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2017 | Book

Enterprise Drupal 8 Development

For Advanced Projects and Large Development Teams


About this book

Successfully architect a Drupal 8 website that scales to meet project requirements of any size and scope.

Starting with a one-chapter review of Drupal basics, you'll dive into deeper topics including software development processes, architecting a Drupal site, scaling Drupal, working effectively with themes, and more. In addition to a thorough discussion of custom module development and how to develop modules as building blocks, you'll also review many common ways of integrating Drupal with other 3rd party systems.

Building and maintaining an enterprise-ready Drupal website presents a unique set of challenges and complexities. From development processes and content management to deployments, version control and more, all aspects of Drupal development are impacted when two or more developers are on a project. If you are involved in a Drupal project that requires frequent updates and long-term support from a team of developers, system administrators, and end-users, Enterprise Drupal 8 Development is for you.

Whether you're an experienced Drupal developer looking to expand your skills, a systems administrator managing a Drupal project, or a PHP developer new to Drupal, Enterprise Drupal 8 Development will give you the knowledge and inspiration you need to manage large and complex projects.

What You'll Learn

Architect Drupal for development teams and apply best practices for large Drupal projects

Integrate 3rd party applications with Drupal

Manage content, code, and configuration across multiple staging environments

Build a consistent user experience for administrators and content creators

Who This Book Is For

The primary audience is intermediate to advanced Drupal developers who are working on large-scale Drupal projects and advanced PHP developers new to Drupal

The secondary audience is IT Professionals such as Systems Administrators managing Drupal projects

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Introduction to Drupal
This chapter provides a basic overview of what a content management system (CMS) is, how Drupal 8 fills the role as an enterprise class CMS, the major building blocks of Drupal 8, and how to create content on your new Drupal 8 web site.
Todd Tomlinson
Chapter 2. Building a Practical Software Development Process and Team
With the powerful capabilities that are available in Drupal 8 there is a tendency to jump in and immediately begin building before stepping back and defining the requirements and architecting an effective and efficient solution framework. It is an easy trap to step into, one that I have found myself victim to over the years, but in the end, taking time to define what you’re trying to build before you begin the development process will save you countless hours of rework and frustration as you try to maintain, support, and sustain a solution that is held together with duct tape and bubble gum. Another common approach is to simply move your web site from one platform to another, replicating the potential inefficiencies from one solution framework to another. The “paving the cow path” approach often results in a solution that works, but it typically fails to provide breakthrough capabilities that will differentiate your organization in its respective markets, and it will likely take more time to try to force fit your old site’s structure and components into Drupal, which in many cases is significantly different from an architectural perspective, resulting in a less than optimal solution.
Todd Tomlinson
Chapter 3. Engineering Drupal
Drupal is a powerful framework for building enterprise solutions that range from simple web sites to complex web-enabled applications. While Drupal 8 off-the-shelf could be used to build any of the broad spectra of solutions, there are best practices for engineering enterprise class Drupal. The chapter covers the key principles for determining the best approach, and the details involved in successfully engineering a solution that is scalable and adaptable.
Todd Tomlinson
Chapter 4. Creating Modules for Drupal 8
Although it is possible to build relatively complex Drupal 8 sites without ever having to construct a custom module, it is likely that you’ll need to create at least one custom module to fulfill functional or technical requirements of your organization as the complexity of your solutions increase. Examples of when you may need to step into the custom module arena include these scenarios:
Todd Tomlinson
Chapter 5. Drupal 8 Theming
Drupal themes represent the components of a Drupal site that render content on any browser equipped device in a visually appealing fashion. If Drupal is the cake, then themes are the frosting and decoration—they make your web site beautiful.
Todd Tomlinson
Chapter 6. Leveraging Your Content
In the book titled Magazine Editing and Production, published in 1974, authors J.W. Click and Russell N. Baird wrote that “Content is king. It is the meaning that counts. Form and technical considerations, although important, cannot substitute for content.” While Click and Baird’s book was written nearly 20 years before the launch of the Internet and 41 years before the launch of Drupal 8, the concept that content is king is on the minds of everyone who is responsible for building and maintaining web sites. If content is king, how can Drupal 8 help to ensure that the right content is in the right place, at the right time, and in the right format to entice visitors to find your site and stay there? That is precisely the question that this chapter addresses by looking at Drupal 8’s content staging, publishing, search, and multilingual capabilities, all of which are cornerstones in helping to ensure that content is and remains king on your Drupal 8 web sites.
Todd Tomlinson
Chapter 7. Optimizing Your Site Architecture
A poorly designed architecture will haunt you every day of your existence until you either perform major surgery on your site or start over from scratch. Over complicating your Drupal site’s foundation will likely result in frustrated content creators, poor performance, and maintenance nightmares. There is an easier way and that is to focus on the right architecture from the beginning.
Todd Tomlinson
Chapter 8. Integrating Drupal 8
In many organizations Drupal web sites often provide and consume content and services to and from external systems. Those systems may be other web sites, enterprise applications, or third-party services. Drupal has historically provided the ability to integrate with external systems through a combination of contributed modules, which have often been fraught with complexities that made it difficult at best to integrate with Drupal. Drupal 8 changes all of that with the inclusion of RESTful web services in core and they work beautifully.
Todd Tomlinson
Chapter 9. Building a Smart Administration User Interface
One of the often-overlooked areas of building and deploying Drupal sites is the site and content administrators user interface. We often focus on the “pretty” public facing side of the site and hastily throw together a basic off-the-shelf interface at those who are responsible for authoring and maintaining content, and those who manage the site. The result of our lack of focus on the backends of our sites is frustration by those who are key to the overall success of the sites that we build and deploy. Making it easier for content creators and site administrators to do their jobs is relatively easy and it’s the focus of this chapter.
Todd Tomlinson
Chapter 10. Scaling Drupal
You spend weeks and maybe months building a beautiful Drupal 8 web site and the day comes when you anxiously push the button to take your site live.
Todd Tomlinson
Chapter 11. Drupal 8 DevOps
DevOps is a term for common practices that have catalyzed into a movement that is rapidly spreading throughout the development community, and it not relegated just to Drupal development. DevOps represents the marriage of development and operations into a set of cultural philosophies, common practices, and tools that enable an organization to deliver applications and services at a velocity that most organizations have traditionally failed to achieve. Historically the time from concept to it being realized in software that is running in production was weeks, months, and sometimes years. While it may have been suitable in the past to deliver new solutions on a quarterly basis, in today’s world, you must deliver new capabilities in near real time or sit by and watch your competitors race by you. Today you may receive a new requirement on Monday morning with the expectation that the functionality will be deployed by end-of-day on Tuesday, and yes, Tuesday of that same week. The old culture, processes, tools, and siloed organizations will surely fail to deliver the solutions in timeframes that were unheard of in the past, but that are commonplace in today’s market.
Todd Tomlinson
Chapter 12. Migrating to Drupal 8
Migrating from one version of a software package to another is often a Herculean task fraught with problems, missed deadlines, and blown budgets. Drupal can fit into that category depending on the custom modules that you developed and the complexity of your site. Fortunately there are tools to help ease the burden of migrating a Drupal 6 or 7 site to Drupal 8, which is the focus of this chapter.
Todd Tomlinson
Enterprise Drupal 8 Development
Todd Tomlinson
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