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2024 | Book

Veränderte Stadterneuerungspolitiken in China

Politikübertragung und Politiklernen unter mehreren Hierarchieebenen


About this book

"Dies ist eine sehr reichhaltige Monografie, die auf einer beeindruckenden Feldforschung in China basiert und die ausgezeichnete qualitative und ethnografische Forschungsfähigkeiten, Forschungsintegrität und kulturelle Wahrnehmungsfähigkeit in der Analyse demonstriert. Dieses Buch wird einen großen Beitrag zur Literatur über Politiktransfer und -mobilität sowie über Stadtpolitik im zeitgenössischen China leisten, da es ein umfassendes Verständnis der konkreten Praktiken des Transfers und des Lernens 'vom Ausland' bietet."Claire Colomb, Professorin für Urbanistik und Planung am University College London, Großbritannien.
Dieses Buch untersucht das Konzept der behutsamen Stadterneuerung, ein Konzept der Stadterneuerung, das in den 1980er Jahren in Berlin entstand und Anfang der 2000er Jahre für Yangzhou, eine chinesische Stadt in der wohlhabenden Provinz Jiangsu, vorgeschlagen wurde. Das Buch geht der Frage nach, ob Wissen und Ideen, die in einem bestimmten Umfeld entstanden sind, auf einen anderen Ort übertragen werden können, der Tausende von Kilometern vom Ursprungsort entfernt ist, und ob sie die Möglichkeit haben, die Politik und die Praktiken der Zielstadt zu verändern. Das Buch zeigt, dass ausländische Ideen ehrgeizige Reformen der Politik einer einzelnen Stadt inspirieren können, dass es aber auch zahlreiche Herausforderungen für das politische Lernen und die Verwurzelung neuer Ideen in der lokalen Praxis gibt. Um diese Herausforderungen zu erforschen, wird in diesem Buch eine Analyse der Mikrodynamik des Politiktransfers entwickelt, die zeigt, dass es mehrere Hierarchien gibt, denen eine chinesische Stadt unterworfen sein kann und die zeitweise "Fenster für politisches Lernen" öffnen oder schließen.

Table of Contents

Kapitel 1. Untersuchung des Transfers und Lernens von Behutsamer Stadterneuerung in einer chinesischen Stadt
In this chapter, the author introduces the case of Yangzhou, very fruitful to explore the micro-dynamics of policy transfer in a case located in China – a country so far not so much explored by this literature. The author introduces the main research questions and anchoring of the research project – understand whether knowledge produced in one specific setting can find a valid application in another, very different one, and identify the characteristics of policy learning and policy translation by using a policy transfer perspective.
Giulia C. Romano
Kapitel 2. Ein Forschungsrahmen zur Erfassung der Komplexität von Politiktransfers
This chapter is dedicated to the theoretical and conceptual framework. The research benefitted of a double-level framework that combined a series of approaches to focus on the process of policy transfer from micro- and macro-perspectives. This framework helps take into account the multiple rationalities, interests and objectives that have an impact on the transfer process, attributable to various levels of the state as well as to the different professional and political positions existing in diverse departments and units of different government levels. To provide both a macro- and micro-perspective on the transfer and learning process, the framework combines Peter Hall’s conceptualisation of „paradigm shifts“, John Kingdon’s Multiple Stream Framework, and the insights of the sociology of translation.
Giulia C. Romano
Kapitel 3. Das chinesische Paradigma der Stadterneuerung in den frühen 2000er Jahren
In this chapter, the author introduces the practices of urban renewal in China in the early 2000s. It focuses on the plans and policies of the Old City of Yangzhou, as well as on the local practices of urban renewal and conservation. It also introduces the main structural forces that support these same practices, which are not only exclusive to Yangzhou, but can be found in many other localities in China. These forces can be ascribed to four major reforms introduced by the central government during the 1980s–1990s that considerably increased the competences of local governments in city development and pushed them to invest money and efforts in transforming substantially the aspect and life of Chinese cities.
Giulia C. Romano
Kapitel 4. Einführung eines neuen Paradigmas: Die Umsetzung von Behutsamer Stadterneuerung in Yangzhou
This chapter is dedicated to the project of international cooperation between GTZ and the Yangzhou government. It highlights the understandings that the German cooperation agency had of the problems of Yangzhou Old City, the solutions proposed and the activities conducted with the local administration. The author in particular dwells on the difficulties that emerged during the cooperation process, revealing the different positions of the local administration with respect to the protection and use of the old city of Yangzhou. Nevertheless, the project of international cooperation represented a very useful opportunity for the local government to engage in policy learning and experiment with new ideas.
Giulia C. Romano
Kapitel 5. Auf dem Weg zur Etablierung eines neuen Stadterneuerungsparadigmas
In this chapter, the author shows how foreign knowledge inspired reforms in Yangzhou. She focuses on the local process of policy learning and translation, dwelling on its challenges and on the factors that allowed for the opening of a policy window. Once urban renewal attained an important position in the local governmental agenda, the city government started an intense phase of revision of its urban renewal policies, which led to significant changes not only in the practice of urban renewal, but also in its goals.
Giulia C. Romano
Kapitel 6. Weder behutsam noch zerstörerisch: Befindet sich die Stadterneuerung im Übergang?
In this chapter, Romano illustrates the presence of twists and turns in the process of policy learning, showing first of all an initial phase of rejection – that halted the process of policy experimentation. However, later on the local government returned to apply a careful approach to urban renewal. This shift was due to the presence of different actors at different levels of the local administration, as well as to the emergence of new discourses of the central government. Nevertheless, when looking at the process from a broader perspective, the author argues that it is not possible to talk about a real paradigm shift as reforms supporting such type of change are still missing and depend on the willingness and capacity of the central government.
Giulia C. Romano
Kapitel 7. Schlussfolgerung
This chapter concludes the treatise by wrapping up the story of the transfer of Careful Urban Renewal to Yangzhou, drawing lessons from this case and reconnecting with the questions presented in the introduction. To this aim, the chapter proposes a discussion of the case study in dialogue with the literature on policy transfer introduced in Chap. 1, in particular David Dolowitz’s (Novos Estudios, 36(1), 35–56, 2017) recent treatise about policy transfer and policy learning, and Martin de Jong’s (Policy and Society, 32(2), 89–101, 2013) assessment of policy transfers in China. The case of Yangzhou can be understood as a ‚textbook case‘ for its similarities with the findings of the literature on policy transfers, but it also presents a number of aspects that analyses dedicated to policy transfer and knowledge utilisation have to consider carefully.
Giulia C. Romano
Veränderte Stadterneuerungspolitiken in China
Giulia C. Romano
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