities that will be applied to the agent’s scheduling in order to provide learners with appropriate courses. Such courses enable learners to experience vigorous learning activities through repetitive programs, according to their ability.

Keun Wang Lee, Jong Hee Lee
A Simulation Model of Congested Traffic in the Waiting Line

Congested traffic shows very complicated and stochastic features. One of the most interesting features is the amplification/decay of perturbations, indicating the development of small speed oscillation in the downstream into the large speed oscillation in the upstream. While traffic theories attempt to explain this phenomenon, the mechanism of the speed oscillation is not yet clear in the aspect of drivers’ behavior. Similar phenomenon is also found in a long waiting line such as in front of the stadium or theater ticket box. In this paper, the stop-and-go movement in the waiting line, which is relatively easy to understand than the vehicular movement, is modeled and simulated. From the simulation, it is found that the amplification/decay of perturbation exists in the waiting line and shows similar pattern as in the vehicular movement.

Bongsoo Son, Taewan Kim, Yongjae Lee
Core Technology Analysis and Development for the Virus and Hacking Prevention

In this paper, we try to construct the searching and treatment modules to count the malignant programs effectively so that the Worm virus detection & blocking program has the functions that it can check the files early to cope the Worm virus attacks by intercepting the value of interrupt vector table of memory structure for checking the action of viruses, and comparing with the character strings of virus. Also check the facts that files are deformed or not by generating the statistics sum of encrypting file and check the facts that files are infected or not by the pattern checking of all executable files.

Seung-Jae Yoo
Development of Traffic Accidents Prediction Model with Intelligent System Theory

It is important to clarify the relationship between traffic accidents and various influencing factors in order to reduce the number of traffic accidents. This study developed a traffic accident frequency prediction model using multi-linear regression and quantification theories which are commonly applied in the field of traffic safety to verify the influences of various factors in the traffic accident frequency. The data was collected on the Korean National Highway 17 which shows the highest accident frequency and fatality in Chonbuk Province. In order to minimize the uncertainty of the data, the fuzzy theory and neural network theory were applied. The neural network theory can provide fair learning performance by modeling the human neural system mathematically. In conclusion, this study focused on the practicability of the fuzzy reasoning theory and the neural network theory for traffic safety analysis.

SooBeom Lee, TaiSik Lee, Hyung Jin Kim, YoungKyun Lee
Prefetching Scheme Considering Mobile User’s Preference in Mobile Networks

This paper proposes a mobile computing prefetching method considering the user’s interest and the common popularity. For mobile computing environments, there exist restrictions as like bandwidth, latency and traffic. Since, in the present, we prefer the united multimedia mobile information service to the voice-based one, these obstacles are regarded as big problems. To solve those problems, a variety of techniques as well as caching or prefetching have been studied. However most of them are not sufficient in providing the amount of data that the user wants. We suggest a prefetching method to bring information early by using information about the user’s former interest and the popularity. Comparing to the previous methods in numerical results, the proposed method improves the prefetching performance to give the maximum effectiveness and reduces the failure rate of information searching.

Jin Ah Yoo, In Seon Choi, Dong Chun Lee
System Development of Security Vulnerability Diagnosis in Wireless Internet Networks

In this paper we design and implement the system that diagnoses security vulnerability in wireless Internet networks. The aim of the paper is to interpret the communication network related to security vulnerability reporting process, and focuses on how the information of a vulnerability is received and processed and how the information is managed after the reception in wireless Internet networks.

Byoung-Muk Min, Sok-Pal Cho, Hong-jin Kim, Dong Chun Lee
An Active Node Management System for Secure Active Networks

While conventional networks have functions such as queuing and delivering data packets only, active networks have been introduced and researched since 1990s, where they have additional functions such as performing operations on the packets being transmitted in the networks. Because of such versatile functions, active networks are obviously more complex than conventional networks, but raise considerable security issues at the same time. In this paper, we propose an active node management system for secure active networks that is based on a discrete approach which resolves the weak points of active networks. The proposed system provides the functions of node and user management in the active networks, and improves the security of packet transmission by packet cryptography and session management. We implement the proposed system and show numerical results on performance.

Jin-Mook Kim, In-sung Han, Hwang-bin Ryou

Ubiquitous Web Systems and Intelligence Workshop

A Systematic Design Approach for XML-View Driven Web Document Warehouses

EXtensible Markup Language (XML) has emerged as the dominant standard in describing and exchanging data among heterogeneous data sources. The ever increasing presence of XML web contents in large volumes creates the need to investigate Web Document Warehouses (WDW) and Web Document Marts, as a means of archiving and analysing large web contents for context-aware web/business intelligence. To address such an issue, in this paper, we focus on intuitively adopting our pervious work on XML-view based XML Document Warehouse design for building a Web Document Warehouse (WDW). To demonstrate this, here, we carryout a systematic approach to conceptual modelling and transformation of the warehouse conceptual model into a logical/schema (XML Schema) model and an in-depth analysis of deriving and querying context-aware WDW dimensions.

Vicky Nassis, R. Rajugan, Tharam S. Dillon, Wenny Rahayu
Clustering and Retrieval of XML Documents by Structure

We not only propose a method for XML document clustering using common structures but also show the application of our technique to XML retrieval. Our approach first extracts the frequent structures from XML documents by the decomposed method of tree. And then, we perform a new XML document clustering algorithm using common structures, which does not use measure of pairwise similarity between XML documents. The high speed and cluster cohesion of our clustering algorithm are shown in our experiment results.

Jeong Hee Hwang, Keun Ho Ryu
A New Method for Mining Association Rules from a Collection of XML Documents

With the sheer amount of data stored, presented and exchanged using XML nowadays, the ability to extract


knowledge from XML data sources becomes increasingly important and desirable. In support of this trend, several encouraging attempts at developing methods for mining XML data have been proposed. However, efficiency and simplicity are still barrier for further development. In this paper, we show that any XML document can be mined for association rules using only a specially devised hierarchical data structure called HoPS without multiple XML data scans. It is flexible and powerful enough to represent both simple and complex structured association relationships inherent in XML data.

Juryon Paik, Hee Yong Youn, Ungmo Kim
Content-Based Recommendation in E-Commerce

Recommendation system is one of the most important techniques in some E-commerce systems such as virtual shopping mall. With the prosperity of E-commerce, more and more people are willing to perform Internet shopping, which resulted in an overwhelming array of products. Traditional similarity measure methods make the quality of recommendation system decreased dramatically in this situation. To address this issue, we present a novel method that combines the clustering which is based on apriori-knowledge and content-based technique to calculate the customer’s nearest neighbor, and then provide the most appropriate products to meet his/her needs. Experimental results show efficiency of our method.

Bing Xu, Mingmin Zhang, Zhigeng Pan, Hongwei Yang
A Personalized Multilingual Web Content Miner: PMWebMiner

This paper presents the development of a novel personal concept-based multilingual Web content mining system. Multilingual linguistic knowledge required by multilingual Web content mining is made available by encoding all multilingual concept-term relationships within a multilingual concept space using self-organising map. With this linguistic knowledge base, a personal space of interest is generated to reveal the conceptual content of a user’s multiple topics of interest using the user’s bookmark file. To personalise the multilingual Web content mining process, a concept-based Web crawler is developed to automatically gather multilingual web documents that are relevant to the user’s topics of interest As such, user-oriented concept-focused knowledge discovery in the multilingual Web is facilitated.

Rowena Chau, Chung-Hsing Yeh, Kate A. Smith
Context-Based Recommendation Service in Ubiquitous Commerce

As Ubiquitous commerce is coming, personalization service is getting interested. And also the recommendation method that offers useful information to the customers becomes more important. However, the previous methods depend on specific method and are restricted to the E-commerce. For applying these recommendation methods into U-commerce, we propose a modeling technique of context information related to personal activation in commercial transaction and show incremental preference analysis method, using preference tree which is closely connected to recommendation method in each step. And also, we use an XML indexing technique to efficiently extract the recommendation information from a preference tree.

Jeong Hee Hwang, Mi Sug Gu, Keun Ho Ryu
A New Continuous Nearest Neighbor Technique for Query Processing on Mobile Environments

Recently, as growing of interest for LBS(location-based services) techniques, researches for NN(nearest neighbor) query which has often been used in LBS, are progressed variously. However, the results of conventional NN query processing techniques may be invalidated as the query and data objects move. To solve these problems, in this paper we propose a new nearest neighbor query processing technique, called CTNN, which is possible to meet continuous query processing for mobile objects. In order to evaluate the proposed techniques, we experimented with various datasets and experimental results showed that the proposed techniques can find accurately NN objects. The proposed techniques can be applied to navigation system, traffic control system, distribution information system, etc., and specially are most suitable when both data and query are mobile objects.

Jeong Hee Chi, Sang Ho Kim, Keun Ho Ryu
Semantic Web Enabled Information Systems: Personalized Views on Web Data

In this paper a methodology and a framework for personalized views on data available on the World Wide Web are proposed. We describe its main two ingredients, Web data extraction and ontology-based personalized content presentation. We exemplify the usage of these methodologies with a sample application for personalized publication browsing.

Robert Baumgartner, Christian Enzi, Nicola Henze, Marc Herrlich, Marcus Herzog, Matthias Kriesell, Kai Tomaschewski
Design of Vehicle Information Management System for Effective Retrieving of Vehicle Location

Vehicle management systems have been developed, which is based on conventional database. However, previous systems cannot efficiently retrieve location data of vehicles, because conventional databases did not take into consideration about property of moving object data such as continuously changing location overtime. In this paper, we design the vehicle information management system that is able to manage and retrieve vehicle locations efficiently in mobile environment. Our proposed system consists of vehicle information collector, vehicle information management server, and mobile clients. The system is able to not only process spatiotemporal queries related to locations of moving vehicles but also provide moving vehicles’ locations which are not stored in the system. The system is also able to manage vehicle location data effectively using a moving object index.

Eung Jae Lee, Keun Ho Ryu
Context-Aware Workflow Language Based on Web Services for Ubiquitous Computing

The services for a ubiquitous computing environment have to automatically provide users with adaptive services according to dynamically changing context information, which is obtained from both the users and their environment. Workflows used in business processes and distributed computing environments have supported service automation by connecting many tasks with rules and/or orderings. To adapt these workflows to ubiquitous computing, we must specify the context information on their transition conditions. In this paper, we propose uWDL, Ubiquitous Workflow Description Language, to specify the context information on the transition constraints of a workflow in order to support adaptive services. And it is designed based on Web services, which are standardized and independent of heterogeneous and various platforms, protocols, and languages. In order to verify the effectiveness of uWDL, we designed and implemented a scenario described with uWDL. And we demonstrated that the uWDL system provides users with autonomic services in ubiquitous computing environments.

Joohyun Han, Yongyun Cho, Jaeyoung Choi
A Ubiquitous Approach for Visualizing Back Pain Data

We describe a wireless enabled solution for the vizualisation of back pain data. Our approach uses

pain drawings

to record spatial location and type of pain and enables data collection with appropriate time stamping, thus providing a means for the seldom-recorded (but often attested) time-varying nature of pain, with consequential impact on monitoring the effectiveness of patient treatment regimes. Moreover, since the implementation platform of our solution is that of a Personal Digital Assistant, data collection takes place ubiquitously, providing back pain sufferers with mobility problems (such as wheelchair users) with a convenient means of logging their pain data and of seamlessly uploading it to a hospital server using WiFi technology. Stakeholder results show that our approach is generally perceived to be an easy to use and convenient solution to the challenges of anywhere/anytime data collection.

T. Serif, G. Ghinea, A. O. Frank
Prototype Design of Mobile Emergency Telemedicine System

High bit rate wireless cellular service using CDMA 1X-EVDO is now popular in Korea, particularly in urban areas, since it was launched commercially in 2002. This cellular service allows the real-time transmission of patient images and vital sign signals simultaneously in a moving ambulance application. In this paper, we designed a prototype emergency telemedicine system that can transfer both biological signal and patient motion video from a moving vehicle using a CDMA 1X-EVDO reverse link. To cope with the limited bandwidth of the reverse link (transmission bandwidth of cellular device) relative to the the forward link (receiving bandwidth), priority control between the vital sign and video images, frame rate control using MPEG-4 compression, and error control using automatic repeat request were incorporated into the application layer protocol of the designed prototype system. Many on-road experiments have been performed to evaluate the actual performance and to demonstrate the applicability in a real situation. In most cases, the biological signal and patient video images with reduced frame rate were successfully transmitted from the moving vehicle in urban areas.

Sun K. Yoo, S. M. Jung, B. S. Kim, H. Y. Yun, S. R. Kim, D. K. Kim
An Intermediate Target for Quick-Relay of Remote Storage to Mobile Devices

Requests for application services that require large data space such as multimedia, game and database[1] have greatly increased. Nowadays those requests locomote for various services using mobile devices. However, mobile devices have difficulty in sustaining various services as in a wired environment, due to the storage shortage of the mobile device. The research[5] which provides remote storage service for mobile appliances using iSCSI has been conducted to overcome the storage shortage in mobile appliances. In research we found that when iSCSI was applied to mobile appliances, iSCSI I/O performance dropped rapidly if a iSCSI client had moved from the server to a far away location. It occurred due to the specific character of iSCSI, which is very sensitive to delay time. In this paper, we suggest an intermediate target server that localizes iSCSI target to achieve a breakthrough against the shortcomings of iSCSI performance dropping sharply as latency increases when mobile appliances recede from a storage server.

Daegeun Kim, MinHwan Ok, Myong-soon Park
Reflective Middleware for Location-Aware Application Adaptation

Today mobile computing is pervasively taking over the traditional desktop computing. Mobile devices are characterized by abrupt and un-announced changes in execution context. The applications running on these devices need to be autonomous and thus dynamically adapt according to the changing context. Existing middleware support for the typical distributed applications is strictly based on component technology. Future mobile applications require highly dynamic and adaptive services from the middleware components i.e. context-aware autonomic adaptation. Traditional middleware do not address this emerging need of wide ranges of mobile applications mainly because of their monolithic and inflexible nature. It is hypothesized that such application adaptation can be achieved through meta-level protocols that can reflectively change the state and behaviors of the system. We integrate Component Technology with our active Meta Object Protocols for enabling mobile applications to become adaptive for different contexts. This paper implements the application adaptation service of this middleware. It specializes the concept of Meta Object Protocols for autonomic adaptation of mobile applications. ActiveMOP provide robust and highly flexible framework for autonomic component development for mobile applications. It proved to be a very simple and powerful way to programmatically develop location-driven applications based on autonomic components.

Uzair Ahmad, S. Y. Lee, Mahrin Iqbal, Uzma Nasir, A. Ali, Mudeem Iqbal
Efficient Approach for Interactively Mining Web Traversal Patterns

Web mining is one of the mining technologies, which applies data mining technique in large amount of web data to improve the web services. Web traversal pattern mining discovers most of users’ access patterns from web logs. When we understand the users’ behaviors, we can make some appropriate actions for different purposes. However, it is considerably difficult to select a perfect minimum support threshold during the mining procedure to find the interesting rules. Even though the experienced experts, they also cannot determine the appropriate minimum support to find the interesting rules. Thus, we must constantly adjust the minimum support until the satisfactory mining results can be found. This will waste a lot of time on these repeating mining processes with the same data. Therefore, many researchers pay attention to the interactive data mining in recent years. The essence of interactive data mining is that we can use the previous mining results to reduce the unnecessary processes when the minimum support is changed. In this paper, we propose an efficient interactive web traversal pattern mining algorithm to reduce the mining time and make the mining results to satisfy the users’ requirements.

Yue-Shi Lee, Min-Chi Hsieh, Show-Jane Yen
Query Decomposition Using the XML Declarative Description Language

Query decomposition is one of the most important phases of query processing in an integrated database system. A global query is decomposed into several sub-queries conforming to local formats, which can be used to extract data from distributed databases. In this paper a new query decomposition methodology for integrated XML databases is introduced. A special construction of mappings is also introduced, which provides information for query decomposition while efficiently avoiding data redundancy. Based on a set of given mappings, a global query is simultaneously decomposed into


sub-queries in one step, thus reducing time complexity. XML Declarative Description (XDD) – an extensible XML language incorporating a new variable class – provides the means to model as well as build the algorithms for the proposed system.

Le Thi Thu Thuy, Doan Dai Duong
On URL Normalization

Since syntactically different URLs could represent the same resource in WWW, there are on-going efforts to define the URL normalization in the standard communities. This paper considers the three additional URL normalization steps beyond ones specified in the standard URL normalization. The idea behind our work is that in the URL normalization we want to minimize false negatives further while allowing false positives in a limited level. Two metrics are defined to analyze the effect of each step in the URL normalization. Over 170 million URLs that were collected in the real web pages, we did an experiment, and interesting statistical results are reported in this paper.

Sang Ho Lee, Sung Jin Kim, Seok Hoo Hong
Clustering-Based Schema Matching of Web Data for Constructing Digital Library

The abundant information on the web attracts many researches on reusing the valuable web data in other information applications, for example, digital libraries. Web information published by various contributors in different ways, schema matching is a basic problem for the heterogeneous data sources integration. Web information integration arises new challenges from the following ways: web data are short of intact schema definition; and the schema matching between web data can not be simplified as 1-1 mapping problem. In this paper we propose an algorithm, COSM, to automatic the web data schema matching process. The matching process is transformed into a clustering problem: the data elements clustered into one cluster are viewed as mapping ones. COSM is mainly instance-level matching approach, also combined with a partial name matcher in calculating the elements distance metrics. A pretreatment for data is carried out to give rational distance metrics between elements before clustering step. The experiment of algorithm testing and application (applied in the Chinese folk music digital library construction) proves the algorithm’s efficiency.

Hui Song, Fanyuan Ma, Chen Wang
Bringing Handhelds to the Grid Resourcefully: A Surrogate Middleware Approach

This paper presents the design of a middleware approach that aims at assisting handheld devices in accessing Grid services by wrapping the computational and resource intensive tasks in a surrogate and shifting them to a capable machine for execution. The performance of the surrogate approach is evaluated with the help of a test scenario. The reduction in computational intensity at the handheld device, achieved through task delegation, is examined and the optimization of communication mechanisms, that reduce the load on a resource constrained handheld device, is presented.

Maria Riaz, Saad Liaquat Kiani, Anjum Shehzad, Sungyoung Lee
Mobile Mini-payment Scheme Using SMS-Credit

Mobile Phone has been widely used in the world and adopted in different application areas involved with SMS. SMS has been evolved for downloading logo, ring-tones, advertisement, security notes, and location based system. This paper describes an extension to current functionalities of SMS. “SMS Credit” is a prototype, which allows customers to perform electronic payment using their mobile phones via SMS without the need to modify existing devices or to acquire new equipment. Users simply send SMS to connect to the background GSM system and key-in the charged amount, their account will then be automatically credited once the transaction is authorized. Specific wireless terminal is installed at participating merchants and service providers, which allow customers to identify and authorize a transaction. Example scenarios on actual application on telecommunication and electronic commerce field will be discussed.

Simon Fong, Edison Lai
Context Summarization and Garbage Collecting Context

Typical ubiquitous computing environments contain a large number of data sources, in the form of sensors and infrastructure elements, emitting a huge amount of contextual data (called context) continuously that need to be processed and stored in some context repository. Usually, this data is for software system’s internal use to provide proactive services. Hence, it makes sense not to store this entire huge amount of data but to identify and remove some irrelevant data (garbage collecting context), summarize the left over and only store this summarized and more meaningful data. We believe that such a summarization will result in improved performance in query processing, data retrieval, knowledge reasoning and machine learning. Besides, it will also save the storage space required to store context repository. In this paper, we will present the idea and motivation behind context summarization and garbage collecting context and some possible techniques to achieve this.

Faraz Rasheed, Yong-Koo Lee, Sungyoung Lee
EXtensible Web (xWeb): An XML-View Based Web Engineering Methodology

XML is becoming increasingly a popular medium in industrial informatics for (a) storing and representing unstructured and semi-structured information such as web content and (b) messaging between heterogeneous data sources. For both these purposes it is important to provide a high level, model driven solution to design and implement websites that are capable of handling heterogonous schemas and documents. For this, we need a methodology, that provides higher level of abstraction of the domain in question (here the web) with rigorously defined standards that are to be more widely understood by all stakeholders of the system. To achieve this, in this paper, we propose an XML-view driven design and architecture solution (methodology) for web engineering called


. This methodology uses Object-Oriented (OO) conceptual modeling techniques in combination with proven higher-level web user interface engineering and data engineering techniques that provides a comprehensive, yet generic web design methodology. Also,


architecture utilizes XML technologies without requirements for a middleware and provides support for web portals.

R. Rajugan, William Gardner, Elizabeth Chang, Tharam S. Dillon
A Web Services Framework for Integrated Geospatial Coverage Data

This paper refers Web Coverage Service which provides geospatial data as Coverages that are geospatial information representing space-varying phenomena. It also takes care of Coverage Portrayal Service that defines a standard operation for producing visual pictures from coverage data. This paper proposes an interoperable and integrated coverage service. It takes international recommendations of coverage operations, WCS and CPS, on web environments and implements them in a single server system. For interoperability, it takes XML Web Services enabling cooperation of separate systems regardless of their platforms and languages. Through this paper, we are able to propose a prototype model for real geospatial services from an implementation viewpoint. It is expected that this endeavor can develop existing HTTP-based geospatial web services into XML Web Services, which enhances the Internet GIS services to give users fundamental benefits of ubiquitous accesses.

Eunkyu Lee, Minsoo Kim, Mijeong Kim, Inhak Joo
Open Location-Based Service Using Secure Middleware Infrastructure in Web Services

Location-based services or LBS refers to value-added service by processing information utilizing mobile user location. For this kind of LBS, the role of security service is very important in the LBS that store and manage the location information of mobile devices and support various application services using those location information. And in all phases of these functions that include acquisition of location information, storage and management of location information, user management including authentication and information security, and management of the large-capacity location information database, safe security service must be provided. We show the security methods for open LBS in this paper.

Namje Park, Howon Kim, Seungjoo Kim, Dongho Won
Ubiquitous Systems and Petri Nets

Several years before the popularization of the Internet, Mark Weiser proposed the concept of ubiquitous computing with the purpose of enhancing the use of computers by making many computers available throughout the physical environment, but making them effectively invisible to the user. Nowadays, such idea affects all areas of computing science, including both hardware and software. In this paper, a formal model for ubiquitous systems based on Petri nets is introduced and motivated with examples and applications. This simple model allows the definition of two-level ubiquitous systems, composed of a collection of processor nets providing services, and a collection of process nets requesting those services. The modeled systems abstract from middleware details, such as service discovery protocols, and security infrastructures, such as PKI’s or trust policies, but not from mobility or component compatibility.

David de Frutos Escrig, Olga Marroquín Alonso, Fernando Rosa Velardo
Virtual Lab Dashboard: Ubiquitous Monitoring and Control in a Smart Bio-laboratory

Our Smart Bio-Laboratory project seeks to deploy smart technologies pervasively within the wet laboratory to facilitate bio- scientists in their daily experimental activities. In this work, we develop a “Virtual Lab Dashboard” (VLD) platform for ubiquitous local and remote monitoring and control in a smart bio-laboratory. We have implemented a prototype VLD system that employs wireless mobile computing, Java, and LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP/Perl/Python) technologies to enable lab users to access different bio-equipments at different locations in different modes, showing that current wireless and embedded technologies can be effectively utilized to create a unique smart work space for scientific experimentation and research in the wet laboratories.

XiaoMing Bao, See-Kiong Ng, Eng-Huat Chua, Wei-Khing For
On Discovering Concept Entities from Web Sites

A web site usually contains a large number of concept entities, each consisting of one or more web pages connected by hyperlinks. In order to discover these concept entities for more expressive web site queries and other applications, the

web unit mining

problem has been proposed. Web unit mining aims to determine web pages that constitute a concept entity and classify concept entities into categories. Nevertheless, the performance of an existing web unit mining algorithm, iWUM, suffers as it may create more than one web unit (


web units) from a single concept entity. This paper presents a new web unit mining algorithm, kWUM, which incorporates site-specific knowledge to discover and handle incomplete web units by merging them together and assigning correct labels. Experiments show that the overall accuracy has been significantly improved.

Ming Yin, Dion Hoe-Lian Goh, Ee-Peng Lim

Modelling Complex Systems Workshop

Towards a Realistic Microscopic Traffic Simulation at an Unsignalised Intersection

In this paper we propose a microscopic traffic flow model to simulate the flow at an unsignalised intersection. The model is built on fine grid cellular automata (CA), and is able to simulate actual traffic flow. Several important novel features are employed in our model. Firstly, the average car-following headway (=distance /velocity) 1.5 seconds has been observed in local urban networks and this

1.5-second rule

is built to our model. Secondly, vehicle movement on urban streets is simulated, based on the assumption of velocity following a Gaussian (normal) distribution and is calibrated by field data. Thirdly, driver behaviour is modelled, using a truncated Gaussian distribution. Finally, the limited priority mechanism is involved in this paper. The model has been validated against real data for its several components.

Mingzhe Liu, Ruili Wang, Ray Kemp
Complex Systems: Particles, Chains, and Sheets

Particles, chains, sheets etc. are primary constituents to address complex issues in complex systems with appropriate coarse grained models. Flow in a driven immscible fluid mixture, film growth, protein relaxation, and dynamics of a self-avoiding sheet are used to illustrate specific issues as examples.

R. B. Pandey
Discretization of Delayed Multi-input Nonlinear System via Taylor Series and Scaling and Squaring Technique

A new discretization method for the calculation of a sampled-data representation of nonlinear continuous-time system is proposed. The suggested method is based on the well-known Taylor-series expansion and zero-order hold (ZOH) assumption. The mathematical structure of the new discretization method is analyzed. On the basis of this structure the sampled-data representation of nonlinear system with time-delayed multi-input is derived. First the new approach is applied to nonlinear systems with two inputs. And then the delayed multi-input general equation has been derived. In particular, the effect of the time-discretization method on key properties of nonlinear control systems, such as equilibrium properties and asymptotic stability, is examined. And ’hybrid’ discretization schemes that result from a combination of the ’scaling and squaring’ technique with the Taylor method are also proposed, especially under conditions of very low sampling rates. Practical issues associated with the selection of the method’s parameters to meet CPU time and accuracy requirements, are examined as well. A performance of the proposed method is evaluated using a nonlinear system with time-delay: maneuvering an automobile.

Zhang Yuanliang, Hyung Jo Choi, Kil To Chong
On the Scale-Free Intersection Graphs

In this paper we study a network model called scale-free intersection graphs, in which there are two types of vertices, terminal vertices and hinge vertices. Each terminal vertex selects some hinge vertices to link, according to their attractions, and two terminal vertices are connected if their selections intersect each other. We obtain analytically the relation between the vertices attractions and the degree distribution of the terminal vertices and numerical results agree with it well. We demonstrated that the degree distribution of terminal vertices are decided only by the attractions decay of the terminal vertices. In addition, a real world scale-free intersection graphs, BBS discussing networks is considered. We study its dynamic mechanism and obtain its degree distribution based on the former results of scale-free intersection graphs.

Xin Yao, Changshui Zhang, Jinwen Chen, Yanda Li
A Stochastic Viewpoint on the Generation of Spatiotemporal Datasets

The issue of standardized generation scheme of spatio- temporal datasets is a research area of growing importance. In case of the lack of large real datasets, especially, benchmarking spatio-temporal database requires the generation of synthetic datasets simulating the real-word behavior of spatial objects that move and evolve over time. Recently, a few studies have been conducted on the generation of artificial datasets from a different point of view. For more realistic datasets, this paper proposes a novel framework, called

state-based movement framework

(SMF) to provide more generalized framework for both describing and generating the movement of complexly moving objects which simulate the movement of real-life objects. Based on Markov chain model, a well-known stochastic model, the proposed model classifies the whole trajectory of a moving object into a set of movement state. From some illustrative examples, we show that the proposed scheme is able to generate various realistic datasets with respect to the given input parameters.

MoonBae Song, KwangJin Park, Ki-Sik Kong, SangKeun Lee
A Formal Approach to the Design of Distributed Data Warehouses

Data warehouses provide data for on-line analytical processing (OLAP) systems, which deal with analytical tasks in businesses. As these tasks do not depend on the latest updates by transactions, the input from operational databases is separated from the outputs to dialogue interfaces for OLAP. In this paper a layered formal specification for data warehouses and OLAP systems using Abstract State Machines (ASMs) is presented. The approach explicitly exploits the fundamental idea of separating input from operational databases and output to OLAP systems. Then it will be shown how this specification can be extended to distributed data warehouses.

Jane Zhao
A Mathematical Model for Genetic Regulation of the Lactose Operon

In this paper we construct a mathematical model for the genetic regulatory network of the lactose operon. This mathematical model contains transcription and translation of the lactose permease (LacY) and a reporter gene GFP. The probability of transcription of LacY is determined by 14 binding states out of all 50 possible binding states of the lactose operon based on the quasi-steady-state assumption for the binding reactions, while we calculate the probability of transcription for the reporter gene GFP based on 5 binding states out of 19 possible binding states because the binding site O


is missing for this reporter gene. We have tested different mechanisms for the transport of thio-methylgalactoside (TMG) and the effect of different Hill coefficients on the simulated LacY expression levels. Using this mathematical model we have realized one of the experimental results with different LacY concentrations, which are induced by different concentrations of TMG.

Tianhai Tian, Kevin Burrage
Network Emergence in Immune System Shape Space

We present a model which enables us to study emergent principles of immune system T-cell repertoire self-organisation, based on a stochastic cellular automata model of a simplified lymphatic compartment. An extension of the immune system shape space formalism is developed such that each activated effector T-cell clonotype and viral epitope are represented as nodes, and edges between nodes models the affinity or clearance pressure applied to the antigen presenting cell bearing the target epitope. When the model is repeatedly exposed to infection by heterologous or mutating viruses, a distinct topology of the network space emerges which parallels recent biological experimental results in the area of cytotoxic T-cell activation, apoptosis, crossreactivity, and memory – especially with respect to repeated reinfection. The model presented here is a stochastic agent-based approach, which allows a broad distribution of results to be studied by tuning crucial T-cell life-cycle probabilities.

Heather J. Ruskin, John Burns
A Multi-agent System for Modelling Carbohydrate Oxidation in Cell

A cell consists of a large number of components interacting in a dynamic environment. The complexity of interaction among cell components and functions makes design of cell simulations a challenging task for biologists. We posit that the paradigm of agent-oriented software engineering (AOSE), in which complex systems are organized as autonomous software entities (agents) situated in an environment and communicating via high-level languages and protocols (ontologies), may be a natural approach for such models. To evaluate this approach, we constructed a model of cell components involved in the metabolic pathway of carbohydrate oxidation. The agent-oriented organization proved natural and useful in representing three different views of the cell system (functional, dynamic, and static structural) and in supporting bioscientists querying a system very close to their mental model.

Flavio Corradini, Emanuela Merelli, Marco Vita
Characterizing Complex Behavior in (Self-organizing) Multi-agent Systems

In this paper, we show our work on characterizing complex behavior in self-organizing (SOMAS) and non-self-organizing (NonSOMAS) multi-agent systems. Through experiments and analysis, we investigate how Self-Organized Criticality (SOC) phenomena arise in SOMAS rather than in NonSOMAS. Furthermore, we compare the order of agent performance in the two types of systems and explain its implications.

Bingcheng Hu, Jiming Liu
Protein Structure Abstractionand Automatic Clustering Using Secondary Structure Element Sequences

To study protein clustering is very important in diverse fields such as drug design and environmental industry. For a meaningful clustering, protein structure must be considered. But, protein structures are very complicated and have so much information such as angles, 3-dimensional coordinates. Thus, it is not easy to efficiently compute their relations. In this paper, we present a method to efficiently abstract and cluster protein structures using secondary structure element sequences. Since a secondary structure element sequence is an abstract representation of protein structure, it can be regarded as a useful descriptor to cluster a set of proteins at the abstraction level. Using secondary structure element sequences and their distances, we implemented an automatic protein clustering system and verify their efficiency by experimental results.

Sung Hee Park, Chan Yong Park, Dae Hee Kim, Seon Hee Park, Jeong Seop Sim
A Neural Network Method for Induction Machine Fault Detection with Vibration Signal

Early detection and diagnosis of induction machine incipient faults are desirable for online condition monitoring, product quality assurance, and improved operational efficiency. However, conventional methods have to work with explicit motor models and cannot be used for vibration signal case because of their non-adaptation and the random nature of vibration signal. In this paper, a neural network method is developed for induction machine fault detection, using FFT. The neural network model is trained with vibration spectra and faults are detected from changes in the expectation of vibration spectra modeling error. The effectiveness and accuracy of the proposed approach in detecting a wide range of mechanical faults is demonstrated through staged motor faults, and it is shown that a robust and reliable induction machine fault detection system has been produced.

Hua Su, Kil To Chong, A. G. Parlos
Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2005
Osvaldo Gervasi
Marina L. Gavrilova
Vipin Kumar
Antonio Laganà
Heow Pueh Lee
Youngsong Mun
David Taniar
Chih Jeng Kenneth Tan
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Springer Berlin Heidelberg
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